The Death of Aephiarene

As the battle folded, so did Rantaro's bravery, as Neverborn transformed into an abomination with many of his body parts still visible, he then says;

"you're like a insect ready to burst by a human well allow me to do the honor of doing so, I wanted you dead at the first sight we met, but I had to be patient before I could get my hand.

My Hands on your reaper powers, every last one of those lollipop sucking assholes all die in one place and their powers have already died out of them.

But now, oh nows going to be a real SURPRISE for me, that bitch Martha never told you the truth did she? Well who can blame her, she is the one keeping secrets".

Rantaro was puzzled but at the same time shocked by what he had just heard, what is it that Martha must be hiding and how does he know about her.

As Rantaro fought on barely making any slice of damage, he was running out of breath and out of ideas, he ran around trying to make an opening for himself to attack.

Then Rantaro came across Sayaka's room, he ran into her room while she was confused by what was happening, "What did you do? You've encountered Armageddon".

Rantaro then locked his eyes at Sayaka and without a second kissed her, "Sayaka I need help on defeating him, I've ran out of ideas, and what's worth, I enjoyed meeting you".

Sayaka then slapped him and saying, "have you lost your mind? Neverborn won't stop until he gets what he wants and right now, he wants you and most importantly ...."

Sayaka then felt pain, Rantaro came her aid to see that she was pregnant, Rantaro was freaking out, he was the only one that Sayaka had met so it meant he was the father.

"What the hell?" he said, "You and I had slept the night so when you went, I found out I was pregnant and when you kissed me on the lips, it fastened the birth and now .... I'm giving birth".

Rantaro then fainted at what he had done but he came back to reality with more shame than he normally did, "I'm sorry, when ... when is this baby coming?"

"it's coming right about now!!!" after that Sayaka was struck to catch her breath while Rantaro met his child, he looked happy and immediately touched his nose.

The baby was still exhausted from coming out, that he gave the baby to Sayaka and make sure that they were both safe but then Sayaka then grabbed him and went outside.

As she did, she turned into this sort of beam that immediately went for Neverborn, "Ah, Traitorous mutt, you never were satisfied by what I have given you".

Rantaro took this as an opening and hit Neverborn in the heart immediately killing him, as he lied there fading away, along with Aephiarene.

He told Rantaro his final words, "Looks like you win Reaper, now you know what Aephiarene truly is, it's nothing but a mirage, but the students and the school, it real.

I was close to be actually making you reunite with one of the surviving reapers, your mother, you should've been my child but that bastard had other plans, looks like this is it, farewell.

After that everything went white, as Rantaro woke up, he saw that he was in his room, along with his child, he found out that it was a girl.

"I'm sorry Sayaka, I wanted you and our daughter to come and be together with me".