Going to the bank again

The next day…

Liu Yang went to the cultivators' bank to get the copies of the books Shysha had sent him.

The bank had plenty of people as usual, but as a cultivator, he had a special queue.

The necessary thing to do was to go to the manager Huo.

His turn didn't take long, the person attending was a young cultivator from Level 2 of the Opening Body Stage.

"Hello, how can I help you?" He asked in a dejected tone.

From his disinterested appearance, it was possible to see that the work was quite boring and disheartening.

"I'm looking for manager Huo. Does he still work at that bank?" Liu Yang asked. He didn't know if the manager had changed or not.

This sort of thing happens a lot in banks.

The young man saw that Liu Yang was younger than him, at first, he thought the other side was a cultivator, but there was no kind of energy being emanated from Liu Yang's body.

So he thought he was just a normal person.