Energy Core

One hour later…

"This was faster than I thought. The energy here is so rich that I was able to fully recover my energy after an hour of meditation and rest. This is really very different from meditating at home after workouts or night jobs." Liu Yang commented discouraged.

The difference between the two locations was like heaven and earth.

crack… crack…

His bones snapped when Liu Yang stretched and stretched his body. To spend an hour in a meditation position was tiring and tedious, even though he did not feel the time go by because his mind was clear.

"Now is the time to dig in some places" Liu Yang started walking in a certain direction.

slash!!! slash!!! clang !!! clang !!!!

Sounds of cuts and lethal crashing into metal are heard, some people were fighting something in a place beyond.

Liu Yang felt that the sound was not of wild beasts, but of some kind of creature or something that was not an animal.

"This sound is a little strange. This does not appear to be an animal, but some creature that is not an animal." Liu Yang was more sensitive to animal sounds because of his Shaman training.

Shamans and Druids were friends of nature and had more affinities with animals. So it was normal for them to be able to better identify the animals.

"It seems that the creatures that live within that mystical realm are not beasts, but something else that I don't know… Could this be demons? Or supernatural creatures?" Liu Yang murmured. He didn't know whether he should go there or not.

"I better stay on my way. I am not a super-powerful MC, I am just an ordinary person who started the cultivation path a few months ago. So I better not get involved with other cultivators" Liu Yang chose to go on his way to the place where he was going to dig.

As a weak lone cultivator who started the cultivation path and without any strong background, Liu Yang did not have the luxury of getting involved with the other cultivators.

Even though this may bring some friendships as it happens in the novels, Liu Yang would not risk his life because of this.

Besides, he still remembered the others' disdainful looks at the entrance.

As an ordinary person and not from a powerful clan of cultivators, the members of these clans looked at Liu Yang and some other cultivators with disdainful looks.

Those who were sent by the government did not receive this type of look because the government is a powerful entity that controls the country, so they do not need to receive this type of look.

So, Liu Yang preferred to go his own way and let others have their own destiny.

Walking in the opposite direction to the fighting sounds, Liu Yang came close to where he was going to dig.

To his surprise, he found three creatures that live in the mystical realm.

Skeletons. The three skeletons were dressed in old, dirty, and torn military clothing. They had no weapons at all, only the old clothes on the skeletal body.

Judging by the appearance of the clothes, Liu Yang understood that they were soldiers, but died in an unknown way a long time ago.

"Flame Shock !!!" Without hesitating, Liu Yang attacked using his fire element skill.

If thunder was the best element to be used against evil spirits and spiritual beings. The fire was the best element against the undead.

The flames appear around Liu Yang's two hands as if it was alive. Moving from side to side as if it needs to cast. The two hands are joined and form a larger flame.

Then Liu Yang threw the flame forward like a ball.

shuoo !!! Booooom !!!

The fireball directly hits the body of one of the skeletons and an explosion occurs. The flames spread and burned the other two skeletons, which attracted its attention.

The attacked skeleton was destroyed in the explosion, but not entirely. Only the top part was destroyed, the bottom part started running towards Liu Yang with the other two skeletons.

Somehow, these skeletons can sense where Liu Yang was.

"!!!!!" This scene scared Liu Yang because he didn't think anything like that would happen.

In cultivation novels, he never saw anything like that. Then he understood that this was one of the different things written in the novels and real life.

"Flame Shock !!! Flame Shock !!! " Liu Yang screamed again and attacked. He didn't want to waste time and let the three skeletons get close to him.

His hands moved quickly and he attacked twice. Over and over again without stopping.

Booom !!! Booom !!!

The two explosions happen and the two skeletons are blown up, but not defeated. The other half was still charging towards Liu Yang.

"Ahh !!!" After attacking using his skills, Liu Yang decided to use his own fists and kicks to attack. He wanted to see how resistant the skeletons are.

The two sides carry in the direction of the other.

The scene was a little strange because on one side was a young man and on the other were three skeletons that only had both legs running.

pang !! pang !!! crack !!! crack !!!

Liu Yang kicked and punched.

The bones were easily cracked and broken.

pofff ...

After beating the three skeletons, Liu Yang fell to the floor, panting.

Using Flame Shock three times in a row was tiring, even for him.

"These skeletons are very strange. Usually, when their tops are destroyed, they should stop moving. But that did not happen. Is it possible that all creatures within this mystical realm are skeletons? Or creatures related to skeletons? " Liu Yang thought. But he didn't know the answer to that question and the only way to find out was to find other creatures.

After a brief rest, Liu Yang walked to the site of the explosion to see if there were any remains left by the skeletons.

Turning over the broken bones, Liu Yang found something.

"That is…"

A sphere. A sphere of transparent color, but containing some type of energy.

"Are these things the energy core? The energies that allowed these skeletons to move?" Liu Yang searched the other two locations and found that there were also two more spheres.

Suddenly, something unexpected, or expected, happened.

The energies contained within the three spheres were absorbed quickly through Liu Yang's fingers.

crack… crack… crack…

When the energies were absorbed, the three spheres broke like glass.
