The Real Vance

I can feel it.

Day by day, I feel like I've regained some clarity and my speech has become less jilted. I've become 'me', the real Vance.

The 'retarded' Vance feels like its slowly assimilated with me. Rather than disappearing, I feel like my memories as the retarded Vance and me has become one. I couldn't explain this phenomenon. But I know for sure it's got nothing to do with the pills.

"Let me leave this palace. I want to see Carina,"

"But your highness,"

I grabbed his collar and Demetrius' eyes widened in surprise at my temper. He had never experienced the retarded prince looking at him with piercing eyes.

"Since when are you in control of me? Because I am retarded?," I smirked.

"I apologize your highness. I got the pills today and Lady Uld wants you to take it. Until you recover, please do not leave the palace. I am sure Master Carina wants the same. If we visit her now without proper invitation then we'll be intruding,".

It's about the damn pills again.

I eat the pills everyday in hoping to be resistant to it. My mother didn't explain the reasons behind it, but I vaguely assume that maybe I was poisoned. Apparently, it had the opposite effect and I was almost overcome with insanity from the pain its giving me.

It's weird but I remember that time I was 'retarded' during the night Carina visited me when I drew Carina terribly. That time, it was my first experiencing both versions of me at one time, with the other being the dominant version because he occupied my actions.

So now it's my redemption.

I did a portrait of her beautifully on a canvas, using acrylic paint. But the moment I wanted to show her the portrait, I received grave news that Carina was sick. I thought it was just a small fever, so I was willing to wait albeit being worried about her. The time I used to wait for Carina to recover was doing some finishing touches on the portrait, but it's already been a month so I've grown impatient.

"Whose your master? My mother or Carina?,"

"Y-your highness," Demetrius lowered his head.

It's apparent. Demetrius seems to hold Carina in the highest regard. While it's not obvious, Demetrius seems to think that Carina's orders' hold the highest priority. I chuckled, recalling back the memories of my 'retarded' version. When putting the pieces back together, I feel like I have a clearer picture of everything that had been happening around him. Nobody took him seriously.

Except Carina.

She doesn't have a single evil in her bones. She's the only one in my memories that have no malicious intent. That's why, no matter what, I will definitely sneak out to see her.

Like master, like student, right?