The Ninth Lord(2)

"You are just entertainment for young Will. He will have his revenge." The Ninth Lord waved his hand and the four were immobilized.

"What have you done to us??!!!!" The group screamed in despair. They couldn't move.

"I just did what was necessary so that young Will could have his revenge. You intimidated him using force and number, so it's normal for that to happen to you too. This is also a valuable lesson for viewers watching this broadcast. Many of you also know the secret of the world, but you are always intimidated because you are the weakest and the strongest are from wealthy families and influential groups, you too can speak the words, I want to live longer. We, the Messengers of Power, will help you to become stronger. Back to the subject, young Will, take this."

Blood red flames appeared in Ninth Lord's palm, he placed it in Will Brat's hands.

"This is burning and hurting so much." He screamed in pain, but it was still bearable.