Shen Yan

Two years later…

"Liu Yang, congratulations on being able to go to university. Not that it's a surprise." Ren Wu jokes. He already knew that Liu Yang would pass the exam without any problem.

"Liu Yang, have a good trip. When you get to the hotel, send a message to us in group chat." Li Wei shook his hand and spoke.

"I will do this" Liu Yang shook hands with the two friends, but before getting into the car, he looked at his house.

The house where he lived for the last eighteen years of his life. But when he looked up at the front house, his gaze shifted to deep sadness.

Another family began living in the house three months later after the death of Lian Jin and her parents. Liu Yang never forgives himself for letting this happen, as he couldn't do anything to stop it from happening.

"Liu Yang, do you still blame yourself for this?" Li Wei asked in a heavy voice. He knew about this matter because Liu Yang told them.