Chapter 11

Erina was a blond girl with sky blue eyes. She was cute, young and beautiful. She was also kind and polite. The perfect girl at this time's period.

One day, Erina was walking on the path to her home with a basket full of grapes. As she strolled near the river, she saw a young boy with dark blue hair.

"Joestar?" These word escaped her mouth. The boy turned around in surprise. He smiled politely as he said:

"Hello? Do we know each other?

- Hmm... I wanted to give you back... this!" Erina handed him a tissue with his name embroidered on it.

"Oh! Thank you. So it was you... It was not a long time ago.

- Yes! You saved me back then. Can I give you something in return?

- Your name. It would be nice to know it.

- Ah, hum... My name is Erina Pendleton." She replied with a blush, smiling slicely.

- Nice to meet you, Erina.

- A-and yours?

- My name's Jonathan Joestar.

- Haha, nice to meet you too, Jo-...Jo!"