Exploding Crimson Maelstrom

"You think you can stop me by yourself?" Brain grinned as he stared at Meliodas standing across from him. He raised his staff up into the air above him.

"Dark Gravity!"

A heavy pressure fell on top of the area in front of Brain, causing the ground to begin to sink. Natsu grunted as he fell down to the ground and Happy fell to the ground as well, unable to maintain his flying.

"Wow, this is some interesting magic. You raised the gravity in the area.." Meliodas said in a carefree tone as he took a step towards Brain.

"You can walk while inside of my Dark Gravity?!" Brain asked in disbelief as Meliodas began to walk slowly towards him with his feet cracking the hard ground beneath him with each step. Brain immediately released his spell as he jumped back only for Meliodas to jump after him.

'This one's fast! I can see how he was able to defeat Racer...' Brain thought as Meliodas leaped towards him at a blinding speed. Meliodas winded his fist back to punch Brain, only to freeze in his tracks as he fell to the ground.

"Gghhh...what is this?" Meliodas questioned as he felt the clothes on his body tightly constricting around him. Brain turned his head and saw a young man with black spiky hair and black lipstick wearing a black leather vest and yellow pants.

"So you made it here, Midnight." Brain smirked.

"Of course, father. Don't tell me you're struggling to deal with these pests?" Midnight replied as he glared at Meliodas, causing the clothes around his body to squeeze even tighter.

As Midnight began walking towards Meliodas, several swords rained down from the sky on top of Midnight, only to be deflected away. As Midnight deflected the swords away, Meliodas felt the grip on his clothes disappear and he immediately jumped back towards Natsu who was getting back up.

"Thanks for that, Erza!" Meliodas said as he glanced back at Erza. Erza nodded and Meliodas turned his attention back to Brain and Midnight.

"Jellal. Get that square of self destruction off of you! You don't get to give up on your life here...because we as Fairy Tail will keep on fighting!" Erza yelled as she got up and joined Natsu and Meliodas. Jellal watched silently as the Fairy Tail mages prepared to fight.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu grinned. "I won't let you have all the fun like with Laxus, Meliodas."

"Try and keep up then!" Meliodas grinned back.

"We will split them up." Erza said.

"Well then I'll take this new guy here. I think you and Natsu can deal with Brain." Meliodas said.

"I don't know what you worms are planning, but it is futile!" Brain laughed as he raised his staff and pointed it towards the group.

"Dark Rondo!" Brain yelled as dark tendrils of magic shot out from the mouth of his staff.

"I'll make an opening! We'll use this chance to separate them!" Meliodas yelled as he jumped straight into the blast.

"Full Counter!"

The dark blast was immediately sent back at both Midnight and Brain, to Brain's surprise. Brain's surprise quickly vanished as a smirk formed on his face.

"Midnight!" Brain called.

"Of course father." Midnight said calmly, raising his hand out in front of him. The blast collided with the space just in front of Midnight's palm causing the blast to bisect and divert away from them. The blast hit the surrounding forest with great force. Trees were uprooted and incinerated, leaving long, deep trails in the earth. Midnight raised an eyebrow at the force of the attack he had just deflected. 'Father isn't that powerful...why was the attack that strong?'

As the remains of the blast finished spreading out, two figures, Natsu and Erza jumped up from behind Meliodas. In unison, Erza and Natsu lunged at Brain, kicking him simultaneously and sending flying back further into the forest. Erza and Natsu nodded briefly at Meliodas before following Brain.

"Splitting us up won't make a difference." Midnight scoffed. "All this means is that you're going to die here alone."

"We'll see about that." Meliodas commented. He jumped towards Midnight but again, was stopped mid air as his clothes constricted around his body. Meliodas fell to the ground as he squirmed around. Midnight raised his arm up and made a slicing motion with his hand at Meliodas's body.

"Invisible Scythe."

Ethereal slashes of air were shot at Meliodas. The slashes cut through the ground and the forest behind Meliodas, leaving deep marks in the dirt as well as cutting dozens of trees down to their stumps. A large cloud of dust was kicked up from the sharp air blades.

Midnight watched the dust begin to clear. His eyes widened as Meliodas's figure was not lying on the ground anymore. He noticed movement above him and looked up. 'He survived that?! No...he must have requipped his clothes off of him to jump away because... he's completely naked!'

Meliodas clad his fist in darkness as he fell towards Midnight. Midnight smirked at the darkness formed around his fist. 'It's slight but I can manipulate that!'

