You and me?

The butler earlier is guiding me to the greenhouse. I am at such a daze at the trust both Demetrius and Uld put on me.

To be precise, on Xenia.

I know that I was Demetrius' mentor, so it's logical that he would put his trust on me. But Uld too? When she barely even knew? I guess Helena, her mother, said something.

"My lady, are you okay? We're almost there," the butler woke me up from my thoughts.

"Ah, yes,"

I don't know what to feel honestly. The info dump is supposed to give me a headache, but again, I've lived for so long that nothing surprises me anymore.

'Lady Carina, please take good care of my son. He's a little different because...he had to. In return, I'll help you with the favor,'

Uld's words rang in my head again.

I've done everything I can and I feel relieved.

"Carina, you're back!,"

"Hello your highness. Sorry I was late. Did you have fun with Emmy?," I asked while glancing at my maid, who was still holding the box of desserts.

But it was uneaten.

"I wanted to eat them with you!"

I gave him a smile as he took my hand and dragged me to the table. Emmy poured tea into both of our teacups.

I look at my surroundings. To say this is a greenhouse is an overstatement. It was slightly dark and no sunlight piercing through because of the dirty moss covering half of the dome, so the greenhouse's function, to grow plants under sufficient sunlight, is completely useless. However, there is a slight beauty to it. It looks like ruins, abandoned where it is full of history.

"Carina, are you really a saint? Can you really heal people?"

I titled my head, thinking of the answer seriously. "Hm, I am more towards a mage... and a knight I guess,"

Vance looked down in disappointment. At this moment, I just realized how beautiful Vance really is. Those long eyelashes is the envy of women. His golden eyes that seemed to resemble the sun and that contrasting black hair that resemble the night. The childish expressions he makes adds to his naivety and fragility that makes him to be a pure and innocent person.

If only Vance acted like an adult, he would be popular among the ladies.

But like Uld said, he HAS to be retarded. Does that mean he's not retarded? Is he acting then?

"Why are you disappointed? Either way, I am still your friend right?"

Vance frowned. "Friends call me Vance, not his highness. That's only for Demetri,"

I scratched my cheek, again, not knowing how to treat this child-adult person. "Ah yes, Vance then,"

He nodded approvingly, as if a puppy that is happy after being petted. "Then can you tell me why you're disappointed Vance?"

Vance glanced at Emmy who was holding the teapot. Oh, it seems he wants privacy? Is this a serious issue after all?. "Emmy, ask the butler and see if he needs help," I ordered. In a way, I was asking Emmy to leave us.

Emmy is used to underlying intent. Seeing that Vance is just a retarded prince, she did not think twice about Carina's safety and hence, did not think twice about Carina's orders.

"It's just the two of us now,"


Vance twiddle his fingers on the handle of the teacup, looking nervous. "If you're a saint...then I wanted to ask if you can heal me?"

"Heal? Are you sick?"

I only just met this adorable person. Why is he sick?

"N-no. People told me I am not right in the head. People said I am sick. Father told me that too, so he sent healers and saints. I wanted someone to heal me, but mother is very strict,"

Vance now grips his teacup, shaking. "That's why I prayed to god and hope mother likes you. So that you can be my friend,"

I clasp his hand that was gripping the teacup, comforting him. Of course his mother is going to be protective. The emperor sending healers and saints out of concern is a red flag. An emperor is an emperor first, being a father is the second. I doubt that he is doing it out of concern, but more of a confirmation to know if his sixth son really is retarded.

I thought I am going to live a secluded, relaxing life this time but...I really can't leave Uld and Vance alone.

It was as if they're surrounded. The emperor, empress, crown prince, the nobles. Everyone is bearing their claws towards them, harmless people. Adding that both Vance and Uld has the blood of Frigore, a witch's blood, people are going to look at them in disdain.

"Come, let's go relax near a tree. Sitting and drinking tea like this is not very relaxing," I said as I took his hands.

Vance followed me from behind as he looked at the small, delicate hands that was holding his. Vance felt warm, happy, slightly nervous, but more giddy.

When both me and Vance got out of the greenhouse to lean on a big tree, I look at the sky above us. Nothing seems to change, but the people, the things around me, quickly changes and that's normal. The thought of leaving behind people that I love hurts me, but this is how nature suppose to progress. History is a continuous timeline, not a vicious cycle. That is time. It's the law of nature.

Me being reincarnated again and again breaks that law of nature. So I had no choice to leave people behind, feeling a slight remorse, but more towards the feeling of emptiness, because I am used to it.

"Vance, how old are you right now?"

"I just turned 18! What about Carina?,"

I closed my mouth. I was about to answer that I am 17. Well, Carina is. But me, the actual me, this probably around 2000 years old? Probably more? I've lived an average of 25 years every reincarnation, some of it were only 2 years and when I was a mage, I've lived for about 100 years. So I am old...very old...but...

"I guess I am...17...,"

Yeah, I am 17. I think.

"Wow, Carina is younger than me. Mother said to always protect people younger than me. So don't worry Carina, I will protect you!,"

I scoffed. Vance, it is I who will protect you. I am more powerful than you that's for sure.

"Sure Vance," I ruffled his hair.

He frowned. "You don't believe me,"

"Haha, of course I do!,"

I ruffled his hair harder and grinned. Vance seems to be dissatisfied at the idea of him not being taken seriously. He grabbed my wrist and stared into my eyes.

"W-What's wrong?"

I was quite nervous. I know I am supposed to be used to handsome men like him but, why does Vance seemed different? He seems familiar. And this familiar feeling. Is this déjà vu? Or did my memories get mixed up?


His voice was very baritone and seductive that I was almost drawn in. As I was about to process what Vance is actually doing right now, he put his other hand on my cheek.

"Won't you stay with me? Forever?,"

"W-what do you mean?" I gave a nervous smile.

"Please don't leave me. You look like you're going to leave,".

My eyes turn round at his sudden observation, but I quickly smiled. This time, I will try to live with him as long as I can, until he no longer needs me, until this world is giving me a message that I have to die.

For now, it's a yes, but as usual, I can't promise.