Song Jia

"Liu Yang, you need to know that being a registered cultivator is not just doing the missions that the government gives to you. Like you are doing with Su Mei at night, there are many more things. One of these jobs, but not written, is about dealing with foreign cultivators who cause problems in the country. In my case, that icy girl didn't want to report about it, but other cultivators did. Because my mother was a registered cultivator, the government of China only sent one person to follow me. As long as I didn't cause any problems, they wouldn't intervene in my life as a university student" Shysha explained with a serious tone. She said she had snuck in, but it wasn't very true because she didn't want to talk about being a registered cultivator for Liu Yang.

As a novice cultivator, he already had a lot to deal with, so it wasn't good for her to be talking a lot more. So Shysha chose to lie about it.