Little Red

"No. We are still discussing what to do." Su Mei didn't even ask about what he found to have the breakthrough, as it was not something she needed to know.

"OK. So I will meditate a little there in the corner" Liu Yang walked to an empty spot and started to meditate a little to regain his energies.

The little red panda was no longer with Liu Yang because he placed the little creature inside the location of the elements. He could have five animals, but now there was only space for four more.

This scene seemed a little strange because Liu Yang ignored everyone and spoke only to Su Mei.

The leaders did not like this because Liu Yang's attitude was the equivalent of ignoring them. But as the group did not have many people to use as bait, they decided to use Liu Yang for this because of his insolence.

Even if they could offend Su Mei, they would still do that.