You already bought it once, so you can't buy it again

"Yes. Having two cores will make it very difficult to make progress because you will need to absorb energy for both cores. At the same time, your power and the amount of energy within your body will also be much greater than that of a normal cultivator. There are advantages and disadvantages." Shysha explained.

"I see… Shysha, is there any possibility of merging the two cores? Did any previous owner of the Bracelet of Fate manage to do this?" Liu Yang asked curiously. He thought about that possibility.

In the novels he read, some characters tried to do that.

"Liu Yang, are you crazy? Do you want to kill yourself? That is very dangerous!!! Do you want me to be single for the rest of my life?" Shysha was very scared by his words. At the same time, she showed a little irritation at his crazy idea.

"I know this is very dangerous, but I think that having two cores inside my dantian can reveal that I have the Bracelet of Fate, this can be very dangerous, right? An item that can become a second core of a cultivator must be something that is highly coveted by anyone" Liu Yang justified his reason.

"Yes. That is true. Any cultivator would be tempted to get that item. Even I, too, would be tempted to steal this item, but as the owner is you, I will not do that" Shysha jokes. She would be lying if she said that she would not be interested in the Bracelet of Fate.

A very mysterious and powerful item can attract anyone's attention.

But as the bracelet's owner is Liu Yang, she didn't even think about stealing from him. He's her boyfriend and future husband, she wouldn't do anything like that.

"I am happy to hear that. Shysha, but is it possible to merge two cores to form a more powerful one?"

"Liu Yang, in theory, this is possible. But in practice, this is almost impossible and it is a very risky thing to try. I heard stories of people trying to do something like that in the past, but they didn't use the Bracelet of Fate, they used other items to serve as a second core. The first thing they needed to do was to place this item inside the dantian to serve as the first or second core.

It is easier to do this when you are in the early stages because there is no core within the dantian to have internal conflicts, but it is also dangerous because the cultivator is very weak and can die or completely lose the ability to cultivate. Because the dantian can explode or be damaged if something goes wrong." Shysha explained.

"I see… Is that why the Bracelet of Fate or the golden jewel on the bracelet is so coveted? Because I didn't feel anything when the jewel entered my dantian" Liu Yang commented. He found this very strange.

"Yes. This is why the Bracelet of Fate is so sought after by cultivators. But Liu Yang, you need to understand that it is not so easy to find the Bracelet of Fate. As the name says, the Bracelet of Fate can only be found by those who are destined to find the bracelet. If that person does not appear, the bracelet will never be found"

"Ohh ... I see ..." The explanation about the Bracelet of Fate was surprising to Liu Yang. He didn't think there was anything like that behind it.

"Liu Yang, can you tell me how you got this bracelet? I know you already said you bought it at an antique store, but this is a little weird." Shysha wanted to know more about this.

"Shysha, have you ever visited a store called Old Wang's Antiques Shop? This store is on the other side of the city"

"Do you want another date?"

"..." Liu Yang just scratched his head in embarrassment. He nodded stating his purpose.

Shysha realized his plan.

"All right. Let's go there. But before that, Liu Yang, you need to take a shower. I helped you clean up for the past few days, but I couldn't do it right"

"OK. Shall we take a shower together? " Liu Yang asked jokingly. He knew it would be very strange, or not, the two were already lovers and it was not uncommon for the two of them to bathe together.

"Ok. I will help you "Contrary to Liu Yang's expectations, Shysha agreed.

For the first time in his life, Liu Yang saw a naked woman in front of him without being through a computer screen.

Besides, the woman was his girlfriend.

"Shysha, this is the antique store I told you about" Liu Yang pointed to the sign above the entrance.

"I see ..." Shysha noticed something unusual in the store just looking at the door.

"Shysha, is there anything wrong?" Liu Yang realized that she was acting a little strange.

"No, nothing. Let's go in to see this store. "Shysha took his hand and dragged him inside.

trim… trim…

Just like last month, old Wang's store was still clean in some parts and very dusty in other parts.

Old Wang was sleeping behind the counter as usual. But he already noticed that there were customers when the door was opened and the tinkle was played.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shysha looked directly at old Wang when she entered the store.

As the unique person in the store, she looked at him directly.

However, when Shysha's look saw old Wang, she was very shocked. Her body even trembled, but with fear.

"Shysha, did something happen?" Liu Yang felt her hand start to shake and sweat a lot.

"Liu Yang, that old man, he is very powerful. Did you say he owns this store?" Shysha took a while to calm down. The warm feeling of Liu Yang's hands helped her.

"Yes. He's the owner of the store. The rules are a little strange, we can only touch one item and the item that we touch, we need to buy. Shysha, are you saying that he is a cultivator too?" Liu Yang explained about the store's rules, but he was surprised to find that old Wang is also a cultivator, but a very powerful cultivator.

"Little girl, it's not very good to look at that old man like that" Old Wang opened his eyes and looked towards the couple at the entrance.

They both felt as if two sharp swords were cutting their bodies.

"!!!!!!!!!!" The pair endured the pain before stopping.

Old Wang withdrew his attack.

"What do you two want in my store? Young man, you already bought an item in my store before, you can't buy it again."

"Old man, what kind of item do you have that can be divided into two items? Like rings or bracelets." Shysa asked. She dared not be impolite in the store.

The other side is too powerful for her to handle.

"Little girl, do you want an item for you and your boyfriend? That kind of item is on those shelves over there." Old Wang pointed to four shelves with many items, some of which were covered with dust.

"I appreciate the help. Liu Yang, let's look at the items to see which is the best for us to use" Shysha and Liu Yang walked around the store looking for a double ring or bracelet.