Chapter 6 Monachopsis

You're so used to being mistreated, that you allow yourself to be in the hands of people who will hurt you. Because happiness is not something you're used to.


"Eliza you do not know what your getting yourself into! You know how I adore Ida. Yet this- this is preposterous!! And the way she dresses! Where did you pick this girl up from? Let me guess, that orphanage in Toronto. Eliza if you would have come to me for advice - which you very much should have. I would have told you this is a bad idea, no this is a bad idea. Having one orphan is risky enough, but two? No no no. I can not, and I will not. You must send her back. You NEED to send her back right away. Before she murders you all from burning the house down like that boy did in just the town next over. Or what if she has been stealing from you? Have you checked your balance? Oh! What if she ruins dear Ida?!.. Well that is not really a concern, Ida already knows more then a girl should. Yet still! It is very dangerous!!"

"Oh Mary will you stop with your nonsense. Maybe if you took the chance to meet her you would like her. She is very much like you." Eliza said looking at Mrs.Gills from aside, a smile on her face.

"Do not tell me what to do, you know I do not give a wit about the girl. She is probably more ruined then Ida was when she first came to Quebec. Have you thought about the effects she might have over the young girls! Do you know about the fight she caused the other day with the Sailor's boy? I bet you did not." Mrs.Gills responded. She was not fond of Eliza's choices when she did not consult her about it.

"Mary! Now that's just unnecessary! It is not the girls fault that she has no home and no where to go! Although yes I very much know about the feud they had gotten themselves into. You must not blame the girl for standing up to herself, and you should know that the Sailor's boy has no right at all to lay a hand on a young girl, no matter the circumstances. I am attending to that matter and I can do it myself without your help thank you very much." Eliza shot back, she loved Mary but there was only so much advice she could take.

"Now you best be heading out, I have to finish making dinner. Merliah still has not waken up yet." Said Eliza, attending to the soup that she would serve with scones, gravy and beans.

"Well I- well I never. Since you do not need my professional advice, after I raised six children myself then then that's how it will be. Good day Eliza." Mrs.Gills huffed as she put on her sash and stormed out of the house. Eliza walked up to the window, arms crossed, watching as the small woman get into her buggy and drive off the property of De L'heure. Eliza simply shook her head, knowing all too well she'd be back for tea on thursday.

As Eliza started to pour the soup into three separate bowls, Gilbert walked down the stairs not listening to their conversation as he knew Mrs.Gills did not take a fond greeting to Merliah.

"Oh Gilbert could you please get the plates and silverware?" Eliza begged as she set the pot back onto the wood piece, placing it back over the fire to keep the rest of the soup warm.  "Will you and William be needing one now as well?" He asked as he got three plates, ready to grab two more if needed.

"No thank you, I will eat once William comes back from the barn." She said. Gilbert then brought over the three plates as Eliza started to fill them up with food, as he went to grab three spoons. "Has she awaken yet?" Eliza said while pouring the gravy over the scones. "No ma'am." He replied, "Hopefully she will wake up to the smell of food.." He continued. Eliza nodded and sent him upstairs with two plates as he said he would get the last one in a moment. Eliza wiped her hands on her apron and opened the front door to check on William.

As Gilbert walked up the stares, carefully holding two plates with bowls of soup on them. He turns around once he reaches Merliah's room, and pushed the door open with his back. He sets down one plate on the nightstand next to where Merliah laid, hopefully waking her up. He took the other plate and handed it to Ida, who was reading ahead on MiddleMarch, which she had taken a quick liking to. Ida closed the book and took the plate from him, careful not to spill anything. "Thank you." she told him. "She still has not waken up. After we finish eating do you want to switch?" "Yes." Gilbert answered, a little too quick then he should have.

He excused himself as he trotted back down the stairs to fetch his supper, then turning around to walk back upstairs into the same room. Ida moves her feet and set them on the floor so Gilbert could sit next to her against the window seal, as the two begin to eat. "So.." He motioned, trying to break the silence. Whenever it is silence it is always a comfortable silence, one that is relaxing to sit in. However this silence between the two teens was not comfortable, it felt..awkward. "So.." Ida copied him, she herself not knowing what to talk about. "What part is your favorite?" Gilbert motioned towards the book.

Ida smiled, "The growing good of the world is party dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and the rest in unvisited tombs.." She quoted. "Although I was quite disappointed when-" "No do not spoil it, I have only just begun!" Gilbert interrupts as he sets his food down on his lap, pulling his hands up to his ears. "LaLaLaLaLaLa" he repeats over and over, pulling a chuckle out of the red head. Gilbert looks over to Ida, hands still on his ears, a smirk on his face.

"As I was saying, when the families home-" "LALALALALALALALALALALALALALA" Gilbert cut over here again moving his head side to side, speaking louder. Ida began laughing and he joined. "Alright, alright I will not spoil anything, although it is a shame it is all too interesting." Gilbert smiled, taking his hands away from his ears.

"I wonder when she will wake up. She has been unconscious for three hours now.." Ida spoke softly, finishing the last of her green beans. "I hope it is soon, I do not think I will be comfortable leaving her here tomorrow while we go to school." He said as he finished the last of his soup. Ida lended her hand to him, he gave her his plate and thanked her as she walked to the door. "I'll leave you two be then, if you need anything I will be downstairs." She spoke as she opened the door with the plates stacked in her left hand. She turned around and looked at him, making sure he heard what she had told him. Gilbert nodded to her, smiling a sad smile. With that Ida shut the door behind her, as the steps echoed down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Gilbert stood up from where he was sitting, he placed his hand on the back of his neck as it ached. His eyes slowly shifted to the girl, laying in her bed with the blanket and sheets covering her torso and below. She was in Eliza's nightgown so her clothes could dry, her hair ever slowly drying. He walked over to her, pulling a rocking chair from her corner and placing it next to her bed, as he sat down he examined her.

