(White Gardens)

Hat Kid teleports up to her ship with the Hallownest gang to find Bow Kid making Mu a bed out of her pillow pool.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hat Kid asks with displeasure.

"I'm making Mu comfortable." Bow tells her.

Hat Kid rips the pillow out from under Mu's sleeping head.

Bow Kid scoffs at her "She's just a child! You don't have to be so rude to her."

"Mu has tried to create a dictatorship with timepiece power, twice! She doesn't deserve such luxuries." Hat Kid says.

"I brought her on board and I'll figure out what to do with her. She's my problem, not yours; so leave her alone."

"Sure, whatever. We're going to Hallownest so get comfortable."

Mu wakes up for a moment to spot the Vessel standing next to Hat Kid and points at them. "G-Ghost, you're a b-bad guy." She says before falling back asleep.

Hornet looks at the Vessel. "I like that name for you, little vessel. Ghost. It fits well."

Hat Kid takes the timepiece she has out of her hat and stores it in the vault. She's so paranoid about her timepieces she doesn't even let Bow know the combination to the fuel vault.

Hat Kid approaches the pilot's seat and sets a course for Hallownest in the present.

She takes Snappy in her arms for the entire ride, just petting and cuddling him with a bit of sadness. "I didn't even ask to have you in my possession but I'm glad you did, Snappy, or should I say, soon to be Grimm's child."


"I know I know, but you'll be better off with someone familiar; then traveling the dangerous universe with me."

The ship arrives at Hallownest above Dirthmouth.

Hat Kid goes back to her room where Bow, Mu, and Hornet are resting. "I didn't even think to ask but... is Mu okay having traveled through time?" Hat Kid asks Bow.

"Yes, thankfully you didn't just split a child's soul." Bow says.

"If I don't contact you within 120 hours, you can take the ship and leave." Hat Kid says to Bow.

"Hey, don't say that; you'll be fine." Bow assures her.

"I try to be realistic and that's the reality I'm in right now. Just like the Snatcher's contracts, I committed to help save this ruined kingdom, and by time I know the TTA won't put themselves in danger to help Hallownest. If I die trying to do so then that's how it is." Hat Kid says.

Hornet approaches Bow as Hat Kid walks out of the room. "I'll do my best to keep her alive, so no need to worry." Hornet tells Bow.

"She can be so reckless sometimes so thank you for looking out for her." Bow replies.

Hat Kid and the Hallownest gang leave Bow and Mu on the ship, teleporting down in front of the grimm troupe tents. They see the former servants of the nightmares heart packing supplies onto carts. They enter the tent to find Grimm ordering troupe members around.

Hat Kid approaches Grimm with Snappy in her arms and lifts him up to her. "I want you to know that I'm grateful for your courage in the many situations we've been through. Especially back in that colosseum. You kept that timepiece safe from Tiso with your life like I asked you; possibly resulting in the safety of a lot of people. Thank you... for staying by my side."


Snappy snuggles her face and she gives him a truly genuine smile before handing him to Grimm.

Hat Kid begins shaking, "H-Here, take your kid before I cry."

"The child will receive great care under the troupe and myself. I have a gift for you." Grimm says pulling out a dark gray and red cloak. "It is a troupe cloak that I made specifically to suit you. It has no dashing powers like the one you have now but... it's warm and you can wrap yourself in it."

"You know... it's not often that I receive something that is meant to just be for comfort. Thank you, it's wonderful. Goodbye my friends, may we meet again in another time." Hat Kid says putting the cloak into her hat.

Hornet starts pulling Hat Kid away and out the tent's entrance. "We've wasted too many words. We've got a journey ahead of us; come on."

Hat Kid mumbles, "I think we've been through enough journeys."

With the vessel constantly following Hat Kid, Hornet takes the 2 to the ancestral mound.

While Hat Kid and the Vessel stare at each other for who knows what reason, Hornet chats with the Snail Shaman.

Hat Kid eventually speaks up to the Vessel, "So... what do you think, Hornet, has us doing here?" She says.

The Vessel does not respond. "Yeah, I don't know why I even talk to you."

"Hat Kid and Ghost! Step forward please." Hornet says.

They come forward and the Snail Shaman begins waving his staff around, causing dark mist to form around the time traveler and Vessel. The 2 collapse and their bodies shake as void mist from Hat Kid begins to flow out of her and into the Vessel. Hat Kid and the Vessel stand back up. "No pain I haven't felt before." Hat Kid says winded. "What did you do anyway?" She asks the snail shaman.

"The princess asked me to transfer your void powers to the Vessel. But do not worry, the void on your hat was very persistent to stay." The snail says.

Hornet walks over to Hat Kid. "Ghost has very well proven its strength by surviving that last planet we were on. I had those powers of yours transferred to them so that they can attune more with the void."

"I don't mind you giving the powers I gathered to the Vessel, but just warn me when you're gonna have voodoo magic swarm my body, ok?"

"Whatever you say, child." Hornets says.

Hat Kid grumbles, making a face at the spider's choice of words. "Let's get out of here, little Vessel. I'm following you from now on." Hat Kid says nudging the Vessel out the door.

