Fire Dragon's Might

Previously, Night of July 1st

After the guild dispersed, Meliodas stood alone in the park gazing up at the sky. He turned his head as he heard footsteps getting closer to him and saw it was Natsu.

"There you are! Erza told me to find you. She has more questions about that cool fire sword you gave her!" Natsu said. "And man, those flames tasted really good!"

"Oh, alright I'll go see her then." Meliodas said.

"But before that, we should have a fight! I hear Jellal trained with you over the seven years and seeing how strong he is now really got me fired up!" Natsu said with a grin.

"I don't think you're quite ready to fight me on that level yet. Although, from what I can tell of you, you've grown quite a lot for only having three months of training." Meliodas said. "Maybe now you can beat Max."

"Yeah! I trained super hard! It wasn't just cause of Max though...Meliodas, you've always been bailing us out of tough situations. It all started from Phantom Lord when you saved us from that Jupiter Canon. Then it happened again with Laxus, the Oracion Seis, Edolas, and Grimoire Heart on Tenrou. Then I hear about how much of a monster you are after seven years and I feel like the gap got even bigger and that I really needed to catch up! I know you're not gonna be around forever to protect the guild, so I gotta step up and take that spot as Fairy Tail's strongest!" Natsu said. Meliodas looked at Natsu, surprised at his open admiration.

"Well that case, I think I know someone who can help you close that gap just a bit." Meliodas said, much to Natsu's surprise. "Follow me."


"So you want me to open Natsu's second origin?" Ultear asked.

"Yup." Meliodas said.

"Second Origin? What's that?" Natsu asked.

"It's a secondary magic container that every mage has within their body. Sometimes, one can open it by themselves through hard work, but I can speed up the process and open it manually with my arc of time." Ultear answered.

"Won't he go through a lot of pain though?" Meredy asked. "I remember Gray, Wendy, and Lucy being unable to stand at all and they were sore for days after that. Although Erza handled it just fine"

"If Erza can handle it, I can too!" Natsu said eagerly.

"If you weren't participating in the games, then maybe. But this will cripple you for the duration of the magic games." Ultear said.

"I think he'll be fine." Meliodas said.

"If you insist on it Meliodas and if Natsu really wants to, I'll open his second origin. Come here Natsu." Ultear said as she gestured for Natsu to come closer. Natsu walked up to Ultear and Ultear placed a hand on his chest. Suddenly, strange markings began to form all over Natsu's body and he winced at the pain.

Meliodas' eyes widened as he sensed an enormous boost in magic power from Natsu immediately. Ultear stared at Natsu, surprised as Natsu remained standing up.

"Hey, this doesn't feel so bad!" Natsu said with a grin. "It doesn't hurt anymore!"

"Hmm...his second origin was very easy to open. Easier to open than Erza's in fact. I suspect you were about 95% of the way already towards opening it." Ultear said.

"I already feel a lot stronger! Like I trained for double the time!" Natsu shouted. "This gets me all fired up. Alright Meliodas, let's fight!"

"Oh no you don't! It was already a risk enough for Meliodas to bring you here! I'm not having you bust us by getting into a battle! Jellal and Meliodas have already done that enough! If you're going to fight, do it away from the city." Ultear shouted angrily.

"Fine, fine. We'll do it far away." Meliodas said nonchalantly.


"I was wondering why it took so long for Natsu to find you and bring you back that night since he's generally good at tracking people." Erza commented.

"So you ended up fighting Natsu then? How did that go?" Laxus asked.

"As you would expect." Meliodas said with a cheeky grin. "But, that second origin really boosted him up. I think he would be a match for even you now Laxus."

"Is that so?" Laxus said with a grin as he turned back to the arena to look at Natsu.

"Alright, I'm all fired up! Here I go!" Natsu shouted as flames boosted from his feet and he jumped straight towards Sting and Rogue. Both Sting and Rogue looked in shock as flames covered Natsu's arms and he appeared between them.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" Natsu shouted as he waved his arms, causing large waves of fire to knock the two dragon slayers off their feet and to different sides of the arena separating them.

"I'm not letting Salamander outdo me here!" Gajeel said as he charged in towards Rogue.

