Sunday, March 22 2020

Good evening. It's Sunday today so I can say it's my most, lazieeeest day ever. I don't wanna do anything at all. Ughh. Can you imagine feeling lazy every Sunday? No, every daaaay? I'm doing noting yet I wanna keep doing nothing. I wanna go somewhere but I don't wanna do anything. I want to write a poem but nothing comes to mind.

Haha! Yes! I write poems too! It's been one of my favourite hobbies you know. It helps me calm my chaotic mind most of the time. I love, love, love expressing my feelings through simple words. Want some examples? Pfft. Noooo wayy. I feel like you'd be judging me! Now I'm anxious. Oh my gosh.

Oh! My mom's calling me for dinner time so I'll be going now. You also eat your meals!

And yes, I am talking to a piece of paper but who cares? Hahaha.

Your friend,