The next morning
Cloud walked into class and sat at his desk, doing his usual routine and staring out the window with his ear phones in. Except today his knee was shaking up and down. Izuku looked at his knee and said "Nervous?" Cloud shook his head and kept silent. It was actually he hadn't gotten enough sleep and drank a whole pot of coffee this morning, but he would never say that.
Izuku scratched his cheek and sat in his chair quietly.
Aizawa walked in and said "Alright today we're go-" the door to the class room was kicked open and a giant man with two tufts of hair resembling rabbit ears stormed in. Aizawa sighed and the man laughed before saying "I'm All Might! Your Foundation Heroic Studies teacher!" the class gasped and clapped.
Cloud looked at All Might with a gaze as calm as water. All Might clapped and said "Alright! Go get changed into your hero costumes and meet me outside! We're doing battle trials today!" the class got excited and started leaving the class towards the locker rooms.
Cloud left last and looked at him before saying "Try not to hurt anybody." Cloud stopped and looked at him briefly before leaving. Aizawa sighed and started reading a book.
Cloud got to the locker room and opened his locker to see a singular bag inside. They had all submitted their Hero costumes before the school started... but Cloud's was relatively simple. He reached into the bag and pulled out the only thing inside, a pure white mask with two eye holes and a strap for his head.
Cloud looked at the mask and knocked on it with his knuckles before running his hand through his hair and putting the mask on. His hair fell back into place and covered half his mask. He was still wearing the school uniform and pulled his hood up, leaving only a mask visible.
Cloud walked out of the locker room and towards the area All Might was supposed to be in. When he arrived, the rest gave him weird looks. Katsuki stood in front of him and said "What kind of costume is that?!" Cloud ignored him and walked to the side before sitting down by himself.
All Might looked at Cloud for a moment, a bit speechless really. This was barely a costume, he was still in his school uniform! Nevertheless it was still his choice so he didn't say anything. The rest of the class joined them and All Might smiled widely as he said "During this training session, we'll have teams of two! Each team will be designated to be Heroes and Villains. The goal of the Heroes is to destroy the bomb and the Villains must protect it until the time limit is up! If either one of the Heroes touches the bomb they win!"
The class nodded and All Might clapped and said "Alright! First up is Izuku and Ochako VS Katsuki and Tenya! Izuku's duo will be the Heroes and Katsuki's group will be the Villains!" the four quickly got into positions and All Might along with the class went to a room full of monitors to watch.
Cloud found a seat and sat down as he stared at the monitors for a moment before closing his eyes and waiting for his turn.
The battle started quickly and Izuku and Katsuki found each other. They started fighting immediately as Ochako escaped in the chaos. The battle raged on while Tenya sat by the bomb, there was a loud explosion and Tenya looked in the direction of the fight while Ochako took the opportunity and floated over to the bomb before hugging it.
All Might sounded the alarm and called the four over announcing Izuku's team the winner. Katsuki had a bad look on his face as he sat down in a random seat and crossed his arms, clearly not happy with the results. Izuku was sent to the infirmary once again and the other teams started fighting, eventually only 4 were left.
All Might said "Alright! Last match! Cloud and Momo VS Fumikage and Tsuyu! Cloud's team are the Heroes and Tsuyu's team are the Villains." Cloud got up and left the room, going to the starting point for the Heroes with Momo, a black haired girl with a suit that showed a lot of skin.
Cloud stopped at the starting point and waited for the start as Momo approached him. He looked at her and she stared right back into his eyes as she said "What's your Quirk? I need to know if we're going t-" Cloud raised his hand and said hoarsely "Stay." Momo was startled and said "But, we-"
Cloud ignored her and the buzzer sounded, signifying the start of the battle. Killing intent flooded out of Cloud and he shot forward down the hall, leaving a cold air where he was standing making Momo shiver in fear and stand rooted on the spot.
Cloud shot down the hall way and ran into Tsuyu, who immediately shot her tongue forward before freezing in fear feeling Cloud's killing intent. Cloud reached out and grabbed the tongue flying at him, he pulled back and Tsuyu flew towards him.
Cloud let go of her tongue and kneed her in the stomach, making her eyes bulge out. He grabbed her head and threw her into the wall of the hallway, she slammed against the wall and slumped to the ground. Cloud didn't spare her a second glance and kept moving through the facility.
He ran forward and stopped in a wide open room.
Cloud stood in front of Fumikage, who looked at Cloud and said "You won't win." Cloud stayed quiet and charged forward, pushing the killing intent harder on Fumikage, making him sweat. Cloud slowly walked forward and unsheathed his katana. Fumikage fell to one knee as Cloud got closer.
In the monitor room
The students were staring at Cloud in shock and panic. All Might looked at the monitors closely and squinted, feeling nervous himself. He might not be there but he can definitely feel the killing intent. This made him frown, he didn't know why Cloud had such a heavy killing intent. He needs to talk about this with Aizawa.
Back in the battleground
Cloud was standing in front of Fumikage with his katana unsheathed. Fumikage was on one knee and breathing heavy, suddenly he heard a snort and looked up only to see Cloud's piercing eyes. He trembled before looking down and Cloud spoke hoarsely "You can't be a Hero if you're afraid." Fumikage was stunned and looked up at Cloud again.
Fumikage grinded his teeth and slowly stood up as he said "I'm not afraid!" Cloud's eyes flashed and he kept silent, he sheathed his katana and said with his usual hoarse voice "Good." before patting Fumikage on the shoulder with his left hand and punching him in the stomach with his right.
Fumikage keeled over and clutched his stomach as he fell to the floor, spitting out saliva. Cloud took back his killing intent and stepped over Fumikage as he walked towards the bomb and finally touched it with his hand. Cloud heard the buzzer and turned to walk away from the battleground. He stopped as he looked at Fumikage and Tsuyu, that Momo had brought over.
He walked towards them, grabbed Fumikage's collar, and wrapped his arm around Tsuyu's waist before walking out of the battlegrounds towards the monitor room. Momo followed behind him while keeping a distance.
Cloud walked into the monitor room and everybody looked at him. He looked around and saw that most of their eyes were filled with fear. All Might watched as Cloud's eyes dimmed slightly before becoming colder as he threw Fumikage and Tsuyu to the ground and left the monitor room by himself with his fists clenched hard.
All Might wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.
Fumikage coughed and shouted "Wait! Cloud!" Cloud stopped and Fumikage said "Why didn't you use your Quirk?" Cloud looked up at the sky and his clenched fists became tighter as he sighed and closed his eyes while saying "Don't have one." before walking away, his fists dripping blood and making a trail as he left, casting a long and lonely shadow.
The student's eyes widened to an almost impossible degree. Fumikage said nothing and just slumped to the ground. Momo shook her head and said "That's impossible! He clearly did something! I know what I felt!"
All Might sighed and looked at Cloud's disappearing back before saying "That wasn't a Quirk." the class looked at him and All Might hesitated before finally saying "That's what we call 'Killing Intent'" A few students paled and muttered "He's a killer?!" All Might shook his head and said "No. It's an aura you acquire by fighting for your life. Usually stronger villains have this because they have killed a lot of people."
Todoroki suddenly said "So he's killed people before?" the students went silent after that, All Might was tongue tied. He didn't know, why would they ask him? But he had to say something as a teacher "Killing people isn't the only way to get that. Like I said you can go through many life and death battles to gain this. Not training and practice but real life. In a situation where you either live or die."
The students were digesting this information about their mysterious classmate and All Might added "You should know.." the students looked at him and he continued "I'm not going to sugar coat things anymore. Everyday you're a Hero is a die you could die. The villains aren't interested in honor and dignity, they do whatever it takes. You will face that a lot more as you become a hero. Being a Hero isn't a game. It's very dangerous, sometimes accidents happen."
The students nodded seriously and All Might clapped before saying "Good. Go! You have another class in 10 minutes." the students thanked him and left, All Might watched them go before leaving by himself, trying to go find Aizawa.
Cloud went back to the locker room and put his mask away before making his way to the Nurse's office. He finally found his way and walked into the Nurse's office to see an old lady sitting at a desk, click on her mouse rapidly and using her fingers on the keyboard frantically.
He walked to the desk and knocked on it. The old lady looked up for a split second before focusing back on the computer and saying "What." Cloud simply lifted his hands and showed her his bloodied hands.
She cursed and ignored him before hearing 'Defeat' come form the computer. She cursed and bandaged his hands before shouting angrily "Get out! Fuck! My promos!" Cloud was confused and walked out of the office.
He stood outside the office and shook his head, forgetting about the crazy nurse before making his way to the classroom. While he was walking he looked at his bandaged hands and thought about his battle training.
He went as fast as he could, but ultimately he was still holding back. He recognized that he was cheating. Using his Killing Intent to disable the others wasn't very fair, but so what? They had Quirks and he didn't. He didn't think it was unfair of him to use it, plus if they can't stand up and fight back against his killing intent then how would they fight against Villains who have killed countless people?
They wouldn't.
They needed to adapt and get stronger. Obviously this wasn't Cloud's problem. Nor did he care about the others, but deep down he did want friends. It was just that his personality is too cold and he seems unapproachable.
It wasn't his fault he was like that. It was a necessary trait he needed to survive!
Cloud looked at his bandaged hands and grit his teeth before tearing the bandages to shreds and walking away with clenched fists.
Cloud got to the classroom and opened the door to see that nobody was inside. He silently made his way to his desk and rested his head on his arms as he looked out of the window and listened to his music, shutting out the outside world.
After a few minutes, the rest of the class walked inside and got into their seats silently while occasionally shooting a glance in Cloud's direction. Nobody bothered Cloud and slowly the classes finally ended. Izuku finally showed up and stood in the door frame awkwardly, not expecting classes to be over when he finally left the Nurse's office.
He walked to his desk and grabbed his stuff, he looked over and saw Cloud packing up. He smiled and said "Hey Cloud! How was the training for you?" The class went dead silent and Cloud looked over before saying hoarsely "Ok." the rest of the class almost vomited blood.
What do you mean ok?! You completely crushed the other team by yourself!
Izuku gave him a thumbs up and Cloud looked at his gesture before looking into Izuku's eyes and nodding gently before leaving the class. The rest of the class let out a breath and looked at Izuku in awe. Izuku was confused and Ochako filled him in on what happened after he left.
Cloud had already left the school and already heard the rumors of a 'Quirkless Student' getting passed around as he left. His face darkened and he pulled up his hood as he made his way home. When he arrived, Aizawa wasn't home yet. He threw his school bag to the side and rested his katana on the wall next to the sliding door, leading to the backyard, before going to the backyard and raining fists on the tree, which was at the back of the backyard, in between fences.
He punched the tree in rage as his fists got bloodier and bloodier. He seemingly couldn't feel pain and kept going.
Aizawa was watching from the door frame and said "Kid." Cloud stopped and looked at Aizawa, who looked at his bloodied hands before looking back into his eyes and saying "We need to talk."