The Dragon Slayer vs The Dragon's Sin

Meliodas walked into the guild hall, refreshed, cleaned up and wearing his new clothing.

"Hey kid, I see ya got some new attire going for ya!" A voice called out from a nearby table. Sitting at the table were two older looking men. One was a slim man with dark blue hair and a light amount of facial hair. The other was a man with a cigarette in his mouth and brown hair shaped into a pompadour.

"I'm no kid ya old farts." Meliodas said jokingly as he took a seat next to them.

"Oi we're not that old!" Both of the men retorted back at the same time. Meliodas laughed a bit then introduced himself.

"Anyway, I'm Meliodas!"

"I'm Macao." The dark blue haired man replied. "Here, have something to drink" Macao said as he passed Meliodas a mug of ale.

"And I'm Wakaba." The man with the pompadour replied. "Say, I saw you hanging around the bar drinking a lot yesterday. Hell, you nearly drank as much as our guild alcoholic, Cana." Wakaba said, pointing to a scantily dressed brunette woman at one of the tables drinking a whole barrel of booze by herself.

"Well the booze here certainly is good, and I think she understands that. Anyone who doesn't appreciate a good quality booze doesn't deserve to drink it." Meliodas said, remembering sampling all of the various booze selections at the bar.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Macao replied.

"Drinking couldn't have been the only thing you were doing at that bar. I saw ya, talking to that beauty, Mirajane for a while. She's one hell of a woman isn't she?" Wakaba inquired.

"Nah she's not my type." Meliodas nonchalantly replied.

"The hell?! How could she not be your type?! What is your type of woman then?" Wakaba asked, shocked that Meliodas didn't find Mirajane attractive enough.

"Hmm…" Meliodas thought for a bit and imagined Elizabeth in his head. He spent a few moments thinking of a way to describe her.

"I like my women to have a slender, curvaceous figure, a nice rack I can grope, bright blue eyes, an ass that I can bury my face in, and long silver hair." Meliodas said out loud confidently. Both Wakaba and Macao looked at Meliodas with shocked expressions.

"You literally just described Mirajane!" Both of them yelled in tandem. Meliodas glanced over at Mirajane at the bar.

"Nah I don't see it." Meliodas replied back, shrugging his shoulders. Both of the men shook their heads at Meliodas's response.

"Meliodas!" A voice yelled from behind him. Meliodas turned around and saw Natsu charging at him.

"I heard from Elfman you were super strong. Lets fight!" Natsu yelled, with flames leaking from his mouth.

Meliodas grinned and stood up. "Alright. Let's see what you got"

The surrounding members of the guild heard Natsu and turned their attention towards him. They were also interested in seeing how strong Meliodas was. He managed to stop the Jupiter Cannon, but no one had seen him actually fight yet. Even Erza, Gray and Lucy were watching from the side.

"Alright whenever you're ready." Meliodas said. Natsu ignited his fist and rushed forward, surprising Meliodas slightly. 'He lit his fist on fire? Is this his magic?'

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Natsu threw the punch at Meliodas to which Meliodas easily countered his punch by knocking away his arm. He gave him a swift kick to the chest as Natsu was now wide open, sending him back into the wall. With the kick, Meliodas held back his strength as he wanted to see more of Natsu's magic. It was unique and he had never seen anything like it.

Natsu recovered and became even more excited. "Wow, you are strong." He took in a large breath as a runic symbol appeared in front of his mouth.

'What's he doing now?' Meliodas watched curiously.

"Fire Dragon's... ROAR!!" Natsu shouted as he exhaled a large stream of fire towards Meliodas. 'Is he breathing fire. Wow. But why would he do it inside the guild…' Meliodas thought to himself as he extended his arm out in front of him with his palm facing the flames.

"Oyyy, what are you doing you idiot?! Not in the guild!" Gray yelled from the side.

"Why is Meliodas just standing there!" Lucy exclaimed.

Erza narrowed her eyes as she watched. The moment just before the blast hit Meliodas's palm, it completely vanished. Natsu was stunned that his breath attack just disappeared. Gray and Erza were speechless.

"What kind of magic did he use? The blast completely disappeared?!" Lucy questioned. Natsu was surprised but he still ran towards Meliodas, winding up a punch.

