Your highness is not truly retarded, is he?

'It seems that Xenia trained you well,'

Demetrius kept thinking about Lady Carina's parting words. It seems to him that Lady Carina is not a simple woman. How did she become an acquaintance to his deceased master, who is known to be very unfriendly and prideful.

Vance hummed happily as he looked outside the window of the carriage. It's the first time Demetrius seen the prince this happy.

He took a little time to adjust himself serving Vance. It felt awkward for Demetrius at first. He didn't know how to treat an adult with a child mentality. But as long as there is a sense of respect, Vance felt comfortable.

Seeing his young master this happy, his beauty truly shone through. He did not have any resemblance with the current emperor except for the golden eyes. His features are most exactly from the maternal side, with shiny black raven hair with slight curls at its ends.

It does make Demetrius feel all warm inside too, but still felt skeptical with his young master's behaviour.

"Your highness, it seems that you like Lady Carina very much,"

Yes. However, Demetrius trust his deceased master, who apparently knew Lady Carina. So they were no doubts about her intentions.

He smiled in response. "Carina has no ill intentions, unlike others. Carina likes me. I like Carina," .

Demetrius had served Lady Uld, Vance's mother for almost 10 years after he finished his training. Yet he still couldn't wrap his head around what Lady Uld said about her own son.

'He's retarded, but not exactly'

Is what Lady Uld said, the moment she placed the duty of taking care of her son to Demetrius.

Demetrius understood Vance less and less now. He is childish, retarded but somehow very smart in associating himself with good people. Is it his instincts or is he pretending to be retarded?

Vance sighed. "Ah, this is terrible. I already miss Carina," he thought.