Welcome to Fairy Tail

"He's the one who Erza was talking about earlier that reflected the Jupiter Cannon and destroyed the entire front half of the Phantom Lord guild." Mirajane added in.

"So you are the one who turned the tide of that battle and saved my children…" Makarov stood up on the barstool and bowed his head. Even while standing on the barstool he wasn't as tall as Meliodas sitting down, despite Meliodas's own short stature.

"It wasn't that big of a deal. It just felt like the right thing to do." Meliodas replied.

Makarov smiled and sat back down. It was rare to meet a kid with such extraordinary manners and heart.

"I am Makarov Dreyar, the third guild master of Fairy Tail. If there is anything you need of our guild, please do not hesitate to ask."

"Actually, I do need help. I was wondering if there was somewhere we could speak about it?" Meliodas responded.

"Of course. Come into my office. Makarov replied before hopping off the bar stool and walking towards his office. Meliodas also stood up and turned around to face Mirajane.

"Thanks for the drinks." He said to Mira before following behind Makarov.


The two entered Makarov's office. The office was still in the process of renovation, with scaffolds along the walls. The back wall had a large shelf with many books and files on it. In the center of the room was a wooden desk with a chair behind it and a chair in front of it. Makarov took a seat at his desk and looked at Meliodas. He gestured at Meliodas to sit down in the chair across his table.

"Alright what did you wish to speak with me about?"

"I was wondering if you would be able to provide me with knowledge regarding a certain type of magic." Meliodas started.

"What type of magic?" Makarov asked curiously.

"Spatial magic."

"Is that all you had to ask?" Makarov was surprised. He didn't think the request would be so simple. "There's many different applications to spatial magic. We have a few users here that are particularly proficient at it."

"Really!" Meliodas stood up and exclaimed. He found what he was looking for so quickly. "Is there anyone in the guild that can use magic to transport someone?"

"Transport a person?" Makarov thought about it for a second. "I don't recall anyone in our guild that uses magic like that. In fact, even among some of the other guilds, that kind of ability is very rare."

"Ah.." Meliodas slumped back down to his chair. He got excited too quickly.

Noticing his disappointed expression, Makarov made a suggestion.

"There may not be what you are looking for amongst the wizards, but you can always check through the library we have in the guild. There are plenty of books we have in the guild that can help you find what you are looking for.

"You would let a stranger look through your books?" Meliodas asked.

"Of course not, but you saved my family. Plus, I can tell by looking at you, that you have no ill intentions. It would be extremely selfish of me to deny your request." Makarov replied. "Of course, if you are interested then you are also free to join the guild as a member." Makarov continued.

"Join the guild?..." Meliodas thought about it for a second. He had a rough idea of how it operated. He would be able to go on missions at his leisure to make money. He could spend the rest of the time looking for a way to get back. He made his decision and turned towards Makarov.

"I'd be happy to join, but I have to let you know that it will be temporary. I have to return to my friends as soon as possible." Meliodas said. He didn't want to join the guild only to leave so abruptly.

"That's okay. You have your own reasons and we won't force you to reveal them. Everyone in the guild has their own secrets. "

"Then as a member, I promise to also do my best in assisting the guild in any way that I can." Meliodas said.

"It's great to have you on board." Makarov smiled brightly as he extended out his hand.

Meliodas shook his hand and left the office. He made his way over to Mirajane. He remembered that Makarov had told him to receive his guild mark from Mirajane.

"Hey Mira." Meliodas greeted.

"Welcome back, did you get the information you were looking for from the master?"

"No, but I do have some clues. And the master was kind enough to invite me to join the guild."

"Oh, that's great news!" Mira exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'll try to find what I'm looking for while doing missions." Meliodas replied.

"What color and where would you like your mark?" Mirajane asked. Meliodas thought about it briefly. He already had a red tattoo of the dragon sin on his left arm and decided to put the mark on his right arm to even things out.

"The color red, and right here." Meliodas lifted his right sleeve and pointed at his upper arm just beneath the shoulder. Mirajane nodded and pressed down on Meliodas's bare skin with the stamp. As the stamp made contact with his skin, Meliodas could feel a warm sensation coming from the stamp, like some sort of magic. Mirajane released the stamp and the red mark of Fairy Tail remained on Meliodas's right arm. Meliodas looked at the new tattoo on his arm, admiring its design. As he looked at the mark, he felt something special about it.

"And with that you're officially a member of Fairy Tail!" Mirajane commented.

"Thanks, I think I'll take off for the night, I will see you all tomorrow." Meliodas bid his farewells and left the guild hall.

He made his way around town looking for lodgings. He didn't need to sleep as often as normal humans but that didn't mean he would live in a cave again.

