Slow and tedious training

pang !!! pang !!! pang !!! crack !!! crack !!!

Sounds of something hard being hit before bone sounds are broken are heard.

Looking more closely, we can see that a young man was attacking some human skeletons with his hands and feet.

His appearance was common, but a wild aura can be felt. The shadow of a wild bear sometimes appeared behind his body.

The young man was Liu Yang, he was training his fighting skills against human skeletons to get used to the Bear Stance before using it against more powerful opponents.

After discovering the difficulties in moving and attacking after using the Bear Stance for the second time, Liu Yang went back to the beginning of the mystical realm, the place where he appeared when he entered.

In the early parts, there were only human skeletons wearing military or civilian clothes, as they were the weakest skeletons in the mystical realm.