A group that likes the supernatural

On the weekend…

Liu Yang took the flight from Haikou airport and traveled to Sanya.

The trip was not long and only lasted a few hours before the plane landed at Sanya airport.

Leaving the airport, the first thing Liu Yang did was look for a hotel for him to rest and wait for the night to come.

The work could only be done at night because that was the time when the spirit appeared.

22:00 that day…

Liu Yang infiltrated one of the campuses by jumping over the wall.

There were no guards or surveillance cameras where he jumped and fell.

The infiltration was successful.

"Now is the time to go to the building where this spirit always appears." He looked at the map on his cell phone and followed the steps to a building under construction.

This part of the campus was still under construction and had all kinds of materials and equipment scattered around the surrounding areas.