"Alright, then." Meliodas said with a smile on his face.

Natsu threw the punch. Just as his fist was inches away from Meliodas face he felt a hard, blunt pain hit his chin and found himself being launched towards the ceiling. Before he knew it, Natsu crashed into the upper beams of the still-in-construction building.

The guild's originally loud atmosphere fell silent as they watched Natsu get punched upward and get his head stuck in the ceiling.

"Oops too much." Meliodas chuckled. He looked up and saw Natsu flailing his feet as he tried to push his head out. Meliodas jumped up and plucked Natsu out of the ceiling then threw him onto the floor.

"Natsu that's so embarrassing! You got beat so quickly!" Happy laughed as he flew towards Natsu's limp body. Natsu immediately sprung up from the ground groggily.

"Rematch ti-" Natsu's mumbled as he stumbled his way towards Meliodas. However, he was interrupted as a hand grabbed the top of his head and began dragging him away.

"That's enough for today Natsu!" Erza said sternly, dragging him away from Meliodas. Meliodas watched as Natsu's fiery attitude vanished instantly as he was dragged away by Erza. 'What an interesting Magic. Breathing and punching with fire.'

"Wow, nice work. That flame brain has been heated ever since that situation with Laxus. And after seeing you stand up to him, he's been itching to fight you." Gray said, approaching Meliodas.

"It's not a problem. By the way Gray, you look different. Did you get some new clothes?" Meliodas asked Gray.

" I didn't?" Gray responded, confused at Meliodas's question. Both Wakaba and Macao facepalmed at Meliodas's question.

"Of course he looks different! He's naked! Gray your clothes!" Macao shook his head. Gray looked down and realized he had stripped down completely naked unconsciously again, a bad habit of his.

"Shit where did my clothes go?!" Gray exclaimed as he scrambled around the guild hall picking up the clothes scattered across the ground.

Meliodas sat back down next to Macao and Wakaba again as Gray ran around looking for his clothes.

"So Meliodas. How are you fitting into the guild" Gray said several minutes later as he returned back to the table, now fully clothed as if nothing had happened. Meliodas sat back down at the table with Gray sitting across.

"It's been good. You guys are an interesting bunch." Meliodas replied.

"I heard you already went on a mission yesterday with Elfman, how did that go?"

"Killed some wolves so it was nothing special. Oh neat you changed your clothes again." Meliodas commented as Gray somehow took off his shirt during the conversation.

"And here we go again." Wakaba commented.

"Anyway." Gray continued as he started putting on his shirt again. "I picked up a mission and I was wondering if you wanted to team up for it."

"Don't you normally go with Erza, Natsu and Lucy?" Meliodas asked curiously, having gained a general understanding of the team compositions within the guild.

"Yeah, but the last time we took a mission, we ended up having to pay for the damages out of the mission reward." Gray said depressingly. Most of their reward had gone towards the repairs and he barely received anything from it."

"Oh I see." Meliodas chuckled in response.

"I heard about that. Weren't you partly responsible for that too?" Macao asked.

Gray's face turned pale.


"No problem, I'll join." Meliodas answered. But if you wreck anything, you're paying for it."

"Great. Don't worry, I won't wreck anything this time."

"How much is the reward?"

"It's 200,000 Jewels. We are just capturing some thieves."

Meliodas nodded and accepted Gray's request. '100,000 should cover the rent, and I can spend my time searching for a way to get back.'

Meliodas said goodbye to Macao and Wakaba and walked out of the guild with Gray.

Wakabe took a swig of his drink and turned to Macao.

"What a spirited kid."

Macao agreed as he watched Meliodas get up and leave.

"I agree. He's quite monstrous too. I can't believe he beat Natsu that easily."

Looks like we have quite the little monster in our guild. Maybe even more so than Erza… did you see his punch?. I didn't even see him swing his fist." Wakaba added in.

"Hey by the way, where's the mission?" Meliodas asked as he walked next to Gray as he had not seen the details yet.

"It's not very far from here. It's over in Onibus Town, just north of Magnolia. Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to get there by train." Gray replied back.

"A train?" Meliodas asked.