This auxiliary chapter will have a list of characters updated overtime that aren't technically 'canon' to the series of Harry Potter (Basically my own original characters). Included with each Character name and a description about the character itself will be a picture/s (in the paragraph comments) as reference to what the character might look like.
NOTE: REFERENCE TO WHAT THE CHARACTER LOOKS LIKE. Not an exact look as thats up to the reader to decide. These pictures are simply to serve as 'imagination boosters' when referring to these characters.
(Pictures mainly supplied by Jonathan Silva Zero on Discord, thanks for the help!)
[Oz] - The main character of the story. Originally known as Blake Osborne in his previous life orphaned at a young age he spent his life slowly and steadily before his untimely death at the age of 20. Luckily he reincarnated into the Harry Potter world and has been striving to live a better life with no inhibitions. Along the way he's discovered that the Harry Potter world is much more than what's shown within books or behind screens...
[Oz] (Dragon form) - As Oz transforms into a dragon he takes on the form of a Hebridean Black Dragon. A dragon known for its purple eyes and dark scales that can disguise itself naturally at night.
[Lee Oswald] (Oz's Adult/Political Persona) - Lee Oswald is known throughout the magical community as a 'Master Enchanter'. His popularity first started as he created the Health Specs seemingly out of nowhere and that popularity went worldwide when he created the Magi-Cast. A device that mimicked a muggles video camera in a compact form. After his showcase at diagon alley talk about the master enchanter has spread throughout the wizarding communities of the world.
[Alfreda] - An Ancient Royal Elf found by Oz in Merlin's hideout. Her and her kind was saved by Merlin in passing and she vowed to serve under Merlin and his bloodline until her death. Merlin however left her behind in the hideout one day for centuries until Oz eventually happened upon the hideout where she decided to serve under Oz as Merlin was no longer present on the earth.
[Craig] - Who is this guy? Oh right. Craig was Oz's first 'friend' at Hogwarts. He was in Gryffindor and held prejudice against Oz when he was sorted into Slytherin. He eventually saw past that prejudice and became friends with Oz and his crew he had gathered. In his third year at the school however he was killed by the Basilisk due to events unfolding differently to the canon.
[Rose] - A Muggle-born witch that was initially kidnapped from her home after Voldemort Sympathisers killed her mother and father. She spent weeks tortured by the sympathisers before Oz chanced on the hideout and broke all the captive muggleborns out. After this event she spent a lot of time overcoming her trauma and 'stalking' Oz trying to thank him. Eventually she finds herself in the possession of Tom Riddle's diary leading to her replacing Ginny in the canon. Oz saves her a second time as he blasts into the chamber killing the basilisk and destroying the diary along with the diadem.
[Norberta] - Technically not a (non-canon) character however my version of her is different. Norberta was born out of an egg Hagrid traded for and Oz was present for the hatching. As Norberta was born and locked eyes with Oz she instantly heralded him as her 'Papa'. Oz took her in and kept her at the hideout allowing her to grow under his guidance. Eventually Oz left her with Charlie in the Dragon Sanctuary so she could grow to her full potential.
[Kuro] - Oz's black screech owl. Oz met this little owl on his first trip to diagon alley and seemingly chose it due to how similar its eyes were to his. Kuro whilst not having a dedicated part to the story as a whole still became a pillar for Oz especially in the early years where he had nobody to talk to at Hogwarts. Oz would often spend his time visiting the little black owl in the owlery when he had nothing to do at Hogwarts.
[Raglok] - The head of the goblins at Gringotts. Respects Oz's lineage and after the mishap with Lucius Malfoy and Gringotts selling Oz's identity basically places himself underneath Oz. Oz has enacted a deal with Raglok under the guise of 'Lee Oswald' selling his products through them. The most recent deal basically suffocated Raglok with its absurdity however Raglok had to reluctantly agree.
[Ifum] - Gurg of the giant tribe in Belarus (North-east of Minsk). An anomaly in the canon as Oz believed Karkus should be the gurg at the moment and not this new 'character'.
[Cronus] - A baby giant Oz named whilst in the giant tribe for a month. Seemed to grow attached to Oz before he left on his journey heading towards his next destination. Oz left him with parting words stating they would spar when he grows up.
[Arauthator the Ancient] - Arauthator is an ancient mythical dragon that resides at the peak of the Carpathian mountains. He has lived centuries and has even met Merlin once before. His sheer size is testament to the power he holds within himself.
[Merlin] - Technically not (Non-canon) however my take is. Merlin is an enigmatic character in the Harry Potter world. Not much is known about him and as Oz discovers more about him he realises that the old wizard was much more than meets the eye.