My Vest Is Off?

"To study us, the fire rabbits," the rabbit said with a sigh.

"They not only captured us, but they also captured other species too, to gather together the five spiritual things of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and then fuse them by any means."

"We are fire rabbits with fire attributes inside. The pipes they inserted into me connected my five internal organs and six channels, constantly drawing energy from me."

Su Su opened her eyes wide in surprise, "What are the other four animals?"

"Golden Cicada, Ancient Wood, Water Dragon, Sand Snake." After a pause, Fire Rabbit continued: "Since the mutation, all animals and plants have changed rapidly. Humans have almost become extinct 90%, and only a few remain with the ability to survive."

"But they basically can't breed the next generation. In this world, it is far more difficult to give birth to a human cub than to raise one. So basically all women have been taught to give birth, and now they can show up. Basically, they are all men."

Su Su kept frowning as she listened to what the Fire Spirit Rabbit said.

"I know all of this," she said suspiciously.

"No, you don't know." The rabbit walked towards her, and the tube in her body trembled as it walked.

"Your body has a smell that does not belong to our world, you are not a human here." Su Su was surprised when the rabbit blurted out.

"Doom, what's the situation, how does this rabbit know about me?" Su Su anxiously called the cheating system in her heart.

"Everything has an aura. Not all mutant animals have this innate ability to distinguish. Congratulations to the host! You happened to meet the most spiritual one." Doom's words made Su Su feel like eating a pile of shit in her throat and got stuck while going down.

If Doom was a living entity, Su Su believed that with her current breakdown value, she would definitely be able to kill her.

"Don't be surprised. We won't tell those humans about this. After all, you are as pitiful as we are now a grasshopper tied to a rope."

The intubated rabbit said quietly, and the other fiery rabbits behind him nodded quickly for fear that she would not believe it.

"Okay, if the vest is dropped, it will fall off. It shattered to the ground and I can't pick it up anyway." After Su Su thought about it, the whole body broke and fell. She sat on the ground and pulled the rabbit opposite. She started chatting with it.

"Go on."

"Humans cannot reproduce offspring, which means they are about to extinct. On the contrary, our animals are prosperous and more and more."

"Although we don't want to admit it, humans are indeed intelligent creatures. In just a few decades, they have found a solution to the problem through continuous exploration and experimentation. It is said that as long as the problem of reproduction is solved, successive global catastrophes can be stopped."

Su Su nodded and listened more. The more she listened, the more felt that she could overlap with what she wanted.

"So, it is still related to you in the end." Su Su asked.

"This method is not a secret. It's simple to say, but in practice, it's harder to reach the sky."

The rabbit sat beside Su Su shaking his head, babbling, "First they need to gather enough five nature energies, then fuse them. Our energy is just a process, a mean to complete their goal. Killing the Beast King is one of the goals, and humans want to complete this goal."

"Things that have not been implemented, how do they know that this will definitely work, in case the method is wrong?" Su Su always feels a bit weird. The process and results that the rabbit said always sound unconvincing.

"Yes, before they succeeded, who knows whether it is right or wrong, but they now and they need a temporary way to stabilize the situation, and the price is us." As he said, the fire rabbit stretched out his paw and pointed at himself. The tube stuck in the chest.

"Oh." Su Su couldn't help sighing when she looked at it, "You have been tortured so that you haven't died yet. It's a miracle."

"They won't let me die, at most I will suffer a little crime. I am the largest supplier of energy at present. After all, I was born with stronger energy than other rabbits." The rabbit is still very optimistic, and Su Su can hear it. She felt a little sad.

"Thanks to Xiao Yi, we are only able to survive now." The other rabbits not far away added.

"Your name is Xiao Yi?" Su Su reacted.

The rabbit nodded," I'm the second child in the house."

Su Su thought about what Xiao Yi said before, if everything is true, then her mission this time will overlap with the humans in the present world, which is quite guilty.

The task is to subdue the Beast King, but the others are ready to eliminate and ready to be eliminated directly...

"Xiao Yi, do you know the specific whereabouts of the Beast King? Or do people outside know about this?"

Xiao Yi shook his head. An extremely affirmative answer, "I don't know."

Su Su was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect the answer to be so fast.

"So, everyone doesn't know the location of the Beast King, so how did the humans decide on the plan? If you ask to kill it, you have to know something, right?"

"I can feel a little bit deep in the heart of the earth. There is something with huge energy. It is behind the maintenance and change of the global situation, but it is just a feeling, and it is not certain what it is."

"I think humans should have some means to detect it."

"No one has seen it or knows its specific location. The Beast King is just a descriptive vocabulary, which embodies the goal."

Su Su understood what Xiao Yi said, and was about to speak. The iron box was roughly opened from the outside.


A series of red-haired rabbits drew a parabola in the air in the form of throwing a shot ball and finally hit the ground with a thud and a scream.

Su Su knew the pain was terrible after listening to the voice. She had the same treatment once, and it was so sour and refreshing.

"Wait when did I feel this being refreshing". Su Su screamed in her heart.

"Oh, when did such a beautiful woman come in this concentration camp, and the rabbits also became fine?"

Su Su felt sorry for the rabbits who were thrown down. When she heard the words above her head, her face went black on the spot.

I've been locked up with the rabbit for a long time. Does she look like a rabbit now...

"Don't talk nonsense, She was thrown in by the boss. After giving a death order, no one can move, saying that she wants to be with these people. Bring the Fire Spirit Rabbit back to the base together."

"Tsk Tsk, that's really a pity, such a good figure, can't have a hand addiction, I have an eye addiction, I can't break the law."

Su Su squinted her eyes and raised her head, and suddenly realized the speaker was the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek she saw in the grass today.

Feeling the raging gaze of the man, a lot of anger suddenly surged in her heart, but in the next second, she was covered by a group of fluffy rabbits.

At this time, the man didn't have to look at it, and all the rabbits could be seen everywhere.

"Unlucky!" The man cursed.