The gang; now with one less member, has no choice but to follow the Vessel's instincts.

Hornet follows behind as Hat Kid follows the Vessel to the crystal peaks where it discovers the crystal heart without delay.

Soon after to the girls' surprise; at the Vessel's knowledge of things, it makes its way down to the Ancient Basin where they come across a long ridge with many spikes below.

"So what now, Ghost?" Hornet asks. Ghost begins charging up its crystal heart and booms across the spiked ridge.

"You think it'll come back?" Hat Kid asks Hornet.

"Perhaps, it's not like we have a choice to follow."

After waiting for a small amount of time, the Vessel returns; booming back across the ridge. The Vessel begins walking again with orange infection dripping down it's nail.

"You must've killed something right? Don't mind me, I'm just thinking out loud." Hat Kid says.

The gang ascends to the tramways and the Vessel swipes the tram key off of Hat Kid. "I'd be mad if I wasn't impressed that you know where you're going." She says.

The tramway takes them to the kingdom's edge where Ghost travels to the farthest reaches.

Hornet stops the Vessel in its tracks. "Hat Kid, leave us for a moment."

Hat Kid leaves with some relief of a break. While she chills just outside the room containing the Hallownest residents, she hears some fighting while she thinks about what she's going to do after stopping the infection, if she survives that is. She'll probably just go back to her normal time traveler duties... totally.

Hornet comes walking up to Hat Kid. "The Vessel is definitely stronger than I expected. It bested me in combat." Hornet says.

The world around them begins to shake. "Oh my, will you excuse me for a moment." Hornet says running back the way she came.

Hat Kid just goes back to her self thoughts without a care in the universe until the world stops shaking and Hornet returns with the Vessel.

Carrying on with the Vessel's instinctive journey, the tireless Vessel makes its way back down to the Ancient Basin with the girls following. "Back here again?!" Hat Kid complains.

They come up to a sealed door that opens before the Vessel. Entering the darkened land, the Vessel descends down the dark hole. Hat Kid prepares to follow but is stopped by Hornet. "It's pretty dangerous down there. Best leave it to, Ghost." Hornet tells Hat Kid.

Hat Kid sighs, "This journey with the Vessel has been quite boring I must say."

"This is not supposed to be fun! This vessel is our only chance to save the kingdom."

"But my amusement is at stake." Hat Kid chuckles.

"No cost too great." Hornet assures Hat Kid.

After some more waiting, the Vessel ascends out of the dark with its gleaming monarch wings. "Woah! Wings?! It's quite pretty I must say." Hat Kid says admiring the glow.

"Ghost... what did you discover down there in that place of darkness?" Hornet asks the vessel.

Ghost pays no mind to their sister's words and heads up to the ruins of the White Palace.

The gang comes over to the remains of the white palace in the Ancient Basin and the Vessel spots the white timerift in front of the ruins of the White Palace.

"Oh I remember coming across this rift... you want to go in there? I don't even know what's in there!" Hat Kid says concerned.

Without hesitation, the Vessel hops into the timerift.

"Why is this Vessel so reckless?!" Hornet says, questioning if this vessel has a mind to think.

"It's like me; but I wouldn't just go into a timerift unless I pretty much knew where it led... but for the sake of research I'm going in." Hat Kid says rushing through the timerift.

"Both those fools belong in the colosseum." Hornet says disappointed.

Hat Kid and the Vessel wake up inside the radiant white world. "It appears someone broke a timepiece and it malfunctioned, causing this palace to teleport into another dimension... never seen such a thing before. I'm learning new things all the time."

The Vessel and Hat Kid fight a kingsmould at the entrance before scaling the palace. "I really need to work on my parkour again!" Hat Kid yells almost missing a jump.

All the doors seem to be open, so after a few dangerous jumps through thorns and... buzzsaws?! Yes, buzzsaws you knew that. They make it to the top of the palace to find the Pale King resting on his throne with the timerift's timepiece. "This guy is giving off a power pulse similar to Hornet's weaker one."

They approach the glowing wyrm.

The wyrm looks over in their direction. "You there, strange one. You don't look like a bug, I command you to help me. I broke this strange device and it transported me, and my entire palace into this strange realm." The king says distraught.

"I can get you and this place back to the way it was in just a few moments. All I need is for you to hand that glowing device over to me." Hat Kid tells the king.

"Actually... I've had a lot of time to think while trapped, and... I have no desire to return to Hallownest. I gave my best effort to stop the infection and save my kingdom's people. I regret none of the decisions and where they've led. No cost too great." The Pale King says, taking the Vessel in his arms. "My child... or one of them." He puts the vessel back down. "That rusty old nail doesn't suit someone with the king's brand." The Pale King goes behind his throne chair and pulls out a gleaming bright nail. "A gift. For you who shall attempt the impossible... give that moth a good cut for me." He says winking at the Vessel. "Even if you succeed in the impossible task, the residents of Hallownest deserve better than me. If my daughter is still alive; which I'm sure she is, she'll make a great ruler. Vessel, I take it you are here for this." He says taking out his half of the kingsoul. The Vessel takes it and sticks it into its body. "And this is for you, stranger." He says handing over the timepiece.

