Do you believe in fate?

"Aquatic Protection !!!!" Yao Ming screamed with all his might and used the power of the water element to create a powerful barrier in front of him to block the powerful golden lightning sphere going towards him at great speed.

The power contained in the golden lightning ball startled Yao Ming, he did not know who the other side was. So he had to use all his strength to protect himself.

The water rose and quickly formed a thick barrier of water in front of him. The whirlpool was stopped and the water was also used to supply the barrier.

Shysha's body fell into the water like a stone.


Fortunately, she fell with her body facing upwards. Otherwise, she would have serious problems.

"Ahhh!!!!" Yao Ming screamed with all his might when he saw the ball of golden lightning approaching.

Booooooooooom !!!!!!!!!!

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!!

A powerful explosion occurred when the golden lightning ball hit the water barrier. A lot of water vapor appeared when the water evaporated because of the heat.

As water is a great conductor of electricity and adding to the increased power because of the crystals. The remaining electrical rays were scattered throughout the site.

Shysha was also being hit by these rays, fortunately, the energy was low and it stimulated her body. She started coughing involuntarily and the water inside her lungs was coming out.

No sound was made by Yao Ming, the only thing that could be heard was the water moving and falling to the ground. He seemed to be very quiet.

When the water vapor was blown by the wind, an unbelievable scene was shown.

Legs. Two legs were shown, but there were only two legs with the top burnt. From the knee up there was nothing else.

Yao Ming's body was completely destroyed in the explosion along with the barrier. But how was that possible?

"Shysha !!!!!" Liu Yang shouted with all his might. He appeared at the scene, but his appearance was deplorable.

Torn clothes and various parts of his body were bleeding.

The worst part was his two hands. They were almost completely destroyed and burned. Many parts had only the bone.

The power of the lightning contained in the lightning ball was too great for him to withstand.

Liu Yang only held on because it was an external power and not his.

"Shysha ..." Liu Yang felt pain in his heart when he saw the beautiful young woman with black hair lying in the water as if she were dead. She didn't move or do anything. He even forgot that her golden hair turned black.

Splash ... Splash ...

"You are still alive..." He ignored her pain and placed his almost charred finger in front of her nose. Feeling her breath, Liu Yang finally calmed down.

Splash ...

Liu Yang collapsed on the floor. His body fell into the water without any energy. He couldn't stand standing any longer.

"Shysha ... We did it..." He spoke in a low voice.

Splash ...

His arm with the wooden bracelet was raised, but when his arm fell into the water.

Something surprising happened.

Absorbs ...

The bracelet shone with powerful golden light and completely covered Liu Yang's body.

"What is happening?" Liu Yang was forced to close his eyes because of the sparkle, but he knows it was caused by the bracelet.

Without knowing what was going on, Liu Yang and Shysha did not know that the wooden bracelet, or rather, the golden crystal inside the wooden bracelet, began to absorb all the water element energy contained in the water. This power of the element was from the two crystals that were melted by Yao Ming during the fight against Shysha.

Soon after, another surprising thing happened.

Liu Yang's body began to heal quickly as if it were magic.

"What is it??" Liu Yang felt cold and hot energy entering his body.

The pains gradually disappeared and his energies were recovered.

"Did that bracelet do that?" When he opened his eyes again, he saw that his hands were healed and there was not even a scar.

"That old Wang was right. This bracelet really brings luck to the wearer." Liu Yang praised and kissed the wooden bracelet.

"Shysha, I will take you home" He carried her on his back and started walking.

Tiredness and exhaustion were gone. Liu Yang felt like his body was completely renewed.

Unfortunately, Liu Yang was totally focused on carrying Shysha, he didn't even realize a person was watching him.

Since Liu Yang had no car or transport vehicle, he carried Shysha on his back for almost an hour before reaching the nearest bus stop.

To get to his house, he had to take two more buses. It shows how far they were from the city.

The first thing Liu Yang did after arriving home was to take off his and Shysha's wet clothes. He also needed to bathe her.

This was the first time that Liu Yang had seen the naked body of a woman in front of him. He had to admit that Shysha was really beautiful.

But he had to leave that admiration for later, as he needed to sleep. His mind was very tired.

The clothes worn by Shysha were his, but he could only let her wear shorts and a shirt. The underwear, she slept without wearing.

What made Liu Yang curious was Shysha's dark hair. He didn't understand why her golden hair had turned dark.

On the night of that day ...

At old Wang's antique store ...

"Miss Su, it is rare for you to show up at this time of night. How can I help you?" Old Wang continued to act as casually as ever.

"Old Wang, why did you do that?" Su Mei was on the other side of the counter with a solemn look on her face.

"Why did I do what? I don't understand what Miss Su is referring to" Old Wang acted like nothing was happening.

"Old Wang, I'm referring to the wooden bracelet that you sold to one of those two young men last month. How could you do such a thing? He's just a normal person with no background of any kind related to cultivators." Su Mei explained. She still didn't understand why old Wang did this.

"So that's what Miss Su is referring to. Well… How can I explain this… Miss Su, do you believe in fate?" Old Wang didn't explain, he just asked another question back.


"Yes, do you believe in fate?"

"Yes. I believe. If in the world there is magic and superpowers, in the world there is also the thing called fate. This has related to you selling a mystical item for the young?" Su Mei asked solemnly.