Finding Musica

Meliodas made his way over to the train station. After his first trip there with Gray, he was familiar with the layout this time around and quickly boarded the train to Clover Town.

Half a day later, the train arrived at Clover Town. Meliodas got off the train and stretched his arms, relieved to finally be standing up after sitting for so long.

Meliodas exited the station and entered the town. The town was a lot smaller than Magnolia Town. There were plenty of trees growing in the town between the buildings and was situated next to a mountainous area in the distance.

As Meliodas walked down the streets, he thought about where would be the best place to get information on this "Legendary Blacksmith." After wandering the streets for half an hour, Meliodas managed to stumble across a tavern, the perfect place for him to get both a drink and information.

Meliodas approached the front of the tavern. It was a stone building with wooden pillars at the entrance. At the front, was a sign that read "Black Clover Tavern" with a black, five leafed clover as its insignia. Meliodas walked in and sat at the counter. A middle aged woman with long brown hair tied in a side plait that went over her left shoulder approached Meliodas.

"Welcome to Black Clover Tavern, what would you like, young man?"

Meliodas quickly glanced at the menu before answering. He was a bit disappointed that his favorite food, pork simmered in ale, was not on the menu.

"Clover Meat Pie with the Four Leafed Ale please."

The woman sized him up and raised an eyebrow. After she finished writing down his order on a small notepad, she walked into the back, and a few minutes later brought out the food that he requested with the exception of the alcohol. Instead, she brought him a glass of milk.

"No underage drinking!" The woman harshly said before continuing her work.

Meliodas accepted his fate and decided not to argue with the woman. He already spent a few hours on the train and now he had to find the blacksmith. 'This is why I like Britannia better…'

Meliodas began eating the meat pie. It wasn't the best meat pie he's ever eaten, as the crust was a bit soggy, but it was certainly filling, with rich umami flavor coming from the beef. After eating, he called the bartender back over.

"Excuse me."

The woman walked back over to Meliodas.

"I told you, no alcohol."

Meliodas shook his head.

"That's not it. Do you know where I can find Musica?"

The woman thought about the question for a moment before answering. Meliodas began drinking his milk as he waited.

"That old man… He was a renowned blacksmith. But if you're looking to get something personally forged by him, you'd be wasting your time as he no longer takes those anymore. But I heard he just makes a few to sell for expenses and lives by himself in the forest. If you want to meet him, you can. He lives north of the guild master meeting hall... Sorry, that's the ex meeting hall. I heard it was destroyed by those idiots of Fairy Tail."

Meliodas nearly spit out his milk when he heard that. 'These guys cause trouble everywhere.'

"Alright thanks for the information." Meliodas said as he placed two thousand jewels next to his empty plate. Meliodas jumped off the stool and left the bar. As Meliodas walked outside he heard a voice shouting from behind him.

"Hey blond kid!" The voice yelled. Meliodas ignored the voice and kept walking.

"What the hell?! I'm talking to you kid!" The voice yelled again as Meliodas continued walking until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Meliodas turned his head and saw a young man with spiky brown hair staring him down. The man had amber eyes and fair skin. He wore a white tunic and brown pants with knee high boots. Slinged over his back was a sword.

"Are you talking to me?" Meliodas asked indifferently.

"YES! You're the only short blond kid here aren't you?" The young man yelled. Meliodas looked around lazily and shrugged his shoulders.

"So what do you want?" Meliodas asked.

"I heard you asking that waitress about Musica. I'll let you know I'm also looking for Musica. I want him to craft me the greatest sword, because I am the greatest swordsman! I suggest you head home kid, he has no chance of crafting a sword for you!" The youngman said confidently with his chest unnecessarily puffed out as he looked down at Meliodas. Meliodas shrugged his shoulders, turned around and continued walking away.

"DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME!" The brown haired young man shouted as he chased after Meliodas. He caught up to Meliodas quickly and ran in front of him. Meliodas stopped walking and looked up at him with an aloof expression.

"I am Harvey Wallis! I challenge you to a duel!" The young man exclaimed as he drew his sword.

Meliodas sighed and looked at Harvey. He saw Harvey's fierce determination in his eyes and figured he wouldn't back down even if he said no.

"Alright." Meliodas said with a little bit of enthusiasm. "Come at me whenever you're ready."

"Haaaah!" Harvey yelled as he ran at Meliodas. Meliodas put his hand on the handle of his sword as he waited.

As Harvey got within striking distance, he slashed down at Meliodas, only for Meliodas to vanish and reappear behind Harvey. Meliodas gave Harvey a cheeky smile before swinging his hips back, hitting the young swordsman with his butt and sending him rolling several meters down the road.

At this point, several passerby began to watch the fight and comment amongst themselves.

"These guys are really fighting in the middle of the street?"

"I hope they're not from Fairy Tail."

Harvey quickly got back up and saw Meliodas walking away.

"DON'T TOY WITH ME!" Harvey yelled as he raised his sword in the air. Magic began to swirl around his sword and it began to glow. Meliodas stopped in his tracks and turned around. A large amount of magic was swirling around Harvey's blade and he had a large confident grin on his face.

"HAAAH! Take this!" Harvey yelled as he swung his blade down, causing a large arc of magic to fly towards Meliodas.

Meliodas quickly drew his own sword and swung it just as the wave of magic was about to hit him.

"Full Counter!"

Harvey's confident expression vanished instantly as his own magical attack was sent flying back at him, creating a large explosion in the street as Meliodas continued walking forward without looking back as Harvey lay unconscious.

For the next half an hour, Meliodas asked the locals around town a bit to locate the previous location of the guild hall. He arrived at the site and saw that it was currently under construction. There was a large wooden frame for the build and a few workers were laying down bricks.

Meliodas walked past the construction and went north into the woods. After fifteen minutes of walking, he finally arrived at a large site with no trees. Instead there was a small wooden house and a forge to the right of the house. Outside the house, was an old man sitting on a rocking chair. His eyes were closed as he gently rocked back and forth.

Meliodas walked up to the house and looked at the front door. There he saw a music note etched into the wood, the same note he saw when he saw the expensive sword back in Magnolia. Meliodas glanced back at the old man, whose eyes were still closed. 'Is this the legendary blacksmith?' Meliodas began walking to him but stopped, as it would be rude to wake him up.

Instead, Meliodas looked towards the forge where he saw numerous half completed swords. Meliodas walked up to the forge, and there he saw on a rack, were a few completed swords. Meliodas inspected the swords and was impressed by their craftsmanship. 'The shop owner in Magnolia wasn't joking. This swordsmith had excellent ability in forging magical swords. He might be able to make one that rivals Lostvayne…'

Meliodas reached his hand over to pick up one of the blades on the rack but stopped as he heard someone behind him.

"That sword isn't for you kid." A voice came from behind Meliodas.