Her eyes being closed, showed how long and dark her eyelashes were. Her nose would slightly move as she breathed, he glanced around her eyes. The cuts from before had stopped bleeding and now they were slightly starting to heal. Her bruises forming a more dark color with a mix of purple and blue and blending into a sea green.

His eyes traveled from her face to her hand. Her hand laid next to her side, Gilbert looked up at Merliah's face once more then took her hand into his own. They were soft and tiny, they fit right into his like the last missing piece to a puzzle. Gilbert smiled to himself, he gently traced circles on the back of her hand with his other. His fingers feeling the soft material of her skin at his touch. "I miss you.." Gilbert whispered, if it was not just them in the room it probably would not have been audible.

He felt a light squeeze against his hand. "I missed you too dork.."

Gilbert quickly lifted up his head and met eyes with a chocolate eyed girl, a small smile placed on her gentle face. Gilbert smiled even bigger "You're awake" He said, his smile only growing. Merliah simply nodded her head. "Can I give you a hug?" He questioned. He knew she would say yes, but he did not want to push any boundaries or make her feel uncomfortable. Yet of course, she said yes.

He leaned over from his seat and wrapped one arm around her lower back and the other on her head. Digging his face into her shoulder. "You know you had me really scared for awhile." He said with a chuckle as his voice was slightly muffled from the fabric of her dress that was pressed against his face. "I'm sorry, I will try not to do it again." Merliah said in a jokingly matter, although her voice sounded very rough and scratchy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her chin was placed in the crook of his neck. She took in his scent, cinnamon she told herself. Gilbert slowly started to let go, her head gently being placed against the pillow once more. Feeling his body shift made her contract as well, yet she did not want to.

When he sat back down, Merliah took his hand into her own like he had to her. She smiled at him, she was happy he was the one she woke up to. "How long have I been out for?" She spoke softly, her voice sounding as if it were a plant that had not been watered in days. "Not long, about three hours. Although you still had us worried." He gently replied. They heard the door slightly open. Gilbert slipping his hand out of hers, Merliah's eyes saddened as Gilbert connected a gaze with who entered.

Merliah turned her head to see who was there but greatly regretted it. Her hand went flying to the back of her neck as she placed her head facing the front, how it was before. She grunted an Ow as she gently rubbed her neck.

This collected Gilbert to return back to her, he leaned closer placing a hand on her leg without thinking. "Are you okay? You should turn your neck very carefully. Doctor Carter said the muscles in your neck slightly tore, so it will be awhile before they heal." He told her. Merliah's only response was a quiet Okay as she squinted her eyes shut and rubbed her neck.

"I heard talking so I assumed you were awake, I'm glad you are." Spoke the brunettes one and only bosom friend, as she sat down next to Merliah on the bed. "Hey Carrots" Merliah said with a smirk. Ida looked shocked for a moment, then turning to Gilbert "Why did you tell her!" Ida whines as it caused Gilbert to join in on laughing as well. "It just came up awhile back, it's a cute name. I should call you tomato but carrots sounds better." He answered after he catches his breath and winks at the red head.

"No it is most definitely not! My hair will be the reason I live my tragical romance!" Ida spoke dramatically as she placed a hand to her head and fell back onto the bed on top of Merliah's legs. Causing eruptions of giggles and laughter from the golden trio. "I only wish I had as beautiful red hair as you Ida. In my time brown hair is so common, it is truly a sad life to live as a person with brown hair. I have always wanted red hair." Merliah sighed.

Ida perked up from where she laid on top of you, looking her in the eyes. "Well I wish I were to have your beauties. It would suit me well for life in Quebec, how could anyone ever possibly want to marry someone who looks as homely as I do." Ida asked, although it was more of a statement not a question as she looked at Merliah. "I do not think that will be an issue.." Merliah said, a sly smile slowly making its way across her face, as she slowly turned her attention to Gilbert. He looked at Merliah, then Ida as she turned to look at him as well.

"What?" He spoke, confusion wiggled it's way into his tone. Merliah just simply turned back to Ida. It took the red head a moment before she lightly smacked Merliah's arm. "Do not think like that! We are too young for him to start calling, let alone even if we were still interested in each other!" She argued very quickly. Merliah put her hands up in surrender, making a giggle escape her best friend. Gilbert leaned his head down so the two could not see the raspberry tint that crept up.

"I- I'm going to go tell Ms.Smith you are awake, so she can fetch Doctor Carter." Gilbert said as he quickly sat up and walked out of the room, the two girls watching him as he left. After he left the room the two bursted into hysterical laughs, being heard all the way from the parlor. "You two are going to get married. Oh! I call dibs on being your maid of honor! Well no that really should be Eliza. I will be somewhere but it better be an important role!" The brunette smiled as she tucked a piece of hair behind her head. Ida only rolled her eyes and positioned herself to lay against the board at the end of the bed, her feet laying out to the middle of the bed.

"You did not disagree.." Merliah piped up.

"You know for someone who just got the life beaten out of them, you sure have a lot of energy." Ida spoke with a giggle. Merliah shrugged her arms. "I have had worse."

"You are improbable Merliah Lane." The ginger said shaking her head.

"Thank you, Ms.Smith." Merliah said as she bent forward with her arm against her stomach as if she were to bow. The two giggled with each other. "Or should I say.. Mrs.Brown?" Merliah spoke raising an eyebrow. Ida just rolled her eyes in remark as the two sat on her bed. Happy and content.