"Alright, hold my hand, little Vessel." Hat Kid says, causing the Vessel to grab on immediately. She hits some buttons on her timewatch, leading the 2 of them to teleport out of the rift, closing it forever.

The Vessel comes out first and then Hat Kid with the timepiece. She places the timepiece into her hat for safekeeping.

The Vessel wastes no time in continuing its journey and takes the stag station to the resting grounds. The Vessel descending darks down a tight well that only it can fit through. "Hey! You better get back here right now." Hornet yells; echoing down the dark well.

After traveling through the gloomy and dangerous caverns below, Ghost emerges with a delicate flower in its arms. "Oh what a pretty flower. What's it for, Ghost?" Hornet asks.

Hat Kid crouches down to get a better view of the white flower. The Vessel pushes its arms out to Hat Kid with the flower in its hands.

"Oh, i-is this for me?" Hat Kid asks, taking the flower with care and a smile. The Vessel jumps back down the hole.

"I had a flower on my hat a long time ago but then it died. This one will be an excellent replacement. Wonder how long it lasts?" Hat Kid questions while she attaches the flower to the stripe of her hat.

"I have no idea but good for you." Hornet responds.

"You seem angry, why?" Hat Kid asks the spider.

Hornet sighs, "No reason, really."

The Vessel returns with another delicate flower and gives it to Hornet. "Serves you right to bring me one, Ghost." Hornet says with a light growl.

The Vessel goes back down the well and returns back with yet another flower and begins its long walk across Hallownest. Once making it all the way to Fog Canyon, the gang comes to an acid path with thorns hanging just above the acidic water. "I don't suppose we can all swim in this." Hat Kid says.

The Vessel begins charging its crystal heart.

Hornet cries out, "Ghost, you're going to hit the thorns!"

The thorny vines are no match for the Vessel as it pulls out its monarch nail and slashes through it with ease while crystal dashing across. "Oh, would you look at that." Hornet says surprised.

The Vessel crystal dashes back to the girls and takes their hands, charging its crystal dash once more.

"Oh dear..." Hat Kid says with a tired soul.

They blast off across the acidic waters with everyone's cloak and dress blowing through the air. They come to a sudden stop at the entrance to the queen's gardens. The Vessel continues it's dangerous walk with the delicate flower in its body.

"Onward!" Hornet says.

As they walk through the lush greenery, they come across some mantis... infected mantis. "Oh, the traitor tribe. I got slashed by some of these guys before." Hat Kid says. Her and one of the mantis begin a stand off. She charges a cyclone slash and the mantis leaps into the air; coming back down with a spinning slash. As that happens, Hat Kid dash cloaks past and releases her spinning attack, shredding the mantis's back as it lands and misses.

The Vessel also quickly cuts down a charging mantis while Hornet watches for its strength. After a few more mantis fights and parkour, the gang reaches a lone grave in the gardens. The Vessel puts down the delicate flower it was carrying next to the grave and more flowers bloom around it.

"Now this is some gentle magic. It's a nice break from all the violent kind." Hat Kid says.

The Vessel takes one more flower and puts it in its body. "Another? Who's that one for, Ghost?" Hornet asks. After no answer, which is what she expected, the gang continues the journey until they reach a void pillar. The Vessel jumps onto Hat Kid's back and holds onto her void hat. The two of them quickly turn to void and dash through the barrier.

"That's never gonna not feel weird." Hat Kid says.

Hornet taps the void barrier. "Yeah, I'm not getting through this. Just see what the Vessel wants over there."

Hat Kid and the Vessel come to a room that locks them in and a massive mantis comes crashing down from above. "The Traitor Lord, I take it?" Hat Kid says. She receives nothing but a vicious growl from the large infected mantis.

The Traitor Lord slams the ground; creating sharp air waves that fill the room and launch at the nail wielders. The Vessel takes Hat Kid's para-nail and jumps onto her, immediately shade cloaking through the air wave with her.

The Vessel quickly jumps off into the air and the Traitor Lord swings his left claw low at Hat Kid, prompting her to jump up just as the right claw comes swinging in. She has no choice but to catch the claw with her hands or be impaled.

The Vessel throws the para-nail at the mantis from above but the Traitor Lord swats the parasol aside and blocks the Vessel's incoming monarch strike as it latches onto his neck.

Hat Kid only hopes the Vessel helps in time as the Traitor Lord's claw gradually slices down her hands, cutting them open as she screams in pain and he laughs maniacally.

The Vessel stares into the Traitor Lord's eyes and abyss shrieks his head, having the void overtake his orange infected eyes and kill him from the inside out. The traitor Lord collapses.

"Now tHis is an adventure!" Hat Kid says kicking the Traitor Lord's fractured face. "I'm beginning to like the thrill of fighting..." She says looking at her sliced and bleeding palms.

As the Traitor Lord's body shakes on the ground, the Vessel carves his head off with its nail. "That's pretty brutal... I'm loving it." Hat Kid says with a smile, picking the head up. "I'm taking this to the Mantis Lords."