The daily life of a cultivator

The next day…

trin… trin… trin…

The sound of the alarm clock was heard and Liu Yang woke up with no problem. He didn't seem to be feeling the side effects of the fight from the night before.

"That night's sleep was really good ... I'm not even feeling the fatigue and the pain of yesterday ... huh ??" Liu Yang was feeling great after the night's sleep, but when he looked towards the table, he was shocked by what he saw.

"What happened to these crystals? Has anyone absorbed the energy of these things?" Liu Yang looked at the transparent crystals without any shine. He understood that the energies were absorbed, but who did that?

Liu Yang still remembers that he had come home and slept without a second thought.

His aching and tired body fell on the bed and he fell asleep quickly. So he shouldn't have absorbed the energies contained in the crystal fragments.

"Was it the crystal inside my dantian?" Liu Yang sat in a meditation position and looked into his own body.

To his surprise, he did not see or feel any kind of change. That is, nothing happened.

So who or what absorbed the crystal fragments? Liu Yang did not know the answer to that question.

With no time to continue investigating, Liu Yang had to start doing his daily chores like going to the bathroom, making breakfast, and watering the tree he and Shysha planted. All of this before going to school.

After class, that same day, Liu Yang came home quickly to talk to Shysha about the crystal fragments he received the night before. He didn't even have time to talk to her about it because the tiredness was greater.

"Hey, Liu Yang, why didn't you call me yesterday? Did you know that I was worried? I only got your message in the afternoon" Shysha complained.

"Shysha, I apologize for this, but I was very tired from yesterday's work. Miss Su took me to purify evil spirits, but it looks like someone was using normal people and getting them possessed" Liu Yang spoke vaguely about what happened the night before.

"I see… Liu Yang, can you explain everything that happened yesterday? I want to know everything. Don't miss any details" Shysha was startled by what she heard.


Liu Yang reported everything that happened, from the moment he arrived in the village until he left there and returned home.

It didn't take long for Liu Yang to do this.

"I see… Liu Yang, you need to be very careful with these people. They are the worst kind of person you can find. We, cultivators, have made an undeclared pact not to interfere with the lives of ordinary people. This is something that every cultivator needs to do and it is the government's duty to oversee this. But it seems that there are always some group of idiots who want to cause problems." Shysha spoke with an angry tone. She had seen some such groups before.

"Shysha, what do you think of these crystals? I remember it was still dark and sparkled. But now, it looks just like ordinary glass or crystal" Liu Yang showed her the two fragments.

"Liu Yang, the energies of this have already been absorbed, but it seems that it was the crystal inside your body that did this" Shysha thought for a while and came to this conclusion, as Liu Yang had no other mystical artifact capable of absorbing energy.

The double ring did not have that power. So what was left was the crystal inside his dantian.

"But I saw no difference in the crystal or my dantian. Everything seems normal to me"

"I think it is because these crystal fragments did not have much energy or insufficient energy for the crystal to show any kind of reaction or change" Shysha thought that way.

"Ohh ..."

"Liu Yang, for safety, you should check your body periodically to see if there is any kind of change in the crystal inside your body or not." She recommended that he do this because something could end up happening.

"I will do this." Liu Yang already had plans to monitor his situation.

The crystal inside his body was like a bomb that he couldn't control. So Liu Yang needs to be always checking to see if there was anything wrong.

"Leaving this matter aside. Liu Yang, what did you think of your first experience?" Shysha wanted to know what Liu Yang thought about the work of a cultivator.

"This is very tiring and dangerous, much more than the things written in the novels" Liu Yang replied without hesitation.

"This is normal to think, but it is worth it. It helps you to train and learn new things." Shysha laughed at Liu Yang's comment.

"Shysha, I still prefer the first experience you gave me. That was the best thing I have ever felt" Liu Yang commented. He still remembers that wedding night.

Shysha's moans, positions and face that day. Everything was recorded in his mind.

"Liu Yang, if you don't let me down. For Christmas this year, I will be able to give you a much better gift" Shysha spoke mysteriously. But her words and expressions were extremely ambiguous.

"!!!!!" Liu Yang was shocked to hear those words, but he quickly got excited.

"Shysha, I will not disappoint you" He swore.

"Hehe… I am waiting to see. Otherwise, I will be disappointed "Shysha spoke threateningly.

The couple continued their ambiguous and romantic conversations for a few more hours until the letter sent by Su Mei the day before flashed again.

The letters that appeared were different from the previous night, this time, the time shown was midnight.

Su Mei was calling him back to the bus stop to do another job.

Without contradicting this, Liu Yang did all the things he did as usual before leaving the house at midnight for the bus stop.

For the next few days, Liu Yang was going out at night to deal with supernatural beings and strange things that only cultivators can handle.

His experience in battle was gradually increasing because of these works. And his cultivation also improved, but Liu Yang did not make any breakthrough because he did not think it was time to do that, his foundation was still not very good, at least for him.

Liu Yang wanted to create the best possible foundation, that is, to release the five basic elements of Shaman training.


Liu Yang's routine changed completely after Su Mei sent that letter to him. At least the night routine.

During the day, he went to school to study and chat with his friends. During the night, he would leave the house to do his job as a cultivator along with Su Mei.

This was very tiring, but rewarding at the same time.

Liu Yang felt that this was paying off.