I want something like payment

"Buy water? How much would you pay? " Liu Yang asked. He heard the old woman's explanations and understood why the woman wanted to buy water.

This was the first time the woman had accepted the guild's job, so she didn't know what to bring.

Unlike some cultivators who had brought water or learned water or ice techniques to cool off.

"I just have a little money on me. Do you want this or something? " The woman asked. She decided to choose Liu Yang because he seemed to be a little more honest and less daring among the cultivators there.

The rumors about him make her think that Liu Yang would not be too excessive in his requests.

"I would like to receive ten percent of what is left over from the things you have found. That is, after paying eighty percent to the guild, I want ten percent of the remaining twenty percent." Liu Yang spoke to his demand.

That was not much. Depending on what the woman finds.