A small threat

On the weekend…

Liu Yang walked casually through the crowded streets of Haikou to his destination.

A large crowd roamed everywhere going to the stores and buying things.

The weekend was always a busy day for young people.

"I think it's here…" He stopped in front of an ordinary three-floor restaurant.

Looking at the place, Liu Yang didn't feel anything special or different from other restaurants.

Aside from the old look, there was nothing else.

Inside, some people were eating some simple and common dishes, but there was something different about some of these people. They were cultivators.

The restaurant was a meeting place for cultivators, but normal people can also come in to eat on the first floor. The other two floors were for cultivators only.

Going to a vacant second-floor table, Liu Yang waited for the waiter.

The mood was a little strange, but only cultivators could feel it.