"Then I got Sting!" Natsu said as he charged towards Sting who was on the ground. Sting immediately stood back up and began charging magic in his mouth.

"White Dragon's Roar!"

A compressed laser of light shot out of Sting's mouth straight towards Natsu. Natsu continued forward and raised his right hand up, swatting the laser away and deflecting it up into the air.

"What?!" Sting exclaimed in shock as Natsu jumped up into the air and put both hands to his sides, igniting his hands before bringing them together as he fell straight down towards Sting.

"Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!"

Sting's eyes widened as he found himself engulfed by a huge explosion of flames that rose up into a massive pillar almost the height of the arena. The force of the attack caused the arena beneath them to crack and crumble. Gajeel and Rogue who were fighting each other at the other side of the arena noticed the arena floor begin to cave in beneath them.

"What the hell Salamander?!" Gajeel shouted as he lost his footing on the ground and began falling.

"IT APPEARS THE ARENA HAS BEEN DESTROYED ONCE AGAIN. SO WE WILL BE DISPLAYING THE REMAINDER OF THIS FIGHT ON LACRIMA VISION!" Chapati announced as several large screens appeared floating over the hole of the arena.

"Uwahhh!" Natsu shouted as he burst out from the rubble that had fallen on top of him. In front of him, he saw Sting trying to get back up. Natsu immediately noticed the change in Sting's appearance, having white scales spread along the side of his face and arms. Despite the change, his body was covered head to toe in heavy burns.

"Dammit…I'd be out from that attack if I entered Dragon Force any later…" Sting grunted. Next to Sting, a shadow rose out of the ground, taking the form of Rogue.

"So we're going to use that then." Rogue said as his magic began to flare up and black scales started to grow on the sides of his face.

"They can enter Dragon Force at will?" Gajeel questioned.

"This just got interesting!" Natsu said as he cracked his knuckles. "I'll take you both on!"

"You forget I'm here Salamander?!" Gajeel exclaimed. A sinister smirk formed on Natsu's face as he looked at Gajeel.

"What are you looking at me like that for Sala-"

Natsu suddenly pushed Gajeel onto a nearby minecart, kicking Gajeel down to the mines below as his motion sickness overcame him.

"D-dammit...S-salamander…" Gajeel grumbled.

" really plan on only fighting us by yourself?" Sting asked.

"I have no interest in fighting you Natsu. The only one I wanted to fight is now on a minecart and long gone." Rogue said.

"Well you guys don't have much of a choice now do ya? So come at me!" Natsu shouted as he flared his magic up.

"You asked for this Natsu!" Sting shouted as he jumped up into the air. "White Dragon's Holy Breath!"

Sting took a deep breath in, gathering up a huge amount of magic in his mouth before exhaling it all out in one large breath attack. A grin formed on Natsu's face as flames erupted from beneath his feet and he jumped towards the blast, his entire body clad in flames.

"Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!"

Natsu collided with the blast, creating a massive explosion behind him as he pierced straight through the breath, his head slamming right into Sting's torso. Sting stared in shock at Natsu's power before wincing in pain and being knocked away.

Natsu emerged relatively unscathed and landed on the ground. Just as he landed, a shadow appeared next to him as Rogue rose from the ground.

"Shadow Dragon's-"

"I don't think so!" Natsu shouted as he grabbed Rogue by the face as he materialized. Before Rogue could do anything, Natsu threw him high into the air straight towards the hole in the arena. As Natsu looked up above him, he widened his stance and took a deep breath in.

Rogue's eyes widened as he sensed a tremendous amount of magical power building up within Natsu. Natsu opened his mouth and let forth a tremendous beam of fire right towards Rogue.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

As the crowd watched on the lacrima vision, the lacrima vision was suddenly engulfed by a huge beam of bright flames that shot upwards straight into the sky while the sides of the hole in the arena began to melt.

"Damn...such overwhelming power...I couldn't even get a chance to properly fight Gajeel…" Rogue said quietly as he fell to the ground.



Sabertooth: 52

Fairy Tail: 50

Mermaid Heel: 30

Blue Pegasus: 30

Lamia Scale: 28

Quatro Cerberus: 14
