Beyond Heaven, Above Hell

Now, as we all can see, an impasse has been reached. Brandon's true power has been shown, little miss Megan was brought back from a near true death, and now, I, personally have to put things into a regulation. Especially since new events have come into being. Upon hearing about Razor, upon hearing about Draven, and particularly about this help that I am receiving from the residents of home. From Ba'al, from Asmodeus, I am now curious as to who is next to aid me... They must truly believe that I am to be the next ruler, and that father is losing his touch. If the case may be so, then I must be closer to my goal than expected. With the rate of things going as they are, I may soon be able to rid him of his curse, especially to destroy it.

This very curse that has killed every single human, as it has taken countless lives, especially if I am unable to count them all. As they all succumb to it, it is simply passed on to the next unfortunate victim. Unfortunately though, Brandon has been chosen as it's new victim...the situation as he was chosen by me, yes, it did indeed had an ulterior motive. I had no idea that he would be the one to conquer it in the future, the savior. After witnessing his power, his sheer force that would have sent me, ME, of all beings, into in-existence.

Now, the training portion of from me is now over, Brandon and Megan are officially protectors of the spirit realm of earth. Since his true power has been awakened from within, he can protect her now far better than I could ever hope to. She will be his light, his humanity, his power, as she keeps him from destroying everything in his path. Together, they will defeat the curse, and rid humanity of it and it's befouling nature.

Sigh, Rebecca...My little girl, I will rescue you...and keep you away from the evil, your brother. This is my next task...I must kill my son, Draven. I can only pray, that the almighty God, can forgive what I am to do. For that I am above hell, out of reach of attaining, and beyond heaven, where I hope to eventually earn my place, what my father stupidly lost...

Yes, it is now known...a demon to achieve the warm welcome of the Pearly Gates. A demon to be able to change the rules of Hell, to where those who truly deserve it go. A demon that is so different, that is so against the inner workings of his past home. That he wishes that it is ran properly... This is in hopes for the people like Brandon and now Megan, whom have been tainted by the mark or even been influenced by one such as myself. In hopes they can reach paradise, and the promise of everlasting life.

Do not judge me, I have said much earlier that I am a neutral force in the world and maintaining a balance between the three worlds. Those who thought otherwise, I apologize ahead of time, but they are mistaken! Besides I am not the one, to nor even others, are allowed to judge. That is his, and only his to do so. With that, we shall cut this short to the day after, in the physical world of Brandon and Megan.