The Hogwarts Express

After receiving his two wands, Oz holstered them on either side of his waist and proceeded to head back towards the leaky cauldron to meet up with Mcgonagall. Some of the people waiting around Ollivanders stared at him with curiosity and awe as he came out with not just one wand but two, luckily for Oz, none of their curiosity was strong enough to warrant actually approaching him as he slipped away quickly.

When Oz finally met up with Professor Mcgonagall she checked him to make sure he had everything in order.

"I say Mr Oz, I think you'll be one of the first Hogwarts students in generations to be wielding two wands when at school, such an event really is a strange occurrence but Ollivander himself gave you these two wands and that man has been in the wand industry for many many years, it may be weird at first to learn but im sure you'll manage".

Oz already had a plan when he joined Hogwarts to test out both of the wands as much as possible, to find both their strengths and weaknesses. Having two wands however with a distinct light and dark side to them allowed him to practice with either or at a time. He imagined however that in the future, probably later into his first year, he'd need to start teaching himself how to use both wands at once.

'If my Yew wood wand can be used for the dark arts, that could be my attacking wand, fending off enemies with an array of attacking/disarming spells. My Walnut wood wand thats more suited for the light could become my protection, being able to use spells that shield me as well as heal me'.

Oz grinned as more ideas flowed into his mind. He was always a deep thinker when it came to anything he was interested in, wanting to grasp even the smallest of intricacies of a thing that interested him.

"Well Mr Oz, I believe its time to get you booked in. As for food when your here, it will be supplied by the Leaky Cauldron in the morning and afternoons".

At this point both Mcgonagall and Oz walked into the Leaky Cauldron, Oz stood to the side as he watched Mcgonagall get him checked into his room and then give him the room key.

"This is where we part ways Mr Oz, I look forward to seeing you at Hogwarts in a couple weeks time, even more curious am I as to which house you'll be sorted into".

"Thank you for all the help professor".


The next couple of weeks were slightly painful for Oz. He felt like he was so close to the wizarding world but wasn't able to enter it properly. When he turned 11 on the day of getting his wand/s he did notice that some kind of magic had latched onto him and seemed to be monitoring him surmising that this must be the trace.

With the trace on him he couldn't do any magical practice, having to just stick to his daily routine of exercising and reading the anatomy book he purchased before his trip here within his room at the Leaky Cauldron and also walking down the streets of Diagon Alley.

One thing he did manage to do however was invest most of the galleons he had left into the companies that he wanted to invest into. The trip itself was surprisingly uneventful, Oz thinking he would need to convince Gringotts to allow him to invest even though he was only 11 years old however, when a wizard turns 11 they are deemed capable as they have a wand so Oz was allowed to do his investments with no questions asked.

Finally after a couple weeks of just waiting the day had arrived for Oz to finally go to Hogwarts.


Oz woke up early on the day he needed to catch the train, doing his daily exercise, having a shower and getting ready.

He looked at himself in the mirror, happy with how he was looking. He still stood at around 4"9, decent for his age. His dark black hair still slightly messy but had almost a hint of elegance to it. Bright blue eyes piercing into himself through the mirror. With wands strapped either side of his waist, he felt more than prepared for the days ahead.

'There's a few very important things I need to do in this first year of Hogwarts, some of the details I still need to smooth over however the majority is there. First and mainly, I need to locate the RoR. Such an important and useful room needs to be abused to the most of its abilities. Secondly, I need to train myself with both wands inside the RoR, hopefully it can generate a room where I can practice high speed duelling or something. On top of that I need to use the RoR also to read all the books in the castle in one place, including the ones within the restricted section. My memory will come in handy then. Homework will be a pain, but I did manage to come across a self-writing quill in Diagon Alley a few days ago which I purchased so that should lighten the load quite a bit'.

After brooding to himself over his objectives, Oz looked up into the mirror again and gave a confident smile.

'It's time to take the Wizarding World by storm'.


Oz arrived at Kings Cross on his own, strolling calmly down the platforms he passed the time chatting quietly to Kuro, his owl, who was chirping back with animated replies.

Finally, he came across a familiar wall, spotting a few wizards actually walk through it at the time of his arrival.

'So there it is, Platform 9 3/4. Hopefully nobody pulls a dobby on me and blocks it for fun'.

Oz calmly strolls into the wall passing right through, the next sight he saw left him in awe.

'The Hogwarts Express! I thought I wouldn't be so shocked at seeing it but it still managed to impress me even after the multitude of times ive seen it in the movies'.

Oz took his things towards the conductor and after giving a quick "See you soon' to Kuro, he entered the train to look for a carriage.


As Oz entered the train, he instantly got some funny looks from a large majority of the older students, Probably due to how he has two wands strapped to his waist instead of just one like the rest of them. Oz ignored them all and proceeded down the train, finding himself a nice empty carriage to relax himself in.

He took a book out his pouch, and started reading deeply. After a while a few others came into his carriage and took seats around him.

One of the kids next to him seemed a bit too hyper with his wand, swinging it around imagining that he was doing spells. Oz had a feeling that something bad was going to happen soon.

As the train started to move off, the kid in question accidently put magic into his wand that he was swinging around shooting it at the window of the train, shattering it. As some of the shards started coming towards Oz and the rest in the carriage, Oz quickly raised his Walnut wand and said under his breath.


The window then instantly fixed itself looking as good as new. The others in the carriage turned to Oz with a shocked faces, the kid who had broken the window in his excitement looked panicked also but relieved.

"Thank you so much friend for fixing that, I wouldn't want to be thrown out of Hogwarts on the first day!".

Oz turned to look at the lad.

"Don't mention it, just be careful with that wand from now on".

For the next hour or so of the trip the kids in the carriage all seemed to desperately want to ask Oz questions, but due to how seriously fixated he was onto his book, they relucted to ask for the entire trip.

After finishing the final page of the anatomy book he was reading, Oz looked up through the window seeing Hogwarts on the horizon.

'My journey begins now'.



A/N: Ill be the first (100th) to say that this first volume is definitely not the best.

As you should see in some comments and replies, I've reiterated that these first 10 chapters were all written when I was initially just writing the novel without really caring, kind of as something to do rather than really investing myself into it. (The first 5 chapters were actually all written on the same morning too after not sleeping the night before... 'Perfect Memory'... Yeah...).

After I gained traction I started to put a lot, LOT more thought into what I was writing. While I wont say recent chapters are perfect they aren't as hole-ridden as these first 10.

I did actually do a couple of polls recently seeing if people thought I should rewrite. But after seeing public opinion and weighing in my own opinion I decided to instead just keep going and allow my writing style to grow with the story.

So while im sure this course of action will mean some people wont reach the parts of the story im writing now, I'm not too bothered. I thank those who do have the patience and like to see a story grow along with its author :).

Anyway, enough with all the bogus talk, y'all want to read. I hope you enjoy Volume 2 and beyond!