Midnight raised his arm and pointed it at Meliodas. To his shock, Meliodas was not slowing down as he wound his fist back. 'That's not darkness magic?! I can't control it! What the hell is-'

Midnight's thoughts were cut short as Meliodas delivered a fierce punch to Midnight's stomach. Midnight coughed up blood as a large indent was made in his body as his bones were shattered and his body launched through the forest.


Brain planted his feet firmly in the ground as he was launched a sizable distance away from Midnight and Meliodas. He managed to stop his momentum leaving a large path of upheaved dirt where he sunk his feet into the ground. Between the trees, he could see Natsu and Erza running towards him.

"It was a mistake to separate yourselves from that blond child. He was the only one who I actually deemed a threat!" Brain laughed. "But no matter. Midnight will defeat him and I will take you two down here."

"I don't need Meliodas to kick your ass!" Natsu retorted. He jumped at Brain, with Erza close behind him. Her body began to glow as her armor changed, now donning her Heaven's Wheel Armor. She raised her right arm at Brain.

"You worms never learn!" Brain shouted as he raised his staff into the air.

"Dark Gravity!"

Erza and Natsu instantly fell to the ground. Natsu fell flat on his face as Erza attempted to keep herself standing up. She glared at Brain as Brain kept them there in place. Brain smirked as he watched the two Fairy Tail mages try to resist. Suddenly, Brain jumped backwards, causing him to cancel his gravity spell as several swords rained down from the air and impaled the ground where he was originally standing. 'Tch...Titania will be a problem after all. She planted those swords there at the start in the event I used Dark Gravity…'

Natsu and Erza felt the heavy gravity release from their bodies. Natsu jumped up from the ground and grinned. He cracked his knuckles as he looked at Brain.

"Natsu, follow my lead!" Erza ordered. She leaped towards Brain with Natsu following close behind. Brain raised his staff in front of him again in response.

"Dark Rondo!"

Several tendrils of dark magic were launched at Erza and Natsu. Erza's body began to glow and she stopped in her tracks, with Natsu stopping right behind her. The tendrils collided with Erza, creating an explosion that destroyed the area in front of them.

The smoke from the explosion began to clear, with Erza being relatively unharmed as she donned her Adamantium Armor, to Brain's surprise. From behind her Natsu lunged towards Brain.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

With a fist engulfed in flames, he delivered a solid punch to Brain's face. Brain was launched away, sent tumbling across the ground. He managed to recover from the punch and stood back up. His eyes widened as he saw a large blast of flames approaching him.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Brain put his staff up in front of him to protect himself from the blast. Suddenly, a figure appeared from inside of Natsu's flames. Erza emerged, wearing her Flame Empress Armor with her sword in hand. Before Brain could cast another spell, she dashed at him, cutting through him with her blade. Brain attempted to move out of the way but could not fully dodge the attack as blood gushed from his side.

As his attention was still focused on Erza, he felt a large magical presence rapidly approaching him from the front. He glanced forward and saw Natsu looking angrily at him, soaring through the air as he charged head first.

"Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!"

Engulfed in flames, Natsu rammed into Brain's torso head first. Brain's face contorted in pain as he was sent flying back, his momentum stopped as he crashed into a boulder several meters away. The boulder crumbled from the force he was launched into it and Brain fell to the ground on his knees.

Brain shakily stood back up and looked at Natsu and Erza who were running towards him. He raised his hand up but realized he had dropped his staff as Natsu collided into him.

Erza's body began to glow again as she requipped into her Heaven's Wheel Armor. Natsu's magical power rose drastically as flames engulfed his body again.

"Dance, my swords! Circle Sword!"

Dozens of swords of various shapes and sizes were summoned around Erza. They began to rotate very quickly around her, forming a ring. With another sword in hand, Erza made a slashing motion, sending the disc of swords at Brain. Natsu's magical power continued flaring up as the surrounding temperature of the forest around them began to rise. Brain felt a bead of sweat drip down the side of his head.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus Exploding Flame Blade!"

Natsu made a swirling motion with both of his arms engulfed in flames, creating a powerful spiraling torrent of flames that shot out in front of him. The flames created by Natsu wrapped perfectly around Erza's circle sword, integrating itself with the attack completely.

Brain watched, completely wonderstruck at what he just witnessed. 'A Unison Raid?!' That was his last thought as the blast of flames and blades struck him at once, creating multiple small explosions as each individual sword cut through him, followed by one final large explosion as Brain's body collapsed to the ground.