
Chapter 1


They say that every man wanted to be wedded to the Beauty of Duarte, while women adored her elegance and her personality. Despite that, not many were able to be close to her besides her aides, and maids. She was like a diamond; tough, clear, and pleasing to the eye. Those who had seen her wish that they could see her once more, while others wouldn't mind taking a whiff of her scent or grovelling at her feet just to see her beauty.

When news of her marriage to the emperor was announced, every man felt at loss and women were happy for their future opportunities after she got off the market. The whole kingdom was in uproar for the grandiose wedding of the country's rose of high society and Sun of the Heavens, but little did they know that that was going to be the last time they hear of her…until one day news of her beheading sounded throughout the lands, marked as a traitor.


Four years was nothing to a meaningless, loveless political relationship. One would say that perhaps feelings could have been exchanged or even blossomed but that wasn't the truth. If that was so, I wouldn't be seeing the man I wedded have his lips latched onto another, both lips bruised red as moans were deliberately unsilenced. I felt anger, anguish but for most part, broken.

I believed that once I was pregnant and bore a child of his, I would finally be his and he, mine. What did I truly expect? Was I ever going to get his affection all to myself? Were we truly about to live life together til' the end?

I am naïve. I am a dunce, a fool. My vision blurred once more, at the fact that the woman who sat there, lips on my husband's is someone close to me. Someone I know, someone I trust. Alas, I say it once more, and blinked the tears out of my eyes, I am in fact still a fool. She knew of my existence as she made eye contact with me through the slit of the door, before closing her eyes moaning into the man's mouth purposefully.

This wasn't the life I wanted nor chose. If it hadn't been for his bewitching looks, I would have never let myself fall for his sweet smile and poison words. My heart chose this man and soon I found myself trapped in a marriage with the Emperor who was perfect but not loyal to his wife or promises. When he consummated our marriage, immediately months later I was blessed with pregnancy, a son, said the royal doctor. I was poisoned by his words of false faithfulness, poisoned by his acts of kindness.

He, who wanted the stability of the crown, was using me and I knew, but looked at him through rose-tinted glasses, ignoring all the signs around me of his infidelity. I felt alone, I felt like no one was there for me. So, I brought in my dear friend, Emilia Wiccalaon.


"I didn't do it."

I wanted to say but all that left my mouth was nothing but slabber.

Oh, how much I trusted that witch. I knew her since we were little girls dreaming of marrying someone who loved us, our own Prince Charming. There were so little princes in the world, so she stole mine. One by one I had everything taken away from me and as I sat on my knees, tear stained cheeks and stones thrown at me. Words hulled at me in fury.

"You wretched villainess. May you burn in hell."

Wretched. A word the people would never have used towards me. Oh, how the tables have turned. I used to be at the top of society, with men grovelling at my feet and praises singing in my ears, now I'm no better than the scum under people's feet. As my head laid on the guillotine, my whispers and begging went unheard.

I could still feel the pain from my mouth, as they cut off my tongue for trying to defend myself. As my eyes met the person who stole it all, she smirked and held the arm of the Emperor closely to her breasts. You black-hearted bitch, with my final breath and pain in my heart, I cursed you to damnation Emilia.

The last thing I saw was my sight slowly dimming, and total darkness enclosing me.

How I wished that I never lived a life in the royal palace.

I wished that I could live a life of nothing but purely for my own happiness.

If I was given a chance to redo it, I wish to live a life where I could protect my family.

My parents, my younger sibling and… my son.