After a day of rest Oz was ready to go to the Gang hideout nearby. He prepared himself carefully wanting to be doubly sure that he wasn't going to miss anything.
'On that map it said that there was a "possible cellar", if its something the police have researched then surely the cellar is the point of interest'.
Putting a hood on, Oz ran out into the night towards the building in question.
'Ill break in and go down to the cellar in question, if there's anywhere they'd keep valuables it'd be there'.
Cloaking himself, Oz came up on the building and his senses were telling him there were a lot of people inside.
'Get in, get out. thats all I need to do'.
Oz found a window on the far-side and unlocked it with 'Alohomora' allowing himself in. After which he quietly sneaked around until he saw a door someone had just come up from, the man in question who had just appeared had a smug grin on his face as he walked off towards another room.
Walking up to the door the man had appeared from Oz saw a staircase down.
'Sometimes I get too lucky with things like this...'
Oz looked down the staircase with a slight grin on his face. He entered while quietly closing the door after him. Oz then walked down the staircase until he finally reached the bottom and at the bottom he was presented with a room with a heavy duty door.
The door gave Oz a start as...
'That door actually has wards on it!'.
Oz felt his hold body shake for a second.
'This isn't a muggle gang this is a wizard gang! to be able to ward off a door so well... the police in the area would never have been able to find it! they would have just been chasing their tail... How have no aurors or the ministry in general not found this place? Is the ministry already corrupt?'
Oz stared at the door for some time before heaving a sigh.
'I need to be even more careful now, anything could signal those wizards...'.
Walking up to the door Oz started to unravel the wards carefully. After several minutes he had all the wards unravelled and he was able to take a peak inside the room.
'Let's see what you got down here then...'
Oz slowly opened the door just in case someone was already in there and as the door fully opened Oz fell back a bit in shock.
'People?! there's people down here! they are all broken and bruised, knocked out and left for dead! That bastard who walked up... he must have done this shit!'.
Oz felt his blood boil at the scenario he was now in, looking around there room there was all manner of people.
Finally after combing the room Oz spotted a girl in the corner, balled up crying. None of the people in the room had noticed Oz opening the door, they were all too broken to notice.
Seeing the girl, Oz's last nerve finally snapped.
'These fuckers... I planned on just coming in and stealing their money but now my plan has changed'.
Oz's heart thumped louder and louder with each passing minute, his anger rising. For a normally calm boy he was experiencing something innate right now. A dragon like anger was taking over all his senses.
'These fuckers who caused this don't deserve to live!'
Oz immediately ran up the stairs after his discovery, walking towards the room the man had went into after coming up from downstairs.
The man in question was sitting in a chair talking to a bunch of others around him.
"Nothings better than beating up a few muggleborns to get the blood pumping! If that little baby shit didn't take out the dark lord we could be doing so much more than this..."
One of the other men in the room turned to the guy and spoke.
"Do you really believe the dark lord died just because of that? He was an immensely powerful wizard im sure he will return soon, then we can torture all the muggleborns we want! Hahahaha".
Looking at this conversation Oz now had an idea of what was happening.
'These fuckers... they're left overs of that voldecunts army. Such bastards truly don't deserve to live'.
Oz looked down at his yew wood wand, one that didn't get much attention until this point.
'It's time for you to go wild friend'.
Oz, still cloaked, walked up behind the man who had just been downstairs. He pointed his wand at his neck and muttered:
The man who had been talking jovially suddenly stopped, the other people in the room looked at him in confusion. While looking they saw the mans head slowly part from his neck.
"Shit! we're being attacked! Where is the bastard whose doing this!"
Oz's cloak spell was exceptionally powerful in regards to these weak rabble. His core was second step and with that the quality of his magic was on an Auror level and this kind of hideout was one that mad-eye moody could take out with his mad-eye closed. Simply put, They had no clue where he was.
Oz then looped around the room quickly casting "Diffindo" on each person who was searching for him, all their heads flew off as they were killed.
Finally there was only one man left, the one who had said that the dark lord would return soon.
Oz uncloaked himself, showing himself to the man in question.
"There you are you bastard! I'll have you begging for death soon!"
Oz stared coldly at the man from under his hood. Just as the man went to cast a spell Oz reacted faster disarming him with an "Expelliarmus"
The man backed up and fell onto a couch with a scared face.
"W-w-wait w-we can t-talk this out r-right? what is it y-you want?"
Oz walked slowly up to the man he had just disarmed, his anger slowly subsiding after killing most of the offenders.
"I initially only came here for money, but your life now seems more valuable".
The man started sweating profusely.
Midway through his plea, Oz casted another "diffindo" slicing the mans head off. The simplest spells sometimes gave the best effect.
Oz stood around all the people he had killed as his body sobered up. Looking around he came to a realization.
'This is the first time I've killed in either life... and it was so easy...'.
Trying not to dwell on it Oz used accio'd to gather money from all the now dead wizards. He gathered a rather decent sum doing this, Enough so that it would pay for his accommodation amongst other things.
With that, Oz turned to the staircase.
'I better let those people free'.