A letter

The next day…

Liu Yang's friends complained to him because he didn't play the night before. He could only apologize saying that he was busy talking to his girlfriend.

Ren Wu and Li Wei just tapped him on the shoulder and spoke the following words: "Liu Yang, you are a dead soldier who abandoned your friends to be with your girlfriend. It was a pleasure to play with you."

The duo spoke with a goodbye tone because they know that they will rarely see their friend online to play again.

At lunch time…

"Hey Liu Yang, do you think that idiot Su Ah is going to be in trouble again?" Ren Wu commented while eating a sandwich.

"I do not know." Liu Yang replied. He didn't really know the answer to that question.

"Speaking about the idiot... Look who's coming towards us..." Li Wei raised his arm subtly and pointed behind him.

The pair looked in the pointed direction and saw that Su Ah and his group were walking towards the trio.

"We summoned the demon after saying his name..." Ren Wu sighed.

The trio continued to eat as if they had seen nothing.

A few moments later ...

"Liu Yang, we met again ..." Su Ah spoke in an irritated and discouraged tone. He was feeling very humiliated because he was being used as a messenger.

"Su Ah, what do you want? Can't you see we're busy? " Ren Wu did not like him. Then he spoke as if Su Ah were some kind of nuisance.

"I didn't come here because I want to. I came because someone asked me to come. Besides, being quiet is a good thing, I don't need to be listening to that stupid voice of yours. Liu Yang, take this. Miss Su Mei asked me to deliver this "Su Ah said irritably to Ren Wu. He was already pissed off because of what he was doing and the sarcastic words pissed him off even more.

But when Su Ah remembered his task, he calmed down because Su Mei's orders were more important. If something went wrong, he would have a lot of problems.

Su Ah took out the white envelope with nothing written on it and gave it to Liu Yang.

"Is that from Miss Su?" Liu Yang was startled to hear those words. He did not understand why Su Mei would send him a letter unless it was related to cultivation.

For that was the only thing in common between the two.

"Get that card right away" Su Ah was not happy to stand and hold a letter in his hands towards another man. This was a very strange thing to see.

"Ok ..." Liu Yang took it and looked, but he didn't see anything written.

"Hey!! Su Ah, how will Liu Yang know that this letter is for him? There is nothing written on the envelope. Is that a trick of yours? " Ren Wu complained when he saw the letter.

"Why would I use Miss Su Mei's name to make a joke? I don't want to die because of that. Besides, I don't want to waste time with you, "Su Ah complained. He didn't have the courage to do something like that because the punishment would be too heavy for him to deal with.

After finishing speaking, Su Ah left the place. He didn't want to continue wasting time and arguing with Ren Wu.

The trio looked at Su Ah's group and saw that he really left.

Ren Wu and Li Wei looked at Liu Yang with curious eyes to know the contents of the letter.

"Liu Yang, aren't you going to open this? You may have been lucky enough to receive a love letter from Miss Su Mei, she is really a sexy girl, but she is far inferior to your current girlfriend, that foreign older sister "Ren Wu jokes. He thought Su Mei was beautiful, but it is a long way from Shysha.

"Ren Wu, if I were you, I wouldn't say that at least not close to Miss Su." Liu Yang warned.

"I know that. I don't want to die anytime soon "

"Liu Yang, are you going to open that letter?" Li Wei was curious about the contents of the letter, but since he was not the recipient, he would not force Liu Yang to open it.

"I will open this at home" Liu Yang was ninety-nine percent sure that the letter's content was about cultivation or things related to that subject.

The duo did not complain about it.

The letter's content was not something they needed to know.

The trio continued eating and talking normally as if nothing had happened.

Liu Yang came home as soon as possible because he was curious about what Su Mei had written in the letter, but he would not read it alone. He would call Shysha and ask for some advice.

Since she was his girlfriend, he would not hide that he was receiving letters from another woman. Liu Yang also didn't want this to happen to him, so he decided to do this.

After watering the tree, showering, and preparing dinner, Liu Yang called Shysha.

"Liu Yang, you are calling me early today, what happened?" Shysha was surprised by the sudden call.

The two always talked at a specific time because Shysha had a few things to do. So it was rare for Liu Yang to call her early unless it was something important.

"Well ..." Liu Yang summed up what happened and showed the envelope with nothing written to Shysha.

"Liu Yang, I want you to look at the envelope using your spiritual energy. If you do, you will be able to see some things" Shysha spoke on the other side of the call. She had already seen what was written on the envelope.

"Shysha, how am I supposed to do that?" Liu Yang asked as if it was a difficult thing to do. He never tried to do something similar before.

"..." Shysha just looked at Liu Yang as if he were some retard because of the question he just asked.

"What's it? Did I ask the wrong question? " Liu Yang didn't understand why Shysha was looking at him with those strange looks.

"Liu Yang, what do you do when you create that magic water to water the plants?" Shysha did not answer his question and asked another question back.

"I concentrate my energies on my hands and release it in the water. Do I need to do this to read what is written in the letter? " Liu Yang understood what she wanted.

"Yes, but I don't want you to use your hands. I want you to use your eyes. This will be an important lesson for you." Shysha's tone was like that of a teacher speaking to her student.

"OK. I'll try "Liu Yang just focused his gaze and used his energy to cover his eyes.

This was not difficult because Liu Yang was already very proficient in doing the same with his hands.

The letters were slowly appearing and showed the hidden words.