Choosing the lightning element

"???" Liu Yang was in doubt about why Shysha spoke lightning.

This means that he needs to be electrocuted in some way to feel the lightning with his body. That is very dangerous.

"Liu Yang, there is no one element easier than the other, but some are less painful than others. Discarding fire, wind, and water, only the earth and lightning remain."

"Shysha, why did you discard wind and water?" Liu Yang understood why she discarded fire, but the wind? And water? He did not understand.

"Liu Yang, feeling the power of the wind is not standing in front of a fan. You need to feel the natural power of the wind, in this small country town there is a lot of wind, but at this season of the year, there is none of that, which is why I discarded this option. Water can also be easy to think about, you thought about staying in the bathtub meditating, right?"

"Yes. So, I'll be around the water, right? I will be able to feel your power "Liu Yang found this thought quite logical.

"This could be true if it were some other place without any kind of restrictive spells" Shysha replied. She knows more about water than Liu Yang.

"Restrictive spells? What kind of restrictive spells? "Liu Yang was very surprised to hear that kind of thing. He never thought there was any kind of restrictive spell in his city.

"Liu Yang, you may not know this, or you already do, but you never thought about it. I already told you about the Chinese clans, right?"

"You said that they are the groups that solve problems related to beings other than humans"

"Liu Yang, what would happen if a lot of people who are not from these clans learn about magic? What kind of situation can this cause? A world where only a small part knows about it, what can happen if many people start to learn about it?" Shysha asked seriously.

"It could cause a lot of chaos and destruction. Many people can be hurt if magic is used for bad things." Liu Yang replied. He understood that the world could change if information about magic and other types of creatures were exposed to the world.

"Liu Yang, you are just kind of right. There is yet another truth about this. The big shots that keep these secrets will never let others compete with them for resources. The cultivation web novels that you read every day have mentioned about that, right? The more cultivators, the greater the competition for resources"

"Yes. I know about that. The big shots will prevent new cultivators from appearing so they don't have to compete with new cultivators."

"This is the most important point. The same training resources that a cultivator uses in China, a Knight, Paladin, or Mage in Europe can use as well. They are the same things. Thus, more competition is bad for everyone. Liu Yang, I need to warn you again about this. Don't let anyone find out that you are a cultivator, otherwise, you could be hunted and killed."

Shysha looked at Liu Yang in the eye and warned solemnly. She knows very well how the world works.

Since Liu Yang is just a newbie and very weak, if he is killed, she will also die because the two are linked. So she needs to teach him to be very careful about this.

"Shysha, I understand the seriousness of the situation." Liu Yang knows how serious his situation is. He is too weak to be able to fight the clans.

"I hope you really understand about this." She commented again.

"Shysha, leaving that aside. What is this restrictive spell that you spoke about? "

"Liu Yang, China's clans have placed a world energy restrictive spell on water reservoirs. This restrictive spell draws energy from the world contained in the water, so there is nothing natural energy in the water, and the only way you can feel the power of the water element is to try to feel something when you drink the water. For at that moment, water enters your body and there are certain chances that the power within your body will be synchronized, but this is difficult to do."

"I see ... So how do the earth and lightning work?" As these two elements remained, Liu Yang had to choose one of them.

"The earth, you just need to lie on the ground and try to feel your body, but it needs to be the natural earth and not the one that is mixed with cement and asphalt. The only way to activate the earth element is to go to the mountains and we don't have time for that. The only option left is lightning."

"But to activate the lightning element, I need to be electrocuted by lightning, right?"

"Yes. But did you forget what I said before? The elements can be synchronized with the energies within your body. Each living being has these energies, but they are very scarce and to make matters worse, this city has a great shortage of world energy because several spells absorb almost everything and leave only a little rest to flow"

"Shysha, do you mean that any kind of lightning can serve to activate the element within my body?" Liu Yang finally understood.

"Yes. That's why I said lightning is right for you. Water could, too, but you would have to drink a lot of water and try to synchronize with the element within your body. But Liu Yang, you also need to know that these things I'm talking about are only for Shaman training. Knight, Mage, Cultivator, Berserk, and Druid training are other methods." She warned.

"I figured that would be the case. If the same method could train all types of powerful beings, it would have been long overdue"

"Liu Yang, you are right about that though. Let's stop hitting the bushes and start your training. Liu Yang, I need you to get a fork or something copper that fits that power plug." Shysha pointed to the socket on the wall.

"Shysha, is my training to take an electric shock with my body?" Liu Yang understood why she ordered the item.

"Yes. I said before, right? You need to feel the power of the element within your body and the best way to activate this is to synchronize. Electric shocks are also part of the element of lightning, even though they are artificial and less powerful when compared to lightning in the sky."

"OK. I'll do it "Liu Yang went to the kitchen to get a metal fork before heading back to his room.

"Liu Yang before doing that. Try to prepare yourself mentally, as it will be a little uncomfortable for you to feel electric shocks pass through your body several times. You probably won't be able to do that the first time." Shysha did not believe that Liu Yang had the talent to be able to feel the power of lightning on the first attempt, so she already warned him about it.

"I know that"