A mystical realm

"Hey Liu Yang, did you hear the new rumors that have come up recently?" Li Wei asked as he looked at his cell phone.

Some dark and barely visible images can be seen.

"The rumors this morning? I saw updates from some news blogs, but the government shut down quickly" Liu Yang knew what was behind these rumors. He and Su Mei investigated some of these rumors together with some other cultivators in other cities.

These other cultivators also belonged to the Su clan because that area was under the clan's jurisdiction. So they had a duty to deal with these rumors.

"Yea. I heard that some strange things started happening in the city again." Li Wei commented back.

"This is getting weirder. The rumors are not just from our city, the neighboring cities also have some strange rumors." Ren Wu commented this time. He also liked to watch these things about the supernatural because of the games and anime.

"The government must send people to check these rumors. And everything should be cleared up after a few days" Liu Yang said the same thing that would happen again.

People sent by the government would check things out to see if anything strange was going on, but in reality, the cultivators would deal with that issue.

"Hey Liu Yang, what do you think about these rumors? A few months ago, a group of government doctors came to Nan Village to check on the villagers. After that, rumors about some other villages being visited by doctors spread across the internet. Do you think this is some kind of disease that the government is trying to locate or hide?" Li Wei asked curiously. He read all sorts of random things on internet blogs.

So it was normal for him to be curious about it.

"I do not know. This is difficult to know. Besides, it was not only villages close to our city but also in very distant villages. The only thing in common in these places is that it had old people and some children. A disease that attacks only old people and children is a little strange" Liu Yang showed his thoughts. He couldn't say much because it was forbidden.

"I also thought about it, but it is very strange for the government to send doctors to see these people. So something must be happening in these villages. Besides, each of these villages is extremely remote from medium and large cities, but some of them are close to small cities like ours"

Ren Wu and Li Wei could see connections between these things, but what was going on, they don't know.

"The only thing we can do is wait and see if the government will continue to do this or not" Liu Yang knew that the government was also investigating with the clans to try to find the people behind these incidents.

Currently, villages may be the targets, but that could change and start to have incidents in cities. This is something that the government does not want to happen.

After classes, Liu Yang came home and did the same things as always. Water the little tree, bathe, make dinner and talk to Shysha.

But making dinner was not something Liu Yang could do that night as Su Mei sent him a message earlier than usual. So, Liu Yang could only have a quick chat with Shysha before leaving the house and going to the bus stop.

Su Mei's car driven by driver Mo appeared in a few minutes.

After about two hours of driving, the car stopped in an abandoned area in the middle of a dark forest and without any kind of lighting.

The moon was covered with clouds and it was difficult to see because of the darkness.

Upon arriving at the site, Liu Yang saw that there were twenty more private cars around and about thirty medium-sized vans.

Looking at the place, you can see that there were about four hundred people. The people in these vehicles were separated into several groups and looking at the entrance to the forest, some were still inside the vehicles meditating or polishing their weapons. None of them entered.

Everyone in the place had something in common. They were all cultivators.

Ninety percent of the people were young while the rest were adults, but they were wearing suits and sunglasses as if they were guards or drivers. While young people wore expensive and luxurious clothes.

Some of them were using flashlights to see if anything could be seen inside the forest, but nothing could be seen even using the lights.

The forest seemed to have some kind of mysterious power that prevented the lights from illuminating the place.

The arrival of Liu Yang, Su Mei, and driver Mo did not attract the attention of the other groups, as if the trio appeared, they must also be cultivators.

Only cultivators were called to that location.

Liu Yang's group went to a certain group, where there were young people and adults.

"Miss Su, you have finally arrived. We are already ready to enter the little mystical realm" A young man of average appearance stepped forward and spoke excitedly. He couldn't hide his excitement, it wasn't just him, but all the young people in the place felt the same way.

Mystical realms for young and novice cultivators like them were quite rare. So they all wanted to take this opportunity to find fortunes within these unique and special places.

"Su Tu, is everyone here already? Or are some members of the clan still missing?" Su Mei ignored his excited face and asked.

"Yea. All the members sent by the clan are here. Miss Su, is he?" Su Tu pointed at Liu Yang.

A young man appearing at her side was somewhat beyond the expectations of everyone in the Su clan group.

"He's my helper." Su Mei replied nonchalantly. She didn't need to talk about it much.

"Ohh ..." A gleam of disdain appeared in the eyes of Su Tu and other members of the Su clan. But no one dared to say anything because Liu Yang was with Su Mei.

The people in the group were also from the Su clan, but they did not have as much authority as Su Mei, because she was the daughter of the branch chief. So her status was higher than normal.

Many members of the clan also had some helpers. But usually, these helpers were just ordinary people who learned to cultivate by reading web novels or having a rare chance to find out about it.

Since they were not from cultivation clans, they were considered to be solitary cultivators.

Thus, many members of the cultivator clans viewed these people with disdain.

Liu Yang felt the strange looks directed at him, but he didn't comment because he already knew it could happen.

In cultivation web novels, this type of situation is very common.

(If my ability to see others' cultivation is not wrong. Most of these young people were only in the Body Opening Stage, and some were in the Body Strengthening Stage, like Su Mei.) Liu Yang looked around and analyzed.