What would Li Qiye say?

"I think I could say that. I only helped her with some matters a while ago, it's no big deal" Liu Yang replied casually. He would not say that he and Shysha almost died because of that matter.

"Ohh… Liu Yang, your appetite is getting bigger and bigger. First, you got a foreign beauty as a girlfriend. Now, are you also making connections with the Su clan's miss? You are getting more and more perverted than us" Ren Wu commented in an amused tone.

"I was just lucky" Liu Yang scratched his head because of the compliment. He was a little embarrassed that he had to lie about it and his friends were thinking the wrong things.

"..." Su Ah's group looked at this situation with suspicious looks, but they didn't dare do anything. Mostly Su Ah.

If Liu Yang really is Su Mei's friend or acquaintance and he helps her with some things. This means that Liu Yang was of some use to her.

If Su Ah causes problems for Liu Yang and Su Mei finds out about it. He will have serious problems.

(What should I do ??) Su Ah was in doubt. He started to hesitate about continuing what he was doing.

"Liu Yang, you won this time. But I will make sure of the things you said. If I find out that you are lying, I will make you pay for staining Miss Su's name." Su Ah thought a little, finally gave up.

But he would not let this matter pass easily. Su Ah would investigate whether Liu Yang was speaking the truth or not.

Using his clan name arbitrarily to gain an advantage is something he would not allow. At least for strangers.

The group left in the same way it came.

Liu Yang, Ren Wu, and Li Wei just looked at the group as if they were some kind of idiot.

"Liu Yang, will this be okay? That idiot Su Ah seems to want to be sure of your words" Li Wei spoke worriedly.

"Everything is fine. Nothing will happen to me" Liu Yang spoke confidently.

Su Mei knows that he is a cultivator. So she wouldn't make things difficult for him after he helped her with the previous problem.

Besides, Liu Yang did not think Su Mei would be an ungrateful person who does not know how to return a favor after being helped.

"Liu Yang, if you're saying you're okay. So there are no problems." Li Wei commented. He and Ren Wu would not continue with this matter since it was finished.

"But Liu Yang, where did you meet her?" Ren Wu asked. He was curious how someone like Liu Yang met someone like Su Mei.

"Ren Wu, do you still remember that girl at the antique store?" Liu Yang asked.

"Liu Yang, are you talking about that young woman? Liu Yang, are you saying that she is Miss Su?" Ren Wu was shocked to hear that.

"Yea. She is Su Mei. "

"Do you two know Miss Su?" This time it was Li Wei who asked. He was surprised to hear their words.

"Yea. But I only saw her once when we were buying some things at the antique store. "

"Ohh… Are you referring to Old Wang's antique shop? The store where you bought the accessories from?"


"I see…"

"Hey Liu Yang, what are you going to do tonight? Your foreign girlfriend is no longer with you, so you should have more time to play, right?" Ren Wu changed the subject. He was already longing to play with Liu Yang.

"I only have an hour to play. I still need to do my training. Now that I have started, I will not stop easily" Liu Yang replied. He spoke as if he were doing only physical exercises.

But it wasn't just that, Liu Yang still needed to focus on his cultivation training. He needed to get stronger to survive in this dangerous world.

After the fight at the water treatment station, Liu Yang realized how weak he is.

"Liu Yang, it won't be long before you look like this race maniac" Ren Wu commented and pointed at Li Wei.

"Ren Wu, you should also train more and play fewer video games. Physical exercise will save your life someday." Li Wei spoke sternly.

"The rumors are over. After the investigators found out it was just a group of people playing, they ended it all and no rumors about it appeared on the internet" Ren Wu commented. He didn't like to exercise, so he found excuses for not doing it.

"Other rumors may appear again. So you better be prepared to run when that day comes"

"But hasn't it been revealed that these rumors were just jokes? Why do you take it so seriously? " Ren Wu did not want to continue exercising because he was always very tired and his body was sore.

"Ren Wu, I think you should be exercising, even if it's only half an hour or one a day. It will make your body healthier" Liu Yang commented. He was trying to encourage his friend to do this.

Liu Yang knew that a little basic strengthening exercise could save his friends' lives someday.

Being attacked by supernatural creatures was no joke. And escaping was not easy, especially for people like Liu Yang and Ren Wu.

"Ren Wu, do you see? Even a sedentary like Liu Yang understands the value of physical exercise" Li Wei boasted.

"Ok… Ok… I will do this. I will do stretches, push-ups and some running on the treadmill so you two can stop talking about it" Ren Wu couldn't take the pressure and gave up. He would continue with the exercises he stopped after the rumors ended.

"This is good" Liu Yang was relieved.

tong… tong… tong…

The bell rang while the trio talked. Snack time is over and they need to get back to the classroom.

When Liu Yang came home.

The first thing he did was water the seed. He always does this three times a day.

One in the morning, the other in the afternoon, and the last time is at night.

"Small plant, now is the time for your turn to be watered" Liu Yang put some water in the watering can, but before taking it to the yard, he did something else before.

Liu Yang sat on the floor cross-legged and eyes closed.

The watering can be in front of him.

Both hands were placed in the water, a faint blue glow emerged from the water.

Looking inside, we can see that Liu Yang's hands were shining. That was the water attribute.

Somehow, Liu Yang has awakened his second element.

This happened after he killed Yao Ming and fell into the water.

The bracelet absorbed the water mixed with the energy core of the water element. This helped him to awaken the second element.

Due to a large amount of energy, Liu Yang had a breakthrough and reached the intermediate level of the Natural Harmony Stage and awakened the second level of the water element.

Shysha warned Liu Yang not to try to make breakthroughs again without establishing a solid foundation for his cultivation. Otherwise, he could have a lot of problems in the future.

Liu Yang only discovered that he had a breakthrough after he and Shysha had their wedding night inside the room the day before.

Before leaving, Shysha gave some advice to Liu Yang.

One such advice was to improve the quality of the water with his power to water the seed. This will accelerate its growth.

The last thing she told Liu Yang to think about what the MC masters in the cultivation web novels would say to a cultivator if he was at the beginning of the cultivation journey.

One such example was: What would Li Qiye say?