"Stop staring so hard April, you might melt him with you stares." Arnold my stupid brother said mockingly. He's right in way. I've been staring at him for the past 30mins non stop. What can I do? I have a massive crush on Alpha Jordan....okay not an Alpha yet, but I've had these feelings for a long time, but I can't act on them, because it's almost the full moon. The full moon comes once in two months and it is when people get mated. We all assemble in the Arena, there all the unmated wolves can find their mate. Next month, will be the full moon, hopefully I'll find my mate, but until then, I'll crush on Jordan from far distance. See how cute he is playing basketball with the other guys. I stood up to leave when I bumped into someone.
"Look who it is...April Parker." Natasha said looking at me from head to toe. Natasha Davids is an adopted pack member, I don't really know the full story but all I know is that she was brought here when she was 5years old by Alpha Donatus, Jordan's father, something about her Pack being attacked and only few survivors including her.
"What do you want Natasha?" She just smirked at me. "Just so you know, when I become the Luna, you wont address me that way. Better learn how to speak to me with respect." I folded my arms and looked at her in disbelief. Is she serious right now?
"Look here you wanabe, you've got to be mated to Jordan, bear his mark on your neck and lastly he has to introduce you to the pack as he's mate, when he does that, then I'll talk to you with respect. Until then, you're just an adopted girl, better remember your place bitch." With that I turned and walked away.
"What was that all about April?" My friend Meghan asked. "Nothing really, just the usual." I used that opportunity to steal one of Dora's samosas. "Thief. So let me guess, she was rambling about how she'll become the Luna and demand that we respect her?" Dora asked still glaring at me, because of one samosa....that I made for her. "In her dreams. What did you tell her this time? Or did you ignore her like always?" I took another samosa, and this time Dora pulled my hair, "ouch! Are you insane? What was that for? Besides I'm the one that made that for you." I said massaging my scalp. "Go make another one for yourself." Stupid girl. "Anyway, I told her that she has to be mated with Jordan and he has to introduce her to us as the Luna before she gets any respect from us." They started laughing. "Good one April, she deserves that." We started laughing all over again. "I wonder who the Moon Goddess mated me to?" Dora said dreamily. "Who knows, maybe it's Beta Richard." I replied her. "Talking about Beta, what is going on with Arnold? Does it mean that he has given up on the Pack? What will happen to us?" Meghan asked with panic in her voice. "I don't know Meg, all I know is that Arnold told me that if ever there was a war, he'll be in his office waiting to treat casualties and I should make sure that we three are there so that he can protect us." Meghan sighed in relief. Stupid girl, how can she sigh in relief when the thought of my brother dragging us to his office is pissing me off and making me want to go and slit his throat. I mean we're not weak or something, we can fight, but that stupid wolf won't even hear of it.
"There's a problem Alpha, this letter came in just now." Alpha Donatus collected the letter from the guard. "Send for Jordan, my Beta and the council elders immediately." The guard bowed and walked away. Donatus opens and reads the letter. "What's wrong Dad?" Jordan asked entering the office. "Go immediately and bring me Arnold."
"What for? I thought that case was already closed?"
"Just do as I've instructed. There's no time for questions and answers." Jordan rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Where are you going?" Arnold asked. "To my room. Jordan is coming." April said arranging the scattered magazines on the table. "I seriously don't know how you do that. How can you sense someone coming from far?" April smirked at him. "Why? Curious that I have something over you? Don't worry big brother I'll take care of you." She laughed at him this time and exited the sitting room. "Ari! How you doing man?" Jordan asked walking into the kitchen where Arnold was rummaging through the freezer. "For the upteenth time Jordan, don't call me that or I'll forget that you're the Alpha and my best friend. I'm I clear?" Jordan stood there smirking at him. "For some reason my sister could sense your arrival, I should have just gone with her. Jerk!" "Hey, it's alright. I'm sorry I won't call you Ari again." He said earning a dark glare from Arnold. "State your purpose in my house and get out before I loose my patience with you." Jordan chuckled and took the ice cream cup from Arnold and started eating it. "I'm trying my best not to rip you into shredds Jordan. So give me one reason not to get rid of you this instant? I'm already frustrated with my sister's constant nagging and my parents disgusting display of affection and now you calling my that stupid name and then taking my ice cream. Do you have a death wish or what? Because I don't mind ripping your head off and facing the consequences."
"Okay calm down tiger, I'm sorry, I'll leave now. Anyway, my father requests your presence in the pack house immediately." That got Arnold's attention. "What does he want now? To banish me or what?" "No idea but come on let's go." Arnold nodded and walked upstairs. "The Alpha sent for me." He said walking into April's room. "What for? To banish you or what?" "Who cares. If I get kicked out, you're coming with me.
"Are you crazy or about to go crazy? I'm not going anywhere with you." She pouted furiously. "It's not up for discussion April. You will never leave my sight unless you get mated to an Alpha, until then I'll protect you, got it?"
"I can protect myself. I know how to fight."
"Bullshit. It's final April. If I can have my way Meg and Dora are coming too. You guys are my top priorities no two ways about it. So get used to it. Now I gotta go see what the Alpha and those old crone's want." April chuckled and Arnold kissed her forehead and walked out.
"Over protective stupid Wolf. I hate you Arnold." April threw her phone at the wall in frustration.
"I heard you little one. I love you too sister" Arnold retorted back. April rushed over to her window and saw him there smirking up at her. "Urgghh!"