A Skeleton Wolf Pack

The skeleton boar roared with rage because the stone pillar pierced and lifted its body about twenty centimeters. Because of that, it couldn't run anymore.

"Attack !!!!" A shout was heard.

"Ahh !!!!" Several screams echo shortly thereafter. At the same time, several bright and powerful lights are shot that hit the skeletal body of the boar.

boooom !!! boooom !!! boooom !!! crack !!! crack !!! crack !!

Explosion sounds echo along with bones breaking.

The combined attacks were powerful enough to break several bones of the skeleton boar, but it was not enough to defeat the skeleton boar.

pofff !!!!!

Roar !!!! roar !!!!

Because of the attacks, the bones in the back were broken and the skeletal boar fell to the ground, but it still had a pierced pillar and could not move properly.

crack… crack…

After using brute force, the skeleton boar managed to break the pillar. It looked ahead and continued its charge towards the injured youth pair.

roar !!!!

"Earth Spike" Liu Yang attacked again.

Another pillar formed and pierced the skeleton boar again.

As a dead, skeletal creature, it lacked intelligence and instinct. The only thing that made the creatures attack was the energies emanating from the bodies of living people.

"Protect Yao Ju and Yao An !!!!" A group of eight young men jumped through the bushes and surrounded the skeleton boar. Two of them went to the pair to see if they were okay or not.

"Yao Ju, are you okay?" A young man bent down to check his injuries.

"Yea. But some of my bones are broken." Yao Ju had difficulty speaking because of the pain.

"I will try to use my healing skills to see if it can help" The young man took out a bottle of water and threw it at Yao Ju's body.

"Healing Water !!!" He screamed.

The water began to glow and enter Yao Ju's body as if it were being absorbed.

"Arg ..." Yao Ju clenched his teeth in pain as his bones began to move and mend.

The healing process was slow and painful, but it didn't take long. The treatment lasted only a minute and all of the internal and external injuries to Yao Ju's body were healed.

The next was Yao An, she was also healed in the same way.

roar !!!! pang !!!!!

The skeleton boar roared before falling to the ground with its body destroyed. He was defeated after being surrounded by the youth group and receiving all the attacks.

As he was trapped in the stone pillars created by Liu Yang, the skeleton boar had no way of escaping or attacking, so he could only stand and be defeated.

"Are you two okay?" After taking the spoils of the fight, the group of young people got together again. They didn't even thank Liu Yang for the help, as they knew who he was.

"Yea. We are well. Where is that young man? I need to thank him for the help, if he hadn't used those attacks, we would be dead" Yao Ju looked around and didn't see Liu Yang.

It looked like he was already gone.

"That lonely cultivator? Yao Ju, why do you bother to thank him? Cultivators like him must be grateful to have helped us. We are members of clans of powerful and influential cultivators in China and he is just an ordinary person who works for Miss Su. We don't need to thanks him, he should be honored to be able to help us." One of the young men commented. He had seen Liu Yang at the entrance before, so he didn't need to hold back to show his arrogance.

"That's right. Yao Ju, you don't have to thank him. That lone cultivator should be honored to have had the chance to be close to powerful clan members like us" Another commented. She agreed with the previous words.

"..." Yao Ju just kept quiet about it. He didn't even comment because he knew it was useless to talk about it.

"We are going to put this matter aside and check the spoils. Did the skeleton boar leave anything good?" The person who looked like the group leader asked excitedly.

The skeleton boar was much more powerful than human skeletons, so he must have left some things better.

"Yao Chen, our harvest was good. We got an energy core and a few pieces of strong bones" The young men showed what they took from the remains of the skeletal boar.

The energy core was the name of the energy spheres that Liu Yang took by defeating the skeletons before. As he did not know the name of this, he just called it an energy sphere.

Creature bone fragments were materials used to make magic equipment that cultivators use. The stronger the creature, the stronger the materials in its bodies.

"That's nice. Let's set up camp and get some rest. Dealing with that skeleton boar was more difficult than I thought. Many of us suffered heavy injuries" Yao Chen ordered.

The group members started looking for materials to build a camp. They decided to stay in the high parts of the trees to avoid the creatures on the ground.

The place was already dark and seemed to get darker over time.

Several tens of meters away ...

Liu Yang was walking and checking the underground in an attempt to find hidden treasures. He did not stay long after helping the group of cultivators of the Yao clan.

When the rest of the group appeared, Liu Yang felt disdainful looks towards him. He understood that some members of the group remembered him because they must have seen him at the entrance.

So Liu Yang left without hesitation for a while before the boar was defeated by the group. He had no interest in getting involved with that group of arrogant young people.

"It seems that these scenes of disdain are very common ... Even in web novels about cultivation it happens very often ..." Liu Yang murmured. He had felt these looks before, but the looks of a few moments ago were much more intense than those he had felt before.

"Real life is really very different from a fictional book written by someone..." Liu Yang continued to murmur and wander aimlessly, but he did not forget to keep probing the ground to see if he could find anything.

roar !!!! roar !!!! roar !!!! roar !!!!

Walking randomly, Liu Yang ended up encountering a skeletal creature different from the boar from before.

This time, what he saw was some skeletal wolves.

The skeleton wolf's appearance was like any other skeleton, but its size was twice as large as a skeleton of an ordinary wolf. To make matters worse, there was not just one skeleton wolf, but five. They were like a pack of skeleton wolves.

The instant that Liu Yang was seen, they charged towards him like wild beasts.