Uncovered Mystery

November 21st X784

Frestes and his men returned from their investigation of Twinspur Town and arrived back at the Magic Council Headquarters. Frestes met up with Lahar, showing him his findings. The two sat in a smaller meeting room with a white circular table in the middle and four leather chairs. Two chairs were empty as Frestes and Lahar sat in the other two facing each other. Frestes slid his report to Lahar across the table.

Lahar picked up the papers and began reading through them. He spent a couple of minutes in silence as he read through the report, as Frestes anxiously waited for a reply. Lahar adjusted his glasses, pushing them back up as they slid down his nose as his head was angled downward. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"This is certainly a good find, Frestes." Lahar said, looking back up at the younger Captain. "It appears these strange pedestals are all linked together somehow to whatever Ghost Pumpkin is planning…"

"But we still need to locate the others...assuming there are even more. We're currently in the dark here." Frestes said. "So far, I can't think of any leads. I have my men cross referencing data from other cities and museums to see if there is any more information on this. We need to find that pedestal before Ghost Pumpkin does, or else more people will die…"

"Well, I have a few connections with the research department of the Magic Council. I'll bring your report to them and see if they can bring up any more information on this to find out what these pedestals are linked to. In the meantime, I'll have to increase the patrols and keep a lookout for the Ghost Pumpkin guild…" Lahar said.


November 24th X784

Three days have passed since the magic council custody units joined forces in trying to figure out the mystery behind the pedestal. Lahar sat in the unit shared quarters late at night, his room dimly lit by only his desk lamp. He continued reading a report that the research department had sent him based off of Frestes information.

"This...this can't be…" Lahar said quietly to himself with noticeable panic in his voice. "They're trying to revive THAT?!"

Lahar jumped out of his seat, running out of the room into the main corridor. 'Dammit! I need to inform the council of this. We can't let this happen!'


November 25th X784

The members of the magic council convened after. A group of old men wearing fancy robes and garments sat together around a table in a large room. Standing in front of the table was Lahar. Sitting at the very end of the table was a tall and fit elderly man with long gray hair and a long beard. He wore a fitted armor that was covered by a dark blue cape that draped over his shoulders. On his head, he wore a typical stereotypical black wizard's hat.

"Gran Doma what is the purpose of this meeting today?" One of the old councilmen asked.

"Lahar, the Head Captain of the Custody Enforcement Unit reported to me directly some drastic information regarding the destruction that has been happening as of late." Gran Doma replied. He gestured towards Lahar who was standing across from them at the other side of the table. "If you would."

"Yes sir." Lahar replied. "I'm sure you are all aware by now of the sudden massacre of Twinspur Town."

"Of course! Thousands of people died and that town was wiped off the face of the map!" One of the other councilmen exclaimed.

"Yes, well my custody team, Captain Frestes, and his custody team, as well as the research department have investigated the cause of this." Lahar said. He turned to the next page of the report in his hands before continuing.

"Based on the results of the investigation and the evidence cross referenced by the research team, we have determined that whoever is behind this attack is also behind the attacks on Lily Town and has relations to the Ghost Pumpkin dark guild. All of those areas also shared the same strange pedestal. Using the engravings on the pedestal as a reference, we have found similarities from excerpts from old manuscripts that date back to over four hundred years ago. According to those, these pedestals are used to awaken a certain weapon. The translations are a bit off but the two names that made the most sense were "The Bloodlust Sword" and "The Weapon of Ultimate Darkness."

"A Weapon of Ultimate Darkness?! That's absurd! If such a weapon exists, we must contain and destroy it immediately!" An older councilman commented.

"A weapon that takes the souls and magic of the living in order to power it...something like this cannot be good…Not only that but this weapon even predates the age of Zeref, going into the age of dragons..." Another councilman commented.

"Well we currently don't know where this weapon actually resides. However, we do know that four orbs are required and they all reside on the same pedestal. Based on further analysis by the research team, these pedestals are the reason these orbs are able to charge soul energy. And from cross referencing information from cities and museums all over Fiore, we have found the last pedestal is in a town known as Marigold Town. Our best bet would be to secure the orb first before our unknown opposition does." Lahar finished.

"A threat of this level that possesses the power to destroy single towns by themselves already…" Gran Doma commented. "Yes, this must be dealt with immediately! Lahar, send a group over to Marigold Town immediately."

"Yes sir!" Lahar said. He turned around and quickly ran out the door of the meeting hall. Gran Doma stroked his long beard before continuing.

"For something like this...our custody units are still short on manpower. We'll need the help of the Ten Wizard Saints." Gran Doma said.

"But can we even get the Ten Wizard Saints to help us in time? Certainly numbers one through four won't join in for something of this level. And if you remember, we lost three members that were five through ten. We're short on Wizard Saints too!" A councilman added.

"So we'll have to rely on Fairy Tail and Lamia Scale for this operation then. I'm not opposed to having Iron Rock Jura assist with this, but we can't trust Fairy Tail. They may even bring more destruction than this weapon of darkness." Another councilman said. Gran Doma sighed as he watched the other councilmen talk about the situation amongst themselves.

'As much as I don't want to contact Fairy Tail... it looks like I don't have a choice.'
