Knowing about Aephiarene

Rantaro heard a voice but not just any voice, it sounded like the voice of Sonia, the ghost girl that Rantaro thought she was. He left the room and went to his room to chat with her.

She then appeared next to him and as she appeared, time stopped in its tracks, Rantaro went to look outside to see that everyone was frozen and didn't show any signs of movement.

"What did you do?" as Rantaro asked her, she stared at him with a stern stare, "I didn't do anything, this happens when we try to escape our prison, we can roam but we can't be seen by others".

"So why doesn't it affect me?" she then let out a sigh and simply said, "can you please stop talking nonsense like that, you will soon know but right now I need to warn you about the way that Aephiarene works".

Rantaro then sat down and listen to what she had to say. "Aephiarene was a world that feasts on the souls of those that it desires and will show no restraint nor mercy to those it demands".

"I and some of the others that you met are phantoms that have no existence but to only be held in the school that we call home, all we ever wish for is to be free so that we can do whatever we want to do".

"But no matter how many times you try, you can never find the courage to be free and fly". Sonia nodded to agree with what Rantaro said. Rantaro looked sympathetic to Sonia but at the same time he felt like he knew her.

"I've read something about a school that looked similar to the one that you and those phantoms currently are living, what if ... you were the souls that were trapped for all those years ago".

"That's incorrect, the headmaster of this school you say, thinks of us as souless copies and only exist to do his bidding, he even says that we never were born and everytime he goes in his office, we hear those innocent souls begging for freedom".

Rantaro then went to the wardrobe where he had a picture of his mother and father and showed it to Sonia, "You're not alone you know that? I had to go through 12 years suffering since I lost my mom, now I don't have any meaning for life".

Sonia took a look at the picture to see think that she has a connection to this, she then looked at Rantaro's mother and seemed familiar of her but she doesn't know where.

She gave the picture back to him and told him that she had to leave now, "I forgot one more thing, when fighting the servitors, there are 15 low class servitors and 5 of the most relentless servitors that you must face all together".

"There was once a rumour that a group of demons called the Remnants of Haijiro were created at the same time of an incident of an electrical storm that destroyed a town in an instant".

"Are these Remnants of Haijiro going to be a threat to me while I fight around the Halls of Aephiarene?"

She nodded to disagree, "they were made with a different purpose, to kill a boy named Ryu Narukami".

Rantaro then felt like he heard that name before, "Ryu, it was on a news reports that a boy name Ryu Hakuna was found unconscious beside his deceased parents and that ..."

"He changed his name because of how much his family thought of him as a disgrace".