Finally!! The first stage

Liu Yang's mind was completely focused on refining the energies within his body that he didn't even notice the strange things that were going on in his arm. The jewelry on the wooden bracelet was shining brightly.

Nor did Shysha realize what was happening because she was sleeping soundly in the bed without caring what Liu Yang was doing.

So the glow continued for some time before it stopped. But inside Liu Yang's body, something was happening.

"Ten complete cycles… But no drops have been formed, the only thing I'm seeing are threads of energy coming together, but nothing formed… Is this the real test? Do I need to be able to put all those threads together and condense them into a drop of energy? " Liu Yang asked himself.

Currently, he was looking into his own body using the meditation technique that Shysha taught him. Liu Yang was very shocked when using the technique for the first time.

The images around the dantian were beautiful with several yellow-colored threads thinner than a hair circling inside his dantian, but none of them managed to come together to form a drop of liquid. The threads were all scattered across the dantian at random.

This is Liu Yang's real test. He needs to bring all of these energy threads together to form his first drop of energy.

When he succeeds in doing so, Liu Yang will be considered a true cultivator. That is, he will be at the low level of the Natural Harmony Stage of the Shaman training.

"How am I going to put all these energy threads together? I can only gather about twenty threads before I get tired. It looks like there are a total of one hundred threads, how long will it take me to get all the threads together?" Liu Yang didn't know how he was going to do this. He just knows that he must do this.

"It seems that the only way to do that is to endure the boredom and join the threads slowly..." Liu Yang murmured.

"I will start with that thread and join it with the wires around it" He concentrated on the first energy threads.

The energy thread was moved slowly towards the nearest thread. When the two touch, they begin to blend together to form a slightly thicker thread.

Liu Yang had to keep his concentration to the maximum when he did this. Because something can go wrong and the threads will separate.

When the two threads were merged, the new thread was a little thicker and shinier. The difference was barely noticeable, but there was still a difference.

Then, the closest thread was the second target.

Liu Yang slowly moved the new energy thread towards the others to absorb them as well.

This task was very tedious and tiring.

The mind needs to be as concentrated as possible to control the thicker energy thread. The more threads were absorbed, the brighter and thicker the thread became. And more concentration Liu Yang needs to have to control the thread.

Liu Yang doesn't know how much time has passed since he started doing this. The only thing he knows is that several hours have passed.

Unfortunately, during attempts to gather a hundred strands of energy, Liu Yang failed several times. Whenever he failed, the threads were separated again. Fortunately, not all threads were separated, some are still mixed.

If that didn't happen, Liu Yang would already be crying.

A few more hours later ...

Liu Yang was already on thread number 99 and reaching 100.

"There is only one more thread left and I will finally complete the initial training" Liu Yang was happy, but he did not dare to make sudden movements or get too excited to avoid causing problems and having to redo things.

The current energy thread was like a small ball of yellow light about the size of a needle's head. The threads came together and took on the shape of a ball over time.

The ball of yellow light traveled slowly towards the last threads of energy. Liu Yang did not want to rush to avoid problems.

The instant the ball of yellow light touched the threads, the threads began to be absorbed slowly.

Liu Yang looked at that scene with nervousness in his eyes.

As the energy thread is absorbed by the yellow ball of light, the ball of light has become brighter by the moment.

Zzzzzzzz !!!

Sizzling sounds were heard when the thread was finally absorbed by the ball of yellow light. The brightness was much stronger than before, but for some reason, the brightness was slowly decreasing.

The original shape of the ball has been revealed. A drop.

A drop of some yellow liquid was shown. If someone looked more closely at that small drop the size of the head of a needle, that person would see some golden rays inside.

"I finally made it… It was really tiring and tedious. And I don't even know how many hours have passed since the time I started..." Liu Yang was mentally exhausted. He couldn't even bear to continue doing this for a few more minutes.

The instant Liu Yang combined all the energy strands into one drop of golden liquid. Something surprising happened.

The dantian started to shine brightly, a hot and powerful energy spread through every part of Liu Yang's body. He felt his body warm and much stronger than before.

The strengthening only stopped a few moments later. The drop in energy lost its shine a little, but it was still brilliant.

At the same time, a strange sensation was felt. His body seemed more sensitive to the element of lightning.

"This feeling is incredible !!! I never felt that before !!! " Liu Yang was very excited. He finally completed the first step of his Shaman training.

After a month of training, Liu Yang finally reached the first stage, the low level of the Natural Harmony Stage.

His joy lasted because he was replaced by doubt.

"But what do I do now? Should I control the drop and move it somewhere? In some cultivation novels, the cultivator needs to guide this drop to someplace in the dantian, but where to? There is nothing on my dantian, just that little yellow drop." Liu Yang thought. He doesn't know what to do because Shysha didn't say what he should do next.

"I'll ask her tomorrow when she wakes up" Liu Yang looked quickly at the small golden drop and moved it to the center of his dantian. After he saw nothing wrong, Liu Yang came out of his body.

But a strange scene happened after Liu Yang left, a few strands of bright golden energy appeared outside his dantian. In the next instant, these threads begin to enter and wander aimlessly through the dantian, but none of these threads merge with the golden drop. The threads only wandered around the golden drop.

The golden drop is like the sun and the threads are like planets around it.