Chapter 5

Dio, after leaving his brother-in-law confused, wandered around the manor. He eventually stop in an area filled with red roses in the back of the garden. He then heared a bark. Danny stared at him before barking again.

"Oh? You want to play?" The young boy asked to the mutt. It just stared back.

"Or maybe you... want to know where your dear master is? Well, i don't know." After this sentence, the dog started growling, showing his fangs.

"Pff... Haha! Noooo, I didn't hurt him! Come on! Anyway, here I am, talking to a damn mutt. I'm going crazy..."

After defying the piercing gaze of the white and black dog, the blond burst out laughing. He then patted Danny on the head while saying he was a good boy. Danny suddenly changed attitude and barked with joy.

From the corner of his eyes, the kid saw a box made of wood. He taked it and smiled to the dog.

"Danny~! Let's play a little game~!"

He then throwed a branch which was nearby. The dog brought it back before the stick gets thowed again. After getting a bit bored, the boy talked.

"Danny... Do you like Jonathan?

- Woof!

- Now now... Do you love him? Do you love Jonathan, Danny?

- Woof woof!!!

- How much, I wonder... What about this?" Dio taked out a pocket watch and maked the mutt smelled it. It was Jonathan's. The child pretended to throw it in the box and wanting to get the watch back the dog jumped in it. The young human closed it, making the poor animal howled.

"Shh... Be quiet.

- ...grr!

- I'm gonna be number one in Jonathan's hearth! I'll own him and his damn privileges of rich. And I, Dio, will love him more than anybody in this universe. Hm... Hahaha...HAHAHA!!!"

He picked the box, put it in the incinerator and get away, wanting someone else to start the fire. Entering the manor with fiery eyes and a victorious smile, the yandere walked happily toward the library.