Advent of the Netherworld

Two Months Later, September X791

Parliament of Magic Congress, Era.

The nine members of the council were seated around a white rectangular table in the middle of a spacious room with black and white chess patterned floor tiles. The council members leaned back on their chairs, with their arms resting comfortably on the armrests.

"It appears Fairy Tail won the Grand Magic Games this time…" One council member said.

"Oh great. Those troublemakers. We'll never hear the end of them now." Another replied.

"However, there's also the issue with Meliodas' connection with Crime Sorciere. Evidence indicates that their partnership existed for far longer than shown at the Grand Magic Games." A council member added.

"But can we really punish him? He's assisted us more than any wizard in taking down powerful dark guilds and has done plentiful personal jobs for the council." Another council member mentioned.

"Let's say we were to punish him. How would we actually detain him? He's displayed strength that far surpasses even Jura of the Ten Wizard Saints. There has been talk that he is on the level of the Four Gods of Ishgar." A council member said.

"If we detain him, think of how Fairy Tail would react! They've grown considerably stronger. There's no doubt in my mind they would do something as reckless as to attempt to rescue him. And that's not taking into consideration the ties he has with Crime Sorciere. How would we handle both Fairy Tail and Crime Sorciere?!" One of the council members exclaimed.

"Hmph, that's provided we get the go ahead to bring him in. How exactly do you suppose we can hold him? His physical strength will make it especially easy for him to break out as he does not rely solely on magic for his raw power."

The group continued debating as a loud thud reverberated throughout the room. It came from the main seat in the meeting room from a tall and elderly man with long graying hair and a long beard. He was clad in fitted armor with an ornate cape draped over his shoulders. He was also wearing a traditional wizard hat and carrying a large staff with the serpent at the end.

"Silence everyone." Gran Doma's voice echoed throughout the meeting hall.

"Today's discussion isn't about Meliodas. Despite his recklessness, he has provided far more assistance than anyone. I already informed someone to ask him to come in and speak regarding his relationship with Crime Sorciere. At this moment, there are far more pressing issues at the moment."

"So we're just going to let him go with a slap on the wrist." One councilman rose with an aggrieved expression.

"I see, then how do you propose we detain him. Will you be personally acting?" Gran Doma asked.

"I…" The council man sat back down.

"Although I would like to capture Jellal, We can't split our focus at this time. Especially with Tartarus's recent upheaval. Which brings us to the main point today." Gran doma said.

The room became quiet at the mention of Tartarus.

"As you all know, guilds thought to be affiliated with Tartarus have all been wiped out within the last 7 days."

"Is it Crime Sorciere?" Another council member asked.

"Or it could be Fairy tail."

"Maybe with great power, comes a great desire to show off?"

"I don't think it's very fair to pin everything on them." An elderly councilman replied.

"Org, you always have a soft spot for Fairy Tail."

"This is just a hypothetical, but what if the perpetrators are Tartarus themselves?"

"Why would they do that to their own subsidiaries?"

"There are grounds to believe that it could be a method to strengthen their forces whilst simultaneously cutting off their weaknesses." Org replied.

"Org, you must getting senile."

"Silence." Gran Doma struck his staff again, silencing the room in an instant.

"Whatever it may be, now is the time to deal with Tartarus after turning a blind eye to them for so long."

Right outside the meeting hall in a long corridor leading to it, Meliodas walked next to Lahar.

"What's this about Lahar?" Meliodas asked as he put his arms behind his head nonchalantly.

"It's about your recent involvement with Crime Sorciere." Lahar said, amused at Meliodas's carefree attitude.

"But I've been working with them for years." Meliodas said as he chuckled.

"You what..?" Lahar almost stumbled as he heard what Meliodas said. He turned back in shock, however Meliodas continued laughing. 'He's…not serious right?'

"Well whatever it is, let's make it quick. I'd rather be at the guild right now drinking some booze with my guild members." Meliodas commented.

"I am sure it wouldn't take that long-" However, before Lahar finished, a massive explosion was heard. The building shook and began to crumble as a series of chain explosions occurred. The corridor in front of them and behind them filled with bright light as flames and debris cascaded over them. Meliodas immediately wrapped Lahar with his darkness, protecting him from the explosions. Meliodas rushed into the main meeting hall, kicking the door down as he jumped through the fire and flames.

There he saw Doranbolt and Org lying on the ground. Several other councilmen were nearby, their bodies limp and either covered with burns or crushed by debris. A man immediately appeared over Org, placing his hand on top of his head. The intruder was a young muscular man, with a number of animalistic features. He had dark blonde hair, reaching down to his shoulders and covering the left side of his face, and hair that juts upwards on top of his head in a pair of prominent protrusions shaped like ears Hisnose was small and black like a canine's and he had a furry tail protruding from his lower back, colored the same as his hair, and pointed, triangular fang-like teeth.

"No no no, letting you live isn't an option." The strange man's hand began to glow as he gripped tighter onto Org's head.

Doranbolt attempted to move and reached his hand out towards Org. He immediately stopped and winced in pain, finding himself unable to get up.


"The name is Jackal, one of the nine demon gates of Tartarus. Remember that in hell." Jackal's hand began to glow brighter and brighter and Org's eyes widened in fear.

Suddenly, the glowing stopped as Jackal lost the feeling of his arm. Jackal paused briefly, trying to comprehend what exactly just happened. He looked down to see that his arm was missing below the elbow and Org was no longer in front of him. Jackal winced in pain and felt a chilling presence behind him. He quickly turned around and saw a young boy holding his arm as he stood in front of Org.

"Well, well, well."