Meliodas walked down the main road of Magnolia town for several minutes, remembering the location of a hotel that was on the way to the guild. He soon approached the hotel named "Hotel Magnolia." The building looked old, like it was one of the first buildings to be built in town. The white paint on the walls of the hotel were cracking away. The hotel wasn't in great condition but because of this, Meliodas figured it would be a lot cheaper than staying at a nicer hotel considering his lack of stable money.

Meliodas opened the front door, with the door creating a large creaking noise as he swung it open. A bell chimed as Meliodas walked in and he approached the front desk. There, he was greeted by the receptionist, an average height, short brown haired woman with brown eyes wearing a black suit.

"One room please." Meliodas requested.

"How long would you like to rent it for?" She asked.

"Just for the night."

"Very well, that will be 5000 Jewel."

Meliodas paid the woman and headed into his room. The room was nicer than he expected, having somewhat new wall paint and a clean appearance. Meliodas threw his book bag onto the desk and he jumped onto the bed and began thinking about his plans for the future.

'First I need to earn some money. I've spent a lot of what I took from that mugger.' He thought to himself as he looked at the small wad of bills left in his pocket. He had roughly 10,500 Jewel left.

'I'll go on a mission tomorrow to earn some quick money, then I'll continue my search.' He finalized his plan before closing his eyes and going to sleep.


Meliodas woke up around noon the next day and washed his face and body. He went downstairs to eat the free food that was offered as part of his stay. After finishing it off, he returned the key to the receptionist and made his way towards the guild. Today would be spent earning some money. 'I can use this city as base. I just need to find a permanent place to stay.'

Meliodas approached the guild, which was still under construction. He entered through the main hall and saw that the guild was already filled with people chatting or looking at the job boards. The moment he entered, he was suddenly greeted by a group of people with large grins on their faces.

"Yo Meliodas! I heard you joined the guild!!"

"Welcome to the guild!"

"Thanks for helping us back then!"

The greetings kept coming and Meliodas just smiled and greeted them back. After ten minutes he finally managed to get away from the crowd and went towards Mirajane, who was behind the bar.

"Yo!" Meliodas waved in greeting. Mirajane looked up while wiping the counter and saw Meliodas approaching.

"Welcome back!" Mirajane greeted back with a smile.

"I want to go on a mission."

"That's great. Do you know which one you want to do?"

"No, I still don't know which one to take. Are all the missions on the board available for me to take?"

"Yes, except for the S rank missions. The S rank mission flyers will be marked. Those are extremely dangerous where chances of fatality are high. In order to take them, you have to qualify as an S rank wizard. Of course, if you want, you can always team up with someone to do the mission. You would have to split the reward, but you can finish it much faster." Mirajane explained.

"Alright, I'll go look for one then."

"When you find one, make sure to let me know before you leave."

Meliodas nodded and walked towards the request board. He stared at the various mission flyers posted on the large bulletin board. There were simple missions such as delivery or helping out at a restaurant with staffing. Then there were missions for subduing monsters or catching thieves. Lastly, he saw missions that had extremely high payouts. Some were for destroying dark guilds and some were for capturing dangerous criminals.

Meliodas did not want too much trouble for his first mission. He just wanted to earn money as quickly as possible. As he stood by the request board he noticed another person also staring at the board. The man had a large build with spiky silver hair and tanned skin. He remembered Mirajane talking about her family yesterday. This was her brother, Elfman.

"Yo!" Meliodas greeted.

Elfman turned over, looking down at Meliodas who was tiny compared to him. He had a menacing expression on his face as he greeted Meliodas before turning his head away.

"Hey, you're that newbie, Meliodas right?"

Meliodas nodded as he turned his attention back towards the board and began browsing through the missions. As he was staring at the mission board thinking about which mission to take, when Elfman's voice suddenly broke his train of thought.

"If you're looking for a job to make fast jewels, I recommend a hunting mission. It makes good money and is a job for a real MAN! Since it's your first mission, I'll take you along with me!"

"You really want to go with a "newbie?" Meliodas asked jokingly.

"I saw the way you confronted Laxus earlier. You have the heart of a real MAN! I would love to go on a hunting mission with you!"

"Well, the more the merrier." Meliodas responded as he gazed over the board for several moments until a mission caught his eye. He picked the flyer off the board and showed it to Elfman.

"How about this one?" Meliodas flashed the flyer up to Elfman's face, reading "Dread Wolf Extermination: 200,000 Jewel reward. It has a high reward and according to the location it should be close by." Elfman's eyes lit up upon reading the text.

"Yes! That is a MANly mission! We will set off immediately!" Elfman responded as he and Meliodas accepted the mission, taking place at Magnolia Farms, south of Magnolia Town.