What is wrong son? Why do you look dead yet still alive? The Old man sitting beside him asked.
"Nothing sir. I'm just sad because I've not met my mate yet. Betas and Gammas usually meet their mates after the Alpha does, but I've not met mine and I don't know why." The Old man started laughing maniacally, all of a sudden he started growing horns, his face started to change.
"You are paying for the crime someone else committed. A time will come when everything will be brought to light."
"Who committed the crime? What crime is it? Why I am I the one paying for the crime of someone else? " The Old man looked directly into his eyes and disappeared.
He woke up with a jolt, sweating profusely. " What was that? Why do I keep dreaming of that man? Could I really be paying for someone else's crime?" He asked rhetorically. After taking a shower, he dressed up and went downstairs.
"Morning Mum." He greeted his mother who was setting the table for breakfast.
"You look out of it today son, what is wrong?"
"Nothing mum, I didn't sleep early." Taking a sandwich, he kissed his mother and walked out of the house.
At the Pack house.
"Why is everyone looking so sad? What's going on"? April asked as she walked into the meeting room.
"We're leaving." Alpha Michaelo said.
"Leaving? You've been here for a week, why leaving now?" April asked
"Awwwn are you going to miss us?" Raphaelo winked at her.
"Don't be stupid, I take it that you did not find your mate here, where the hell is that idiot Stephano?" April asked looking round the room in search of a face she has not seen.
"Right here little one."
Turning back she came face to face with Stephano....and Jackie.
"What the hell! Where have you been? Your father is about to leave, and Jackie, get the fuck away from him he's the enemy right now. Where have you been for the past few days Jackie?"
"I didn't come with Raphael in search of a mate. I love touring and I went along with them. Thankfully it brought me to my mate. Now that I've found her I've decided to stay here, my things will get shipped to me." Stephano said smiling at her making her roll her eyes.
"Who's this supposed mate?" April asked folding her arms.
"Me." Jackie said blushing badly.
"Really Jackie, him? This idiot is your mate? It's so unfortunate. For your sake Stephano, nothing happens to her and you better make sure that she never cries because of you, because trust me, you won't live to see another dawn. And it's not only me, there are two others who will rip you limb by limb. But I'll let you be for now since the female heat period will start next week." April said growling at him. Meghan and Dora walked over to April and stood beside her and glared at Stephano.
"Alright calm down ladies, stop growling at me April, besides she's my mate I won't dream of hurting her, besides I'm not leaving, Alpha Donatus has given me space here since I'm mated to his daughter." Stephano said.
"Good." Dora growled causing him to roll his eyes.
Evening time.
"Hey guys!" Jordan said walking over to were Arnold, Collins and Richard we're seated in the bar.
"You've been scarce, is all well? Arnold asked taking a sip of his wine.
"I should be the saying it to you. Sometimes I feel as if you're avoiding us especially me. Is it about what happened?" Jordan asked.
"Come on, you know me better than that. I'm not avoiding any body, and if I was avoiding someone it will be your father and the council of elders not you Jordan. Anyway, I've been busy with work in the hospital. Most times I do go out of the Pack to go help in the hospital of humans. But I'm around more often now, Dora said she'll slit my throat and have April remove my heart and make me eat it. I don't even know she can say such things and I won't be surprised if they go through with it." They all burst out laughing.
"How is your mate Collins?" Richard asked.
"She suprises me daily. You know, there's this one time we were sleeping and someone broke into our house, before I could even register what was happening she chased that guy and got him. What even suprises me was her knife throwing skills, damn! She's really good."
"Why was she the one to go after him? Were you that tired or what?"
"Yeah, she wore me out. Such a vixen." He smirked.
"I can relate." Arnold said raising his hand up.
"What about you Jordan, how's life with your mate.?"
"It's not good, infact it's weird. I don't feel anything towards her only at night. The worst of all is that she can't even shift. Her training will start after the heat. I pity her."
"Why? Is she going to die?" Richard asked.
"No. I went through the list of things she'll do, one of those tasks is defeating April Parker. Seeing as she's the other option to become the Luna, I think it'll be a fight to the death."
"That's a suicidal mission." Arnold screamed out.
"I've overhead the girls conversing in the room countless times, there was a time I over heard April telling the girls that she is just waiting for someone to give her the go-ahead to kill Natasha. See, if that fight takes place Natasha won't make it. The last time I saw April fight was a year ago, I don't how strong she is presently. A warrior once told me months back that she's scary. I can just imagine what she will do to poor Natasha."
"Uhmmmmmmm. Anyway, Richard, I've noticed this past few days that you've been out of it. Are you alright? Look, I know that you're still feeling guilty about what happened, I just want you to know that it's not your fault okay, and I don't even hold it against you." Arnold said to Richard.
"It's not that Arnold, the thing is that I had a strange dream about an old man telling me that the reason why I don't have a mate yet is because I'm paying for a crime someone else committed, can you believe it? And the worst of it all is that I keep getting the same dream every night. It's tiring."
"Right now I don't even know what to think or even do about my situation with Natasha. Come on let's go and oversee the training." Jordan said