A few months had now passed since Oz had started his life at Hogwarts. His schedule was simply go to lessons, do homework and sneak out at night to train in the RoR. Although this kind of school life would seem mundane to some, Oz held a thorough enjoyment for it loving the feeling of himself progressing further.
Oz at the moment was training in the Room of Requirement, duelling against a high number of mannequin wizards.
'Two looping behind to flank, one to my right, three in front. Two behind are preparing a stunning spell, deflect that onto the mannequin to my right. After disarm those two then sending them flying. The three in front will then take a chance while my back is turned, break their balance then finish them off'.
After this quick thinking, Oz acted on his thoughts. He snapped around deflecting the mannequins spells using 'Protego' with his walnut wand, directing one of the spells onto the mannequin the the right. As soon as that mannequin fell he took the split second gap he had to disarm the two who attacked with an 'Expelliarmus' after which he sends them flying with a 'Stupefy'. Finally he snaps back around to the three about to attack, slicing their legs with a 'Diffindo', then using 'Reducto' on all three to finish the job.
After this small battle, the room deemed the fight as finished and the mannequins moved back towards the sides of the room.
'Phew... it seems my duelling has improved immensely in these past few months, this room really is as overpowered as all the novels make it out be'.
Oz then sat down on the floor in the room, a calm silence filling it as he looked within himself at his core.
'The recent training has made my core grow even more, but the gap between my level and the next is a lot vaster than expected. My control has become a lot more fluent and although I cant cast with both wands at once, I can at least switch between wands quick enough to make it seem like I'm casting both'.
The problem Oz encountered when trying to cast with two wands at once was directing the magic within him to the wands. He could only direct one dedicated stream to one wand at a time. He was able to retract the stream quickly however moving to the next wand to cast a spell but, doing two streams of magic to both wands at once was going to be a huge challenge.
'Maybe when my core advances to a higher level I should be able to do it, as of right now it feels basically impossible'.
Oz laid down on the floor to rest. During this arduous training in the past few months he hadn't been able to sleep much, resting sometimes in classes when he could, much to the dismay of the teachers who'd always reprimand him. Snape especially didn't take to kindly to his sleeping habits, piling him with tons of homework.
'I'm so glad I bought that self-writing quill...'
Oz felt like he was fully trained in how to fight well for now, his next task with the RoR was to absorb its knowledge starting with books from the restricted section as they intrigued him the most.
He looked down at his wands, now in proper wand holsters on either arm.
'Even the smallest details of this world sometimes go over my head, shows my knowledge still leaves much to be desired. Switching from strapping the wands to my waist to actual wand holsters made casting and duelling much easier, especially when duelling at such high speeds as I have'.
The months that had passed kept reminding Oz that he couldn't become powerful over night. Although he has more magic than most his age, more knowledge he can utilise and a stronger physique which helps with movement in duels, there were still things he could improve on all the time, even down to something as simple as a wand holster helped his combat ability quite a bit.
'Oh right I forgot about trying to get the marauders map from Fred and George, I was so caught up in training and the enjoyment of getting better it went right over my head... Well its not exactly something I need urgently, as of right now I only need the RoR and I know the location of this place like the back of my hand now'.
Oz finally stood up after some time of thinking, walking over to the clock he always left near the door.
'It seems I have a few more hours before classes start, I'll finish early for today'.
Oz then casted a cloaking spell on himself before leaving the RoR to head back to his room in the dungeons.
Oz then returned to his room climbing into his bed and forcing himself to sleep with a sleeping charm. This was the first time in a while he was going to get a decent amount of sleep in his bed, a reward for him finishing off his months of duelling practice.
As Oz was nodding off though, he again felt himself falling into the same strange dream he had on the first day at Hogwarts. The same darkness, same stifling feeling and again drawing his consciousness towards the fireplace in his room.
This dream compared to his first however lingered on the fireplace longer, his vision then entered underneath the fireplace showing a long tunnel and a staircase down further into the earth. After what seemed like an eternity going down stairs, a door was presented to Oz.
'This door... it has the same design as the door that leads into the chamber of secrets albeit smaller... could Salazar Slytherin have had more secret rooms than initially thought of? such a powerful wizard wouldn't have just made one hideout after all if he had such driven plans'.
Within his dream, Oz stared at the door for a long time. It felt like a very dark and sinister magic was emanating from it.
'In the original canon this kind of room was never found... why would it present itself to me? is it calling me to go down there? it seems ill need to investigate soon...'.
As Oz finished that thought he felt his consciousness waning eventually cutting off completely making him fall into a deep sleep.