Titanic Battle

Jura walked through the labyrinth, looking at the walls that surrounded him on each side. 'The caster of this magic must be incredibly strong to create walls and barriers that even when broken, can simply rebuild themselves. It doesn't help that the nature of this magic keeps me from sensing the others. Although with them all being Fairy Tail, I suppose they're alright.'

Jura continued walking down the long corridors until eventually, the corridor emptied out into an enormous flat courtyard area. Standing in the middle of the courtyard, was a tall man.

"Oh? You must be Franken Billy, at least according to the description." Jura said as he got closer. The man returned Jura's gaze and grinned.

"Iron Rock Jura of the Ten Wizard Saints. I've always wanted to fight one of you. I hear you're all incredibly strong." Franken Billy said. His grin grew wider and he raised his large arms up in front of him, cracking his knuckles.

"You flatter me, but I'm only at the very bottom. The rest of the saints are far stronger than me." Jura replied. "You're surprisingly hospitable for someone who destroyed an entire town."

"Then let me test if you're suitable for your nickname of the "Iron Rock." You may be called "Iron Rock," but there is no rock that I cannot crush!" Franken Billy yelled as his magical energy began to flare up. Jura's eyes widened as Franken Billy's size began to increase.

'Gigantification magic?!' Jura thought as he looked up. Franken Billy was now four times his original size. He raised his right arm into the air, winding it back as he clenched his hand into a fist. Jura quickly raised his right hand out in front of him with his index and middle fingers outstretched.

"Iron Rock Wall!"

As Franken Billy swung his giant fist down at Jura, a large wall of rocks raised in front of Jura, consisting of large cylindrical pillars. Billy's fist collided with the wall, causing the wall to crack as the ground shook.

"His physical strength is no joke…I'll have to be on the offensive" Jura commented as jumped back several meters. He watched the wall he made crumble as Franken Billy ran at Jura. Jura pointed his right hand towards him.

"Rock Avalanche!"

The ground in front of Jura separated, forming into large boulders as the rubble behind Franken Billy also rose into the air. Surrounded on all sides, Billy stopped in his tracks and put his arms up to brace himself as dozens of large boulders collided into him, creating a large cloud of dirt and dust in the process.

'Did that get him?' Jura thought as he looked into a large cloud. As the dust began to settle, he could see Billy's figure standing upright still. He had light bruises on his body and a small amount of blood dripped down from his lower lip.

"I'll admit, that kind of hurt." Billy commented. "But I would expect no less from one of the Ten Wizard Saints."

"Still standing huh?" Jura commented as he pointed his fingers again at Franken Billy, causing more rocks to launch in his direction. A smirk formed on Franken Billy's face as he lowered his guard. His skin turned into a metallic black color and the rocks collided with his body, with each rock shattering and crumbling into dust as it made contact with him.

"Hardening magic too?!" Jura exclaimed. Franken Billy lunged towards Jura, surprising him with his speed. Jura had not expected someone with such a sturdy hardening ability and size to still be able to move that fast. Franken Billy wound his fist back and delivered a punch with his massive right hand straight into Jura's body. Jura took the full force of the blow head on and was launched across the courtyard, colliding with one of the walls of the labyrinth. Jura coughed up blood as he slammed into the wall and fell to his knees.

'What a monster…' Jura thought as he looked up at Franken Billy walking slowly towards him. 'I'll need to restrain his movements.'

Jura raised his hand out in front of him and pointed two fingers at Franken Billy. Dozens of cylindrical pillars of earth shot out from the ground. Franken Billy grinned as his slow walk turned into a full sprint. He ran headfirst into the pillars, running through them as if they were not there at all.

Franken Billy swung his large hardened arm at Jura. Jura quickly raised the ground underneath Franken Billy's feet, causing his punch to whiff Jura. The gust of wind generated from the punch blew on Jura's face as Franken Billy was launched into the air.

'He can't hit me from here!' Jura pointed his right hand at Franken Billy as chunks of the Earth rose from the ground, tearing up the courtyard as they launched upwards into Franken Billy's body. The rocks collided with his hard skin, creating a large cloud of dust in the air.

"IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO IRON ROCK JURA?!" Franken Billy's voice yelled from the dust cloud. He rememerged, with parts of his skin cracked as he plummeted towards Jura. Jura clapped his hands together as Franken Billy wound his fist back.

"Iron Rock Wall!"

The Earth around Jura formed into large pillars that covered Jura as Franken Billy slammed straight into the formation. The ground shook as Franken Billy crashed into Jura's construction, causing it to come crumbling down. Jura emerged from the dust cloud, covered in heavy bruises. His left arm dangled limply as he landed on the ground as Jura placed his right hand on his left shoulder.

"His durability is something else...not to mention the power boost granted by his large size…" Jura commented as he watched Franken Billy's figure emerge from the cloud of dust. 'However...it appears that armored skin of his is reaching its limit.' Jura noted. Franken Billy's metallic black body was starting to show patches where his regular skin was showing and the smooth metallic black color had turned jagged with cracks.

'If I want to defeat him, I'll have to relentlessly assault him with everything I have. If he survives that, then I'm as good as dead.' Jura thought as he raised his right arm out in front of him. He flared his magic outwards, creating waves of yellow energy that surged from his body.

"Oh, taking me seriously now?" Franken Billy questioned. He tilted his neck to the right, cracking it in the process as a smirk formed on his face.

"It's all or nothing now!" Jura responded as he raised his right arm and pointed it at Franken Billy. A magic circle formed in front of Jura's palm as hundreds of large rocks were launched out of the magic circle at Franken Billy.

"Supreme King Rock Crush!"

Franken Billy braced himself as he charged forward towards the rocks, with each rock colliding with his body and breaking.

"HAAAAGGHH!" Jura yelled as he poured every ounce of magic he could muster into the attack. More rocks formed that were launched into Franken Billy. Franken Billy's charge noticeably slowed down as the rocks stopped breaking and instead began to pile up on him.

'I need...to keep going! I'll suppress him with rocks faster than he can break through them!' Jura thought as he continued pouring his magic into generating more rocks that collided into Franken Billy.

"Something like this...won't work on me!" Franken Billy grunted as he found himself getting smothered by more rocks than he could break. His size began to grow even further, but less and less of his body was covered by the strange black metal.

'Even if he grows, he's only creating more openings that I can take advantage of!' Jura launched several more large boulders into those open patches on Franken Billy. Franken Billy's eyes widened as he felt the sharp pain of the large rocks dig into his skin. He coughed up blood as more rocks continued to cover him.

'He keeps fighting back...even my magic is starting to run low at this point!' Jura thought. 'But I'll give it everything I have into this!' Jura clenched his right hand in front of him, turning it into a fist and causing the large pile of boulders in front of him to give off a bright yellow grow. The ground began to rumble as the boulders compressed. Eventually, the ground stopped shaking and a large mountain of boulders remained still right in front of Jura.

"That must have been his limit. Although, I'm fairly close to my own. I can't imagine how strong their leader is...I hope the others are doing alright. We may need all five of us to even stand a chance…"