Thursday, April 09 2020

Good evening. Hello. Hey. Ahaha.. I feel awkward. And I hate the fact that I feel awkward towards you so I'll just start talking about whatever. Therefore, I'll be blabbering about something I too, am not familiar with but since I'm bored, deal with it. Hahaha.

Today is Thursday, I've told you that I'm a Catholic right? Well, in our religion we have this Holy Week that we celebrate. Maybe not all Catholics do it but it's pretty well known in my country, Philippines. I don't know if it's applicable to others. And honestly, I don't know what it is but it's being celebrated for a whole week starting Sunday.

What's actually the first day though? Monday or Sunday? Sometimes I just randomly think of that and I don't know why. Haha.

Going back, in this year of 2020, it started at April 05, Palm Sunday. Next is Holy Monday (06), Holy Tuesday (07), and Holy Wednesday (08). Now it's Maundy Thursday, 09.

You're probably wondering why the others were just 'Holy' but Sunday and Thursday have another name right? I don't know too so don't ask me. Haha. As for tomorrow it'll be Good Friday (10), and then Black Saturday (11). The end. That's one week.

And that's also the end of 'I-don't-have-anything-to-say-so-I'll-talk-about-whatever.'

Good night.

Your friend,