Safe place

The crowd of spectators watched the events in the mystical realm from their homes. Each of them had a different focus because it was more interesting to watch their members fight and look for cultivating resources and items on the list.

At the same time, on one of the other screens, each one of them watched another scene that was a little unusual and strange.

The scene could be considered surprising or frightening. Depending on the person who was watching.

What everyone was seeing was a pair of cultivators being chased by a horde of ice creatures, but their curiosity was to understand what the pair wanted to do. Because they had only been running for over ten minutes and had no intention of stopping.

The two members were a man and a woman. The man showed a pained face as he carried the woman on his back and ran with each step, the woman was looking sideways and showed a worried face when she looked down.

The couple were Liu Yang and Shysha.