The Incident in Third Grade

At this point in Brandon's life, he was pretty much being watched under his grandmother's close eye he was not really able to do much without her constantly fetching him. So he ended up staying inside the house playing video games, only going outside to ride his bike in the small yard. Whenever Brandon got the chance to go to school, best believe he made the best of his time there. It was his third year at the elementary school, his teacher? Her name was Mrs. Bradley, she was a nice lady, tall, skinny, long blond hair, and a looked extremely young for her age. Nonetheless I enjoyed her very so. She like Brandon, made him felt like he belonged. Luckily for Brandon, Melissa was in his class once again, and they got to sit next to each other as well. Brandon was indeed stoked, so excited to sit next to his best friend.

It was a Wednesday morning, Brandon's mother was rushing him as usual to eat his cereal. He does not like eating fast at all. Mom was running late again this morning so she just takes his cereal, puts it into a cup(yes milk and all), and tells him to get into the car. Sigh, this woman is impossible, especially since it seems she has learned nothing from my previous intervention. No matter, she will get whats coming to her later...that I will make sure of...

Anyhow, Brandon gets into the white Camaro z28, buckles his seat belt, and continues to eat his cereal, Capt Crunch, his favorite. Mom pulls out of the driveway, like a bat out of hell, and takes Brandon to school. The car ride was silent as it usually was, Brandon never really had a good relationship with his mom, for obvious reasons. When they eventually reached their destination at the school, only thing his mother said was to have fun. Brandon got out of the car and went on his way.

As Brandon walked to his class, Melissa kind of just popped out of nowhere, as she usually did. Brandon wondered how she always did that and finally asked.

"How do you always do that?"

"Weeeell, you see, you usually get here before I do so I kinda just sneak up on you!" Melissa giggled as she grabbed Brandon's arm as they walked to the classroom

"Oh wow, it was that easy huh?" Brandon responded, feeling pretty dumbfounded at the simplicity of it all.

"Yup, you know it!" Melissa has her trademark smile on her face that Brandon loves so much. It is that smile that makes Brandon want to be at school so much.

As they entered the classroom they took their seats and Mrs. Bradley had started her lesson. She went and pulled out the projector, and said...

"Alright class, everyone ready for the math lesson?" As soon as she said this, the class instantly groaned miserably...of course except for Brandon and Melissa, they were both always excited for math.

Melissa and Brandon had a competition with each other, to see who could get it done the fastest and most accurate, they do this to see who was gonna pick what they will play at recess. It always drove them both to be the best, and it worked. It had gotten to the point to where they were alternating everyday who picked the recess game.

This time, Melissa got a perfect score, so she got it two days in a row. Brandon didn't mind this at all, he enjoyed being with his friend.

So it came around recess time, and the best of friends were playing, running around and having fun...until Brandon randomly started getting was the Diabetic Ketoacidocious attacking him once again.

Melissa had started freaking out really bad, she had never seen Brandon in this sort of shape before, the other kids were laughing at him as he was laying on the ground vomiting every ten seconds. Melissa had ran to the P.E. Teacher, Coach Batyski. He ran to Brandon, picked him up and rush him to the nurse.

They had just made it there before Brandon vomited again, the nurses called the ambulance and his mother. When the ambulance arrived, another